EL23-016 - In the Matter of the Application of NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy for Authority to Increase Its Electric Rates
Date Filed: 06/15/23 ♦ Intervention Date: 08/11/23
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/22/23 ♦ Docket Closed: 01/17/24
July 11, 2023, Agenda of Commission Meeting
January 9, 2024, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the July 11, 2023 Commission Meeting
Minutes of the January 9, 2024 Commission Meeting
Click For Comments and Responses
Orders:- 07/12/23 - Order Suspending Operation of Proposed Rates; Order Assessing Filing Fee; Order Authorizing Consulting Contracts
- 01/10/24 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 01/17/24 - Amended Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 06/15/23 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy dba NorthWestern Energy's Application
- Volume 1 Contents
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Statement A - Balance Sheet
- Statement B - Income Statement
- Statement C - Retained Earnings
- Statement D - Cost of Plant
- Schedule D-1 - Detailed plant accounts
- Schedule D-2 - Plant addition and retirement for test period
- Schedule D-3 - Working papers showing plant accounts on average basis for test period
- Schedule D-4 - Plant account working papers for previous years
- Schedule D-5 - Working papers on capitalizing interest and other overheads during construction
- Schedule D-6 - Changes in intangible plant working papers
- Schedule D-7 - Working papers on plant in service not used and useful
- Schedule D-8 - Property records working papers
- Schedule D-9 - Working papers for plant acquired for which regulatory approval has not been obtained
- Schedule D-1 - Detailed plant accounts
- Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation
- Schedule E-1 - Working papers on recorded changes to accumulated depreciation
- Schedule E-2 - Working papers on depreciation and amortization method
- Schedule E-3 - Working papers on allocation of overall accounts
- Statement F - Working Capital
- Statement G - Rate of Return, Debt Capital, Preferred Stock Capital, Common Stock Capital
- Statement H - Operating and Maintenance Expenses and Schedule H-1 - Adjustments to operating and maintenance expenses
- Schedule H-2 - Cost of power and gas
- Schedule H-2 - Cost of power and gas Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule H-3 - Working papers for listed expense accounts
- Schedule H-4 - Working papers for interdepartmental transactions
- Schedule H-5 - Labor, payroll taxes and 401K adjustment
- Schedule H-6 - BGGS O&M adjustment
- Schedule H-7 - Bad debt adjustment
- Schedule H-8 - Aircraft adjustment
- Schedule H-9 – Rate case expense
- Schedule H-10 - Incentive adjustments
- Schedule H-11 - Claims adjustment
- Schedule H-12 - Interest synchronization
- Schedule H-13 - Carrying charges adjustment
- Schedule H-14 - Storms adjustment
- Schedule H-15 - Vegetation Management adjustment
- Schedule H-2 - Cost of power and gas
- Statement I - Operating Revenues
- Statement J - Depreciation Expense
- Statement K - Income Taxes
- Schedule K-1 - Working papers for federal income taxes
- Schedule K-2 - Differences in book and tax depreciation
- Schedule K-3 - Working papers for consolidated federal income tax
- Schedule K-4 - Working papers for an allowance for current tax greater than tax calculated at consolidated rate
- Schedule K-5 - Working papers for claimed allowances for state income taxes
- Schedule K-1 - Working papers for federal income taxes
- Statement L - Other Taxes
- Statement M - Overall Cost of Service
- Statement N - Allocated Cost of Service - Adjusted
- Statement N - Allocated Cost of Service - Per Books
- Statement O - Comparison of Cost of Service
- Schedule O-1 - Summary
- Schedule O-2 - Residential
- Schedule O-3 - Irrigation
- Schedule O-4 - General Service
- Schedule O-5 - Commercial Water Heating
- Schedule O-6 - Commercial Space Heating & Cooling
- Schedule O-7 - All Inclusive Commercial
- Schedule O-8 - Commercial & Industrial
- Schedule O-9 - Large Commercial & Industrial
- Schedule O-10 - Municipal
- Schedule O-11 - Controlled Off Peak
- Schedule O-12 – Point to Point Distribution Only Rate 38
- Statement P - Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor
- Statement P - Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule P-1 – Yankton Sioux Tribe Discount Program
- Schedule P-1 – Yankton Sioux Tribe Discount Program Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule P-1 – Yankton Sioux Tribe Discount Program Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule P-1 – Yankton Sioux Tribe Discount Program
- Statement P - Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor Confidential (not available to the public)
- Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- Statement R - Purchases from Affiliated Companies
- Volume 2
- Brian B. Bird's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Crystal D. Lail's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Adrien M. McKenzie's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Exhibit__AMM-1 - Qualifications of Adrien M. McKenzie
- Exhibit__AMM-2 - Summary of Results
- Exhibit__AMM-3 - Capital Structure
- Exhibit__AMM-4 - Regulatory Mechanisms
- Exhibit__AMM-5 - DCF Model – Utility Group
- Exhibit__AMM-6 -BR & SV Growth Rate
- Exhibit__AMM-7 - CAPM – Utility Group
- Exhibit__AMM-8 - Empirical CAPM – Utility Group
- Exhibit__AMM-9 - Risk Premium – Utility Group
- Exhibit__AMM-10 - Expected Earnings – Utility Group
- Exhibit__AMM-11 - Flotation Cost Study
- Exhibit__AMM-12 - DDCF Model – Non-Utility Group
- Jeffrey B. Berzina's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Aaron J. Bjorkman's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- John J. Spanos' Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Jeffrey J. Decker's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Paul M. Normand's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Bleau J. LaFave's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Bradley S. Wenande's Prefiled Direct Testimony
- Volume 1 Contents
- 07/10/23 - PUC Staff's First Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 08/01/23 - PUC Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 08/17/23 - PUC Staff’s Third Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 08/23/23 - PUC Staff’s Fourth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 09/13/23 - PUC Staff’s Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 10/04/23 - PUC Staff’s Sixth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 10/20/23 - PUC Staff’s Seventh Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 12/20/23 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy dba NorthWestern Energy and PUC Staff's Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 12/20/23 - PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation (Public)
- PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment A - Summary of Revenue Requirement Issues
- Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit__(PJS-1) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit__(PJS-1) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit__(PJS-1) Schedule 3 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit__(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit__(PJS-2) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit__(PJS-3) - Bad Debt Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit__(PJS-4) - Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit__(PJS-5) - Cash Working Capital Adjustment
- Exhibit__(PJS-6) - Advanced Tax Collections Adjustment
- Exhibit__(PJS-7) - Working Capital Updates Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital (Public)
- Exhibit__(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit__(JG-1) - Depreciation for New Rates Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BAM-1) - Association Dues Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BAM-2) - Claims & Injury Compensation Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BAM-3) - Vegetation Management Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BAM-4) - Steam Power Maintenance Adjustment
- Exhibit__(BAM-5) - NERC Relay Substation Testing Expense Normalization Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 1 - Rate Case Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 2 - Advertising Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 3 - General Advertising Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 4 - Post Test Year Additions/Retirements Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 5 - Remove Huron 1 Adjustment
- Exhibit__(EJP-1) Schedule 6 - Normalizing Additions/Retirements During Test Year Adjustment
- Exhibit__(JMR-1) Schedule 1 - Labor Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit__(JMR-1) Schedule 2 - Payroll Taxes Adjustment
- Exhibit__(JMR-1) Schedule 3 - 401k Expense Adjustment
- Rate Design
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 1 - Revenue Increase Comparison
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 2 - Rate Design by Customer Class
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-1 - Residential Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-2 - Irrigation Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-3 - Commercial Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-4 - Commercial & Industrial Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-5 - Municipal Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-6 - Reddy-Guard Lighting Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-7 - Highway, Street, & Area Lighting Rate Schedules
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 3-8 - Point to Point Rate Schedule
- Exhibit__(BAM-6) Schedule 4 - Residential Service Bill Comparison
- 01/03/24 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy dba NorthWestern Energy's Filing regarding Settlement Stipulation Revised Exhibit 5
- 01/08/24 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy dba NorthWestern Energy's Filing regarding Revised Exhibit 2
- Revised Exhibit 2 - Phase in Rate Plan Rider (see 01/10/24 filing)
- 01/10/24 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy dba NorthWestern Energy's Filing regarding Revised Exhibit 2
- 01/16/24 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Revised Exhibit 4 (Partial)
- 01/17/24 - Docket Closed