NG22-005 - In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy Company for Authority to Increase its Natural Gas Rates
Date Filed: 05/18/22 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/22/22
Date of Notice of Filing: 05/19/22 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/31/23
Date of Notice of Filing: 05/19/22 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/31/23
June 8, 2022, Agenda of Commission Meeting
July 5, 2022, Agenda of Commission Meeting
March 28, 2023 Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the June 8, 2022 Commission Meeting
Minutes of the July 5, 2022 Commission Meeting
Minutes of the March 28, 2023 Commission Meeting
Click for Comments and Responses
Natural Gas Rate Increase Request Information Guide
Orders:- 06/10/22 - Order Assessing Filing Fee; Order Suspending Operation of Proposed Rates; Order Authorizing Executive Director to Enter Into Consulting Contracts
- 07/07/22 - Order Granting Intervention (Steven Wegman)
- 03/31/23 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation; Order Approving Settlement Stipulation; Order Approving Refund Plan
- 05/18/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Application
- Volume I
- Transmittal Letter
- Notice of Change in Rates
- Attestation
- Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Comparison of Sales, Services and Revenues
Rate Comparisons - Comparison of Rates
- Statements and Support Schedules: A through R
- Statement A - Balance Sheet (Excel format)
- Statement B - Income Statement (Excel format)
- Statement C - Earned Surplus Statement (Excel format)
- Statement D - Cost of Plant
(Excel format)
- D-1 - Detailed Plant Accounts (Excel format)
- D-2 - Plant Addition and Retirement for Test Period (Excel format)
- D-3 - Plant Accounts on Average Basis for Test Period (Excel format)
- D-4 - Book Changes in Gas Plant in Service - Previous Years (Excel format)
- D-5 - Interest and Other Overheads
- D-6 - Changes in Intangible Plant
- D-7 - Plant in Service Not Used and Useful
- D-8 - Property Records
- D-9 - Plant Acquired for Which Regulatory Approval has not been Obtained
- Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation (Excel format)
- Statement F - Working Capital
(Excel format)
- F-1 - Monthly Balances for Materials and Supplies (Excel format)
- F-2 - Monthly balances for Materials and Supplies for Two Years Immediately Preceding Test Year
- F-2 - Monthly balances for Materials and Supplies 2019 (Excel format)
- F-2 - Monthly balances for Materials and Supplies 2020 (Excel format)
- F-3 - Cash Working Capital (Excel format)
- Workpaper F-3 - Cash Working Capital (Excel format)
- Statement G
- Rate of Return (Excel format)
- Preferred Stock Capital
- Debt Capital (Excel format)
- Common Stock Capital
- G-1 - Stock Dividends, Stock Splits or Changes in Stated or Par Value
- G-2 - Common Stock Information (Excel format)
- G-3 - Reacquisition of Bonds or Preferred Stock (Excel format)
- G-4 - Earnings per Share for Claimed Rate of Return (Excel format)
- Statement H - Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- H-1 - Adjustments to Operation and Maintenance Expenses (Excel format)
- H-2- Cost of Gas (Excel format)
- H-3 - Selected Account Detail (Excel format)
- H-4 - Working Papers forInterdepartmental Transactions (Excel format)
- Statement I - Revenues, Sales and Average Customers (Excel format)
- Statement J - Depreciation Expense (Excel format)
- J-1 - Expense Charged Other Than Prescribed Depreciation (Excel format)
- Statement K - Income Taxes
- K-1 - Workpapers for Income Taxes
- K-1 - Income Taxes 2017 Confidential (not available to the public)
- K-1 - Income Taxes 2018 Confidential (not available to the public)
- K-1 - Income Taxes 2019 Confidential (not available to the public)
- K-1 - Income Taxes 2020 Confidential (not available to the public)
- K-2 - Differences in Book and Tax Depreciation (Excel format)
- K-3 - Workpapers for Consolidated Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public) (Excel format)
- K-4 - Working Papers for an Allowance for Current Tax Greater than Tax Calculated at Consolidated Rate
- K-5 - Working Papers for Claimed Allowances for State Income Taxes )
- K-1 - Workpapers for Income Taxes
- Statement L - Other Taxes (Excel format)
- Statement M - Overall Cost of Service
- Statement N - Allocated Cost of Service (Excel format)
- Statement O - Comparison of Cost of Service
(Excel format)
- Statement O - Workpapers for Comparison of Cost of Service (Excel format)
- Statement P - Fuel Cost Adjustment Factor Confidential (not available to the public) (Excel format)
- Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- Statement R - Purchases from Affiliated Companies
- Volume II
- Direct Testimony of Nick J. Nation (Policy)
- Exhibit NJN 1.1 - Pro Forma Project List (Excel format)
- Direct Testimony of Blake M. Groen (Revenue Requirement, Income Statement, Capital
- Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedules 1-27 (Excel format)
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 2 - South Dakota Gas Operating Income Statement with Pro Forma Adjustments
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 5 - Payroll Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 7 - Retirement Plan Cost Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 9 - Test Year Sales Growth Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 10 - Meter Reading Labor Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 12 - Late Payment Charge Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 13 - LTIP Cost Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 14 - Tax Expense Revenue Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 15 - PGA Costs and Revenue Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 16 - Economic Development Cost Pro Forma Adjustment
- Workpaper - Exhibit BMG 1.1 - Schedule 17 - Revenue Reclass
- Direct Testimony of Aimee S. Rooney (Rate Base)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Schedules 1-7 (Excel format)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Workpaper B - Project In-Service During Test Year (Excel format)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Workpaper C - System Reliability (Excel format)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Workpaper D - Integrity Management (Excel format)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Workpaper E - Business Transformation (Excel format)
- Exhibit ASR 1.1 - Workpaper F - Depreciation Study Rates (Excel format)
- Direct Testimony of John J. Spanos (Depreciation)
- Direct Testimony of Ann E. Bulkley (Rate of Return on Equity)
- Exhibit AEB 1.1 - Schedules 2-11 (Excel format)
- Direct Testimony Amanda A. Hosch (Class Cost of Service,Rate Design,Weather Normalization Adjustment,Tariffs, Cash Working Capital, Rate Case Expense)
- Exhibit AAH 1.1 - Schedule A - Gas Tariff
- Exhibit AAH 1.1 - Schedule B - Cash Working Capital (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.1 - Schedule C - Rate Case Expense (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 - Schedule A - Gas Cost of Service Functional Allocators (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 - Schedule B - Gas Cost of Service Results (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 Schedule C - Derivation (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 - Schedule D - Proposed Gas Rates (Excel format)
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 - Schedule E - Gas Weather Normalization Pro Forma Results
- Exhibit AAH 1.2 - Schedule F - Explanation of Weather Normalization Pro Forma Adjustment
- Direct Testimony of Nick J. Nation (Policy)
- Volume I
- 05/19/22 - Ann E. Bulkley, Exhibit AEB 1.1 - Schedule 1
- 05/27/22 - Staff's First Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 06/03/22 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Notices to Customers
- Notice of Proposed LVI Large Volume Interruptible Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed LVT Large Volume Transportation Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed MTM Medium Transport Monthly Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed MVS Non-Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed MVS Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed MVT Medium Volume Transportation Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed NFS Non-Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed NFS Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed SSS Small Seasonal Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed STM Small Transport Monthly Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed SVI Small Volume Interruptible Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed SVS Non-Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed SVS Residential Rate Increase
- Notice of Proposed Rate Increase on MidAmerican Website
- 06/10/22 - Steven Wegman’s Request to Intervene
- 06/27/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Response to Steven Wegman's Petition to Intervene
- 06/29/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Certificate of Service to Steven Wegman
- 07/05/22 - Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 07/11/22 - Staff's Third Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 07/20/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Response to Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 07/25/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Response to Staff's Third Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 08/01/22 - Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 08/26/22 - Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 09/12/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company’s Response to Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 10/03/22 - Staff's Sixth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 10/06/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company’s Letter regarding Notice of Intent to Implement Interim Natural Gas Rates
- 10/11/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company’s Sixth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 11/02/22 - MidAmerican Energy Company’s Supplemental Response to Data Request No. 5-07 Certificate of Service
- 03/14/23 - Parties' Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 03/14/23 - PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation
- PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 1 - SD Gas Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 2 - SD Gas Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 3 - SD Gas Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(EJP-2) Schedule 1 - SD Gas Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(EJP-2) Schedule 2 - SD Gas Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 1 - Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 2 - Rate Case Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 3 - Association Dues Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 4 - Bad Debt Expense
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 5 - Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 6 - Advanced Tax Collections
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 7 - Working Capital Updates
- Exhibit___(EJP-3) Schedule 8 - Gain on Sale of Land
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) - Project In-Service During Test Year
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) - System Reliability
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) - Depreciation on Rate Base Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-4) - Depreciation Study Rates Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-5) - Retirements Associated with Post Test Year Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-6) - Gas ERT Project
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) - Integrity Management
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) - Business Transformation
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) - Performance Incentive Plan Adjustment
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) - LTIP Adjustment
- Exhibit___(JMR-1) - Payroll Adjustment
- Rate Design
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 1 - Rate Design by Customer Class
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 2-1 - Small Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 2-2 - Medium Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 2-3 - Large Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 2-4 - Farm Tap Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(JMR-2) Schedule 3 - Small Volume Sales Bill Comparison
- Revenue Requirement with 2023 Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-4) Schedule 1 - SD Gas Revenue Requirement with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-4) Schedule 2 - SD Gas Operating Income Statement Summary with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-4) Schedule 3 - SD Gas Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-5) Schedule 1 - SD Gas Rate Base Summary with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-5) Schedule 2 - SD Gas Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-6) Schedule 1 - Interest Synchronization Adjustment with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-6) Schedule 2 - Bad Debt Expense with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-6) Schedule 3 - Cash Working Capital with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(EJP-6) Schedule 4 - Advanced Tax Collections with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-7) - System Reliability with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) - Depreciation on Rate Base Adjustments with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-9) - Retirements Associated with Post Test Year Plant Additions with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) - Gas ERT Project with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) - Integrity Management with Plant Additions
- Rate Design with 2023 Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 1 - Rate Design by Customer Class with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 2-1 - Small Service Schedules with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 2-2 - Medium Service Schedules with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 2-3 - Large Service Schedules with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 2-4 - Farm Tap Service Schedules with Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(JMR-3) Schedule 3 - Small Volume Sales Bill Comparison with Plant Additions
- 03/16/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Notices to Customers and Interim Refund Plan
- Interim Refund Plan
- Interim Refund Factor Calculation
- Notice of Large Volume Transportation Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Large Volume Interruptible Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Medium Volume Transportation Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Medium Transport Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Medium Volume Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Medium Volume Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Small Transport Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Small Seasonal Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Small Volume Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Small Volume Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of Small Volume Interruptible Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of NFS Farm Tap Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Notice of NFS Farm Tap Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Certificate of Service
- 03/28/23 - Revised PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation
- Revised PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation Confidential (not available to the public)
- 03/31/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Revised Notices to Customers
- Revised Notice of Large Volume Transportation Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Large Volume Interruptible Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Medium Volume Transportation Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Medium Transport Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Medium Volume Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Medium Volume Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Small Transport Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Small Seasonal Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Small Volume Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Small Volume Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of Small Volume Interruptible Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of NFS Farm Tap Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Revised Notice of NFS Farm Tap Non-Residential Natural Gas Delivery Rate Increase
- Certificate of Service
- 03/31/23 - Docket Closed
- 04/28/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding its Clause CIPA - Capital Investment Phase-in Adjustment Quarterly Compliance Filing for Period Ending March 31, 2023
- 07/25/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding its Clause CIPA - Capital Investment Phase-in Adjustment Quarterly Compliance Filing for Period Ending June 30, 2023
- 08/25/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding its Interim Rate Refund Compliance Filing
- 10/26/23 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding its Clause CIPA - Capital Investment Phase-in Adjustment Quarterly Compliance Filing for Period Ending September 30, 2023
- 03/14/24 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding its Clause CIPA - Capital Investment Phase-in Adjustment Quarterly Compliance Filing for Period Ending December 31, 2023