HP22-002 – In the Matter of the Application of Navigator Heartland Greenway, LLC for a Permit Under The South Dakota Energy Conversion and Transmission Facilities Act to Construct the Heartland Greenway Pipeline in South Dakota
Evidentiary Hearing Exhibits
Navigator CO2 Ventures LLC- 07/18/23 - Navigator CO2 Ventures LLC's Letter regarding Witness and Exhibits List
- 07/19/23 - N1 - Prefiled Direct and Supplemental Direct Testimony of Brandi Naughton with Attached Exhibits
- N2 - Prefiled Direct Testimony of David Giles with Attached Exhibits.
- N3 - Prefiled Direct Testimony of Elizabeth Burns-Thompson with Attached Exhibits.
- N4 - Prefiled Direct, Amended Direct, and Supplemental Direct Testimony of Jonathon Muller with Attached Exhibits
- N5 - Prefiled Direct, Supplemental Direct, and Rebuttal Testimony of Stephen Lee with Attached Exhibits
- N6 - Prefiled Direct and Supplemental Direct Testimony of Vidal Rosa with Attached Exhibits
- N7 - Prefiled Direct Testimony of Brian Brinkman
- N8 - Prefiled Direct Testimony of Jared McEntaffer with Attached Exhibits (revised, refiled 07/28/23)
- N9 - Prefiled direct testimony of Jeff Allen with Attached Exhibits
- N10 - Prefiled Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of John Godfrey with Attached Exhibits
- Exhibit B to Direct Testimony Designated Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B to Direct Testimony Designated Confidential (not available to the public)
- N11 - Prefiled Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of Mark Hereth with Attached Exhibits
- N12 - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Jeffrey L. Pray
- N13 - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Laura McGlothlin with Attached Exhibits
- N14 - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Steve Brandenburg
- N15 - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Monica Howard with Attached xEhibits
- N16 - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Harrison
- N17 - Moody County Structure and Corporate Limits Buffer Map
- N18 - Moody County’s Discovery Answers to Navigator
- N19 - HGS Environmental Construction Guidance Revised Version
- N20 - Permit Application
- N21 - Updated Permit Table 1.8-1
- N22 - Reserved
- N23 - Reserved
- N24 - Reserved
- N25 - Reserved
- N26 - Reserved
- N27 - Reserved
- N28 - Application Exhibit A7 – Public Facilities Map (Response to Staff DR 1-15)
- N29 - Signed Application Verification (Response to Staff DR 1-13)
- N30 - 1/25/22 SDGFP Comment Letter (Staff DR 3-1)
- N31 - 10/3/22 SDGFP Comment Letter (Staff DR 3-1)
- N32 - Union Letters of Intent (Staff DR 3-7)
- N33 - South Dakota HCA Overview Map (Staff DR 4-3) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N34 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s First Data Requests
- N35 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Second Data Requests
- N36 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Third Data Requests
- N37 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Fourth Data Requests
- N38 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Fifth Data Requests
- N39 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Sixth Data Requests
- N39 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Sixth Data Requests Confidential (not available to the public)
- N40 - Navigator’s Responses to Staff’s Seventh Data Requests
- N41 - Navigator’s Second Supplemental Responses to Staff’s Third Data Requests
- N42 - Valve Map with HCA Impact Confidential (not available to the public)
- N43 - HGS Emergency Management System Guidance and Framework Confidential (not available to the public)
- N44 - Navigator’s Fifth Supplemental Response to Staff’ First Data Requests
- N45 - HGS Draft Emergency Response Plan Draft Confidential (not available to the public)
- N46 - Navigator’s Amended Supplemental Responses to Staff’s Fifth Data Requests
- N47 - Air Dispersion Guidance with App. B (DR 5-10) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N48 - Navigator’s Supplemental Response to Staff’s Third Data Requests
- N49 - Navigator’s Second Supplemental Response to Staff’s Second Data Requests
- N51 - State Geological maps (DR 1-17)
- N52 - Omaha Wetland Report 2/9/23 (DR 1-25)
- N53 - Bat Survey Memo (DR 1-29(a)) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N54 - Lined Snake Report (DR 1-29(d)) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N55 - Navigator’s Supplemental Response to Staff’s Second Data Requests
- N56 - Reserved
- N57 - Reserved
- N58 - Terracon Phase I Geological and Geohazard Desktop Study (DR 3-4) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N59 - Navigator’s Amended Responses to Staff’s Seventh Data Requests
- N60 - Pipeline Right of Way and Easement Agreement
- N61- Navigator’s Fourth Supplemental Response to Staff’ First Data Requests
- N62 - Plume Modeling and Buffer Overview (DR 1-7 and 1-8) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N63 - Terms of Commercial Agreements with SD Shippers (DR 1-14) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N64 - HGS MLV Overview Maps (DR 2-4) Confidential (not available to the public)
- N65 - PHMSA Portal Instructions and LEPA CO2 Pipeline Safety Fact Sheet (DR 2-14(b))
- N66 - Dakota Skipper Habitat Assessment (DR 1-29(e)) Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/20/23 - Navigator CO2 Ventures LLC's Updated Witness and Exhibits List
- 07/27/23 - N47A - Navigator Heartland Greenway LLC's CO2 Air Dispersion Guidance Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/28/23 - Navigator Filing
- N22 - PHMSA Exceedance Table
- N64 - HGS MLV Overview Maps (DR 2-4) (refiled as public document)
- 08/04/23 - Navigator Filing
- 08/07/23 - Navigator Filing
- 08/08/23 - Navigator Filing
- 08/23/23 - Navigator Filing
- N68 - HGS IDLH Buffer Map Confidential (not available to the public)
- N69 - Minnehaha County Discovery Responses
- N70 - Minnehaha County Buffer Map
- N71 - Minnehaha County Future Land Use Map
- N72 - Minnehaha County NPMS Pipeline Images
- N73 - Minnehaha County Route Segment Comparison
- N74 - Moody County Buffer Map
- N75 - Moody County Zoning Map
- N76 - Moody County Route Segment Comparison
- N77 - Ordinance Route Impact Analysis Table
- N78 - Parcels in County Ordinance Buffers - Intersect Parcels Only
- N79 - Parcels in County Ordinance Buffers - All Parcels
- N80 - Aerial
- N81 - Aerial Avoidance
- 08/24/23 - Navigator Filing
- 08/28/23 - Navigator Filing -
- 07/18/23 - Staff's Witness and Exhibits List
- S1 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Jon Thurber
- S1 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Jon Thurber Confidential (not available to the public)
- S2 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of William R. Byrd, P.E.
- S3 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Jaclyn McGuire
- S4 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Hilary Morey
- S5 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Tim Cowman
- S6 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Jenna Carlson Dietmeier, PhD
- S7 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Herbert Pirela
- S8 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Adam DiAntonio
- S9 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Amy Cottrell
- S10 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Brian Sterner
- S11 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Sara Throndson
- S12 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Alissa Ingham
- S13 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit of Matthew Frazell
- S14 - Additional Staff Data Requests to Applicant
- S14 - Additional Staff Data Requests to Applicant Confidential (not available to the public)
- S1 - Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits of Jon Thurber
- 07/19/23 - Certificate of Service
- 07/31/23 - S3a - Exhibit of Trish Kindt
Landowner Intervenors Represented by Jorde/Cwach
- 07/19/23 - Landowner Intervenors' Witness List
- Exhibits List
- Notice of Filing
- LO1 - Reserved
- LO2 - SD PUC - Information Guide to Siting Pipelines
- LO3 - Exemplar Navigator SD Easement Agreement
- LO4 - Exemplar Lawsuit Alleging Landowner Negligence and Trespass (Zurich Ins. vs Andrew)
- LO5 - Article - “It’s Time to End Carbon Capture of Climate Policy”
- LO6 - Article - Calling on Policymakers to Reject Carbon Capture and Storage - False Solution
- LO7 - Indigenous Environmental Network - CCS Arguments
- LO8 - NYT Article - “Every Dollar Spent on This Climate Change Technology [CCS] is a Waster”
- LO9 - Iowa State University - Soil Compaction and Crop Yield Impacts post-pipeline construction
- LO10 - Iowa State University - Pipeline Right-of-Way construction activities impact on deep soil compaction
- LO11 - Iowa Chapter Physicians for Social Responsibility - Carbon Capture and Public Health (Sherri Deal-Tyne)
- LO12 - Compilation - Insurance Coverage Letters (filed 07/20/23)
- LO13 - Direct Testimony Denis & Janet Andersen with Attachments
- LO14 - Andersen Smoke Test Photos
- LO15 - Andersen Plume Test Photos
- LO16 - Andersen Photos
- LO17 - Andersen Property Contour Map and Tile lines
- LO18 - Andersen - CO2 Pipeline Design: A review (Article)
- LO19 - Andersen - USDA Map
- LO20 - Andersen – Video of Property
- LO21 - Andersen Insurance Information
- LO22 - Direct Testimony Daniel & Diana Nelson with Attachments
- LO23 - Daniel & Diana Nelson Insurance Exclusions
- LO24 - Direct Testimony Tom Schwebach, Marilyn Schewback, & Rosemary Schwebach w/ Attachments
- LO25 - Direct Testimony Marvin Abraham with Attachment
- LO26 - Direct Testimony Mark Javers with Attachments
- LO27 - Direct Testimony Roger Van Dyke with Attachments
- LO28 - Direct Testimony Brian Teal with Attachments
- LO29 - Brian Teal Insurance Information
- LO30 - Direct Testimony Berton Risty with Attachments
- LO31 - Direct Testimony Beverly Nelson & Scott Nelson w/ Attachments
- LO32 - Direct Testimony Richard Lacey w/ Attachments
- LO33 - Direct Testimony Becky Poss w/ Attachments
- LO34 - Direct Testimony Connie Beyer-Lalonde w/ Attachments
- LO35 - Connie Beyer-Lalonde Property Specific Documents
- LO36 - Connie Beyer-Lalonde Insurance Information
- LO37 - Direct Testimony Ann Cowart & Don Cowart w/ Attachments
- LO38 - Don Cowart Insurance Information
- LO39 - Direct Testimony Dana Bosma w/ Attachments
- LO40 - Bosma Property Specific Documents
- LO41 - Bosma Insurance Information
- LO42 - Direct Testimony Todd Dawley & Linda Dawley w/ Attachments
- LO43 - Direct Testimony Jessica & Patrick Deering w/ Attachments
- LO44 - Direct Testimony Julie Burkhart & Bruce Burkart w/ Attachments
- LO45 - Direct Testimony Dave Larson w/ Attachments
- LO46 - Direct Testimony Karla Lems, Dwayne Pederson Land Company, Dakota Aeration, Inc., & Pederson Ag, LLC w/ Attachments
- LO47 - Direct Testimony Glenn Burggraff, Jackie Burggraff, Frank Burggraff & Lynda Burggraff w/ Attachments
- LO48 - Direct Testimony Keith Myrlie & Bonnie Myrlie w/ Attachments
- LO49 - Direct Testimony Ron Teal & Angela Teal w/ Attachments
- LO50 - Direct Testimony Spencer Jacobson & Todd Jacobson w/ Attachments
- LO51 - Direct Testimony Ryon Smeenk, Merlyn Smeenk, Lonna Smeenk & Lonna Smeenk Living Trust w/ Attachments
- LO52 - Smeenk Insurance Information
- LO53 - Direct Testimony Brad Severson & LuAnn Severson
- LO54 - Direct Testimony Kathy Jo Serck, POA for Lois Jean Rolling w/ Attachments
- LO55 - Direct Testimony Marlys Stensaas w/ Attachments
- LO56 - Direct Testimony Tab Peper w/ Attachments
- LO57 - Direct Testimony Art Richert & Beverly Richert w/ Attachments
- LO58 - Direct Testimony Daniel R. Paulson & Jillane L. Paulson w/ Attachments
- LO59 - Direct Testimony Rick Luze & Ray Luze w/ Attachments
- LO60 - Direct Testimony Cathy Lu Miller w/ Attachments
- LO61 - Direct Testimony Marilyn Olson w/ Attachments
- LO62 - Direct Testimony Tony Ventura, Robyn Ventura, Jenae Ruesink-Cross & the Overseth-Ruesink Legacy Trust w/ Attachments
- LO63 - Overseth-Ruesink Legacy Trust Zoning/Building Permit Application
- LO64 - Overseth-Ruesink Auto-Owners Insurance Policy (7-7-2023)
- LO65 - Direct Testimony Walter Theis w/ Attachments
- LO66 - Walter Theis Property Specific Documents
- LO67 - Direct Testimony Warren Jackson w/ Attachments
- LO68 - Direct Testimony Wayne Burggraff w/ Attachments
- LO69 - Direct Testimony Leroy Zorr & Paulette Zorr w/ Attachments
- LO70 - Reserved
- LO71 - Direct Testimony Daryl Nelson & Joan Nelson w/ Attachments
- LO72 - Daryl Nelson & Joan Nelson Insurance Information
- LO73 - Direct Testimony Gerald Haak & Gary Haak w/ Attachments
- LO74 - Direct Testimony Daniel Janssen, Robert Janssen & Mary Ann Janssen-Nelson w/ Attachments
- LO75 - Direct Testimony Dennis Jarabek, Janelle Jarabek, Myron Christopherson w/ Attachments
- LO76 - Jarabek Insurance Information
- LO77 - Direct Testimony Merlin Knutson & Lisa Knutson w/ Attachments
- LO78 - Direct Testimony Mark LeBrun & Helen LeBrun w/ Attachments
- LO79 - Reserved
- LO80 - Direct Testimony Rick Bonander & Tamara Ford w/ Attachments
- LO81 - Bonander-Ford Insurance Information
- LO82 - Direct Testimony Arnold Erickson & Kay Burkhart w/ Attachments
- LO83 - Erickson-Burkhart Property Specific Documents
- LO84 - Erickson Insurance Letter & Building Eligibility
- LO85 - Direct Testimony Miles Lacey w/ Attachments
- LO86 - Lacey Insurance Documents
- LO87 - Direct Testimony David Vinzant & RoSchelle Vinzant w/ Attachments
- LO88 - Loren Staroba Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO89 - Marvin Lugert Direct Testimony
- LO90 - Dr. John Abraham Direct Testimony w/ Attachment
- LO91 - Dr. John Abraham Surrebuttal Testimony w/ Attachment
- LO92 - Sheri Deal-Tyne Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO93 - Richard McKean Direct Testimony
- LO94 - Curtis Jundt Direct Testimony
- LO95 - Richard Kuprewicz Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO96 - Richard Kuprewicz Surrebuttal Testimony w/ Exhibits
- LO97 - Silvia Secchi Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO98 - Bill Caram Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO99 - Carolyn Raffensperger Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO100 - Dr. Ted Schettler Direct Testimony w/ Attachments
- LO101 - Pamela Richart Surrebuttal Testimony w/ Attachment
- LO102 - Navigator SD Route Maps
- LO103 - Landowners for Eminent Domain Reform (LEDR) Materials
- LO104 - Photo – Tractor 6’ Diameter tires
- LO105 - Exemplar Right of Entry, Easement and Option Agreement – Overseth (Ventura)
- LO106 - Navigator Plume Modeling Summary (Designated Confidential by Navigator) DO NOT UPLOAD
- LO107 - Moody County’s Response to Navigator Discovery
- LO108 - Navigator’s Responses to Landowner’s Request for Admissions
- LO109 - Navigator’s Responses to Landowner’s Interrogatories 1st Set
- LO110 - Jerry Briggs Testimony re Satartia Mississippi Incident
- LO111 - PMHSA Satartia Report Excerpts
- LO112 - Satartia Affected Area Maps
- LO113 - DeBrae Burns Testimony re Satartia Mississippi
- LO114 - Jack Willingham Testimony re Satartia Mississippi
- LO115 - Direct Testimony Dan Zegart re Satartia Mississippi
- LO116 - Direct Testimony Matthew Liebman re CO2 pipelines
- LO117 - Direct Testimony Mark Maple for Illinois Commerce Commission
- LO118 - Direct Testimony Cassandra Adams re Satartia Mississippi
- LO119 - Hydrogen Sulfide Chart
- LO120 - Direct Testimony Janet Holmes w/ Attachments
- LO121 - Direct Testimony Linda Garrett re Satartia Mississippi
- LO122 - Direct Testimony Terry Gann re Satartia Mississippi
- LO123 - LEDR One Page Info Sheet
- LO124 - Exemplar Navigator Easement - Burggraff
- LO125 - Navigator’s Discovery Responses to Landowners 2nd Set
- LO126 - Lincoln County Potential Impact Area Infographic
- LO127 - Minnehaha County Potential Impact Graphic
- LO128 - Navigator Promotional Materials
- LO129 - CO2 Exposure Risk Charts
- LO130 - Warning Carbon Dioxide Sign
- LO131 - Direct Testimony Glenn Scott w/ Attachments
- LO132 - Direct Testimony RJ Wright w/ Attachments
- 08/01/23 - LO111A - Failure Investigation Report - Denbury Gulf Coast Pipeline
- 08/03/23 - LO133 - Direct Testimony Clayton Rentschler and Crystal Page
- 08/07/23 - LO134 - John Deere 4440
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems
United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the US and Canada
Moody County
- 08/22/23 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony Exhibits of Moody County
- Exhibit M1 - Comprehensive Land Use Plan
- Exhibit M2 - Zoning Ordinance
- Exhibit M3 - Official Zoning Map
Minnehaha County