EL12-046 - In the Matter of the Application of Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates
Date Filed: 06/29/12 ♦ Intervention Date: 09/07/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 04/24/13
Docket Reopened: 11/26/13 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 01/09/14
Docket Reopened: 11/26/13 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 01/09/14
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 06/28/12 to 07/04/12
December 3, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
April 9, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
March 26, 2013, Addendum to Agenda of Commission Meeting
March 26, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
September 25, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
July 17, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 3, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 9, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 26, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 25, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 17, 2012, Commission Meeting
Click For Comments and Responses
Hearing:- Order Assessing Filing Fee and Suspending Operation of Proposed Rates
- Order Denying Intervention (Shetek Wind Inc.)
- Procedural Order; Order for and Notice of Hearing
- Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation; Order Approving Refund Plan
- Order Approving Infrastructure Rider Annual Compliance Filing and Update
- 6/29/12-
Xcel Energy's Application for Authority to Increase Electric Rates in South Dakota
- Volume 1 - Application and Required Statements A-R
- Cover and Contents
- Application
- Statement A
- Statement B
- Statement C
- Statement D
- Statement E
- Statement F
- Statement G
- Statement H
- Statement I
- Statement J
- Statement K Public
- Statement K Confidential (not available to the public)
- Statement L
- Statement M
- Statement N
- Statement O
- Statement P
- Statement Q
- Statement R
- Volume 2
- Cover and Contents
- Laura McCarten - Policy Testimony
- Thomas E. Kramer - Overall Revenue Requirements, Rate Base, Income Statement
- James M. Coyne - Rate of Return and Return on Equity Testimony
- Michael A. Peppin - Class cost of Service Study and Selected Rate Design Testimony
- Steven V. Huso - Rate Design Testimony
- Volume 3
- Cover and Contents
- Cost of Service Study 2011 Actual/Baseline
- Plant
- Revenue
- O&M
- Cost of Capital
- Allocators
- Pro-Forma Adjustments
- Weather (PF1)
- Fuel Lag (PF2)
- Incentive Compensation (PF3)
- Vegetation Management (PF4)
- Storm Damage (PF5)
- Claims and Injury Compensation (PF6)
- Advertising (PF7)
- Economic Development (PF8)
- Interest on Customer Deposits A&G (PF9)
- Association Dues (PF10)
- Donations (PF11)
- FAS 106 PayGo (PF12)
- CY Rate Case Costs (PF13)
- PTC to Fuel Clause (PF14)
- SD ED Labor (PF15)
- Black Dog CT Exhaust (PF16)
- Monti Appendix R (PF17)
- Monti Fire Model (PF18)
- PI ZE Piping (PF19)
- PI Casks (PF20)
- PI Receiving Warehouse (PF21)
- PI Fire Model (PF22)
- PI H Line (PF23)
- Monti EPU/LCM (PF24)
- PI Steam Generator (PF25)
- Sherco 3 Plant Additions (PF26)
- Sherco 3 Cooling Towers (PF27)
- Nuclear Decommissioning (PF28)
- RL - Sherco, Black Dog, Red Wing, Wilmarth (PF29)
- Remaining Life - Riverside, Inver Hills (PF30)
- Remaining Life - MN Valley (PF31)
- RL- Blue Lake, Granite City, Key City (PF32)
- Depreciation Adjustment Production, Transmission & Distribution (PF33)
- NOL (PF34)
- Union Wages (PF35)
- Margin Sharing on Trade Activity (PF36)
- Wholesale Billing (PF37)
- PF37 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Foundation Administration Costs (PF38)
- Employee Expense Reduction (PF39)
- Pension and Insurance (PF40)
- Weather Normalized Allocators (PF41)
- EL11-019 Outcome (PF42)
- Aviation (PF43)
- Corporate Allocations (PF44)
- DSM Costs to Rider (PF45)
- Tax Availability (PF46)
- Remove TCR (PF47)
- Remove ECR (PF48)
- Private Fuel Storage (PF49)
- SO2 Emissions (PF50)
- Incremental Prior Period RC Expenses (PF51)
- Rider Amortization (PF52)
- Black Dog Write-Off (PF53)
- Volume 4
- Volume 1 - Application and Required Statements A-R
- 09/06/12 - Petition to Intervene of Shetek Wind Inc. and Certificate of Service
- 09/21/12 - Xcel's Letter regarding Answer of Shetek Wind's Petition to Intervene
- 09/24/12 - Reply of Shetek Wind Inc. to Answer of Northern States Power Company and Certificate of Service
- 09/24/12 - Shetek Wind Inc.'s Notice of Appearance and Certificate of Service (Talbot J. Wieczorek)
- 11/15/12 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Staff's Testimony and Exhibits
- Basil L. Copeland, Jr.'s Testimony
- Appendix A - Publications of Basil L. Copeland, Jr.
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 2 - Survey of Recent ERP Research
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 3 - DCF Rate of Return Analysis Using Dividend Cash Flow Model
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 4 - DCF Rate of Return Analysis Using Dividend Discount Model
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 5 - CAPM Rate of Return Analysis
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 6 - Flotation Cost Adjustment
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-1) Schedule 7 - Comparing the DCF results
- Exhibit ____ (BLC-2) - Copeland Testimony and Exhibits from Docket EL11-019
- David A. Jacobson's Testimony
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-1) Schedule 1 - Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-1) Schedule 2 - Tax Collections Available
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-1) Schedule 3 - Working Capital Updates
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-2) Schedule 1 - Xcel Energy Non-Bargaining Exempt Employee, Managing Director and Business Unit VP Annual Incentive Program Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-2) Schedule 2 - Xcel Energy Inc. 2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-2) Schedule 3 - Xcel Energy Inc. 2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan Performance Share Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-2) Schedule 4 - Xcel Energy Inc. 2005 Long-Term Incentive Plan Restricted Stock Unit Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-3) Schedule 1 - Data Request No. 7-16 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (DAJ-3) Schedule 2 -Docket EL11-019 Data Request No. 1-37 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Brittany Mehlhaff's Testimony
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-1) Schedule 1 - South Dakota Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-1) Schedule 2 - SD Operating Income Statement With Known and Measurable Adjustments and Revenue Adjustment
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-1) Schedule 3 - South Dakota Electric Operating Income Statement With Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-2) Schedule 1 - South Dakota Average Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-2) Schedule 2 - South Dakota Average Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-3) - Weather Normalization
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-4) - Margin Sharing
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-5) - TCR Rider Removal
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-6) - Riverside/Black Dog One-Time Expenses
- Exhibit ____ (BAM-7) - Margin Sharing Lag Adjustment
- David E. Peterson's Testimony
- Patrick J. Steffensen's Testimony
- Jon Thurber's Testimony
(Public Version)
- Jon Thurber's Testimony Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-1) - Docket and Testimony Listing
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-2) - F-3302 Decision and Order
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-3) - Black Dog Combustion Turbine Exhaust Replacement
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-4) - Monticello Fire Model Tool
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-5) - Monticello Appendix R Cable Replacement Project
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-6) - Prairie Island ZE Piping Replacement Project
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-7) - Prairie Island TN 40 Casks
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-8) - Prairie Island Receiving Warehouse
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-9) - Prairie Island Fire Model
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-10) - Prairie Island H Line Protection Replacement
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-11) - Monticello EPU/LCM
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-12) - Prairie Island Steam Generator
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-13) - Sherco 3 Cooling Towers
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-14) - Black Dog Write Off Amortization
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-15) - Fines
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-16) - Land Sale
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-17) - Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-18) - Net-Zero Interconnection Arrangements
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-19) - Docket EL11-019 Rate Case Expenses (Public Version)
- Exhibit ____ (JPT-19) - Docket EL11-019 Rate Case Expenses Confidential (not available to the public)
- Matthew Tysdal's Testimony
- Certificate of Service
- Basil L. Copeland, Jr.'s Testimony
- 11/30/12 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Notice of Intent to Implement an Interim Rate Increase
- 12/04/12 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Suspending the Procedural Schedule of October 29, 2012
- 01/04/13 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Continuing of Suspending the Procedural Schedule of October 29, 2012
- 02/01/13 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Further Suspension of the Procedural Schedule of October 29, 2012
- 02/08/13 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Further Suspension of the Procedural Schedule of October 29, 2012
- 3/15/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Settlement Stipulation
- Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- Settlement Stipulation
- Exhibit A - Tariffs
- Exhibit B - Class Allocation
- Exhibit C - Rate Phase-In Rider Projects
- Exhibit D - Rate Phase-In Rider Tariff
- Exhibit E - Rate Phase-In Rider Worksheets
- Exhibit E Confidential - Rate Phase-In Rider Worksheets (not available to the public)
- PUC Staff Memorandum
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) Schedule 1 – Settlement SD Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) Schedule 2 – Settlement SD Electric Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) Schedule 3 – Settlement SD Electric Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-9) Schedule 1 – Settlement SD Electric Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(BAM-9) Schedule 2 – Settlement SD Electric Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 1 – Rate Design by Customer Class
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 2-1 – Residential Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 2-2 – Commercial & Industrial Non-Demand Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 2-3 – Commercial & Industrial Demand Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 2-4 – Outdoor Lighting Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(BAM-10) Schedule 3 – Residential Service Bill Comparison
- Exhibit___(BLC-3) Schedule 1 – Settlement Cost of Capital
- Exhibit___(BLC-3) Schedule 1 – Settlement Cost of Capital Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit___(DAJ-4) Schedule 1 – Settlement Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(DAJ-4) Schedule 2 – Settlement Tax Collections Available
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 – Settlement Rate Case Expense
- Exhibit___(JPT-20) – Settlement Interest Synchronization
- Customer Notice
- Certificate of Service
- 03/19/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Interim Refund Plan
- 03/21/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding its Addition to Exhibit A
- 03/25/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Revised Exhibit A and Revised Exhibit D
- 03/27/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Supplemental Exhibit ___(DAJ-3) Schedule 3
- 04/05/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Supplemental Information Concerning Corporate Aircraft
- 04/05/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Questions from the March 26, 2013, Commission Meeting
- 04/23/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Final Tariff Pages
- 04/24/13 - Docket Closed
- 07/18/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Interim Rate Refund Compliance Filing
- 10/01/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Infrastructure Rider Annual Compliance Filing and Update
- 11/27/13 - PUC Staff Memorandum Regarding Infrastructure Rider Compliance Filing and Update
- 12/02/13 - Xcel's Responses to Staff's Data Requests
- Responses to Data Request 1-3 - Project Updates
- Responses to Data Request 1-4 - Regarding the Monticello EPU Project
- Responses to Data Request 1-5 - Regarding the Monticello Fire Model Project
- Responses to Data Request 1-6 - Regarding Prairie Island Casks Project
- Responses to Data Request 1-7 - Regarding the 2013 Property Tax Increase
- 12/02/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Revised Responses to Staff's Data Request 1-4
- 12/03/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding December 3, 2013, Commission Meeting Recommendations
- 12/19/13 - Xcel's Letter regarding Tracking and Rate Calculations
- 01/09/14 - Docket Reclosed
- 10/01/14- Xcel's Letter regarding Infrastructure Rider Annual Compliance Filing and Update
- Infrastructure Rider Annual Compliance Filing and Update
- Attachment 1 - South Dakota Infrastructure Rider Fiscal 2013 Revenue Requirements
- Attachment 2 - South Dakota Infrastructure Rider Fiscal 2014 Revenue Requirements
- Attachment 3 - South Dakota Infrastructure Rider Fiscal 2015 Revenue Requirements
- Attachment 4 - South Dakota Infrastructure Rider Summary
- Attachment 5
- Infrastructure Rider Annual Compliance Filing and Update
- 12/17/14 - Xcel's Letter regarding Infrastructure Rider-Tariff Compliance Filing