EL14-072 - In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy Company for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates
Date Filed: 08/04/14 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/24/14 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/07/14 ♦ Docket Closed: 06/17/15
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/07/14 ♦ Docket Closed: 06/17/15
June 16, 2015, Agenda of Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
August 19, 2014, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 16, 2015, Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 19, 2014, Commission Meeting
Click For Comments and Responses
Orders:- Order Assessing Filing Fee and Suspending Operation of Proposed Rates
- Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation; Order Approving Refund Plan
- 08/04/14 - MidAmerican Energy's Application
- Volume 1
- Index
- Application
- Transmittal Letter
- Notice of Change in Rates
- Attestation of Chief Accounting Officer
- Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Public Notice to South Dakota Customers
- South Dakota Electric - Comparison of Sales, Service, and Revenue
- Comparison of Rates
- Statements and Supporting Schedules (A through R)
- Statement A - Balance Sheet
- Statement B - Income Statement
- Statement C - Earned Surplus Statement
- Statement D - Cost of Plant
- Schedule D-1 - Detailed Plant Accounts
- Schedule D-2 - Plant Addition and Retirement for Test Period
- Schedule D-3 - Plant Accounts on Average Basis for Test Period
- Schedule D-4 - Plant Account Working Papers for Five-Year Period
- Schedule D-5 - Interest and Other Overheads
- Schedule D-6 - Changes in Intangible Plant
- Schedule D-7 - Plant in Service not Used and Useful
- Schedule D-8 - Property Records
- Schedule D-9 - Plant Acquired for Which Regulatory Approval has not been Obtained
- Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation
- Statement F - Working Capital
- Statement G
- Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense
- Statement I - Revenues, Sales and Average Customers
- Statement J - Depreciation Expense
- Statement K - Income Taxes
- Schedule K1 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes - Public
- Schedule K1 - 2009 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K1 - 2010 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K1 - 2011 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K1 - 2012 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K-2 - Difference between Book and Tax Depreciation
- Schedule K-3 - Consolidated Federal Income Taxes 2012
- Schedule K-3 - Consolidated Federal Income Taxes 2012 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K-4 Working Papers for an Allowance for Current Tax Greater Than Tax Calculated at Consolidated Rate
- Schedule K-5 Working Papers for Claimed Allowances for State Income Taxes
- Schedule K1 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes - Public
- Statement L - Other Taxes
- Statement M - Overall Cost of Service
- Statement N
- Statement N-1 - Functional Allocation of Cost of Service
- Statement N-2 - Classification by Demand, Energy and Customer
- Statement N-3 - Facilities Allocated to South Dakota Only
- Statement N-4 - SD Sales by Load Research Class and Total Company
- Statement N-5 - SD Sales and Total Company Sales During Peak Hour
- Statement N-6 - Functional Allocations
- Statement N-7 - Classification of O and M to Demand, Energy and Customer
- Statement O - Comparison of Cost of Service
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-1 (Results)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-2 (Test Year)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-3 (Other Revenue)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-4 (Functional COS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-5 (Functional Allocators)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-6 (Payroll)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab FUN-7 (General & Intangible)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab CLS1-1 (Model Inputs)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab CLS1-2 (Class COS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab CLS1-3 (Lighting COS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-1 (Sales & Revenue)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-2 (S.D. Sales)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-3 (S.D. Revenue)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-4 (S.D. Riders)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-5 (S.D. Customers)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-6 (Monthly Sales)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab SRC-7 (Lookup)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab ALO-1 (Class Load Data)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab ALO-2 (Class Allocators)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab ALO-3 (HCM Costs)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab ALO-4 (TOU Table)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab ALO-5 (Probability of Peak)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-1 (RS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-2 (GE)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-3 (GD)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-4 (LS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-5 (VLS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab BD-6 (MWP)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-1 (RS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-2 (GE)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-3 (GD)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-4 (LS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-5 (VLS)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-6 (MWP)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper - Tab RD1-7 (LIT)
- O WP - Statement O Workpaper
- Statement P - Energy Cost Adjustment Factor
- Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- Statement R - Purchases from Affiliated Companies
- Volume 2
- Index
- Direct Testimony of Dean Crist (Policy)
- Direct Testimony of Rick Tunning (Revenue Requirements, Income Statement, Capital Structure)
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule Index
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 1 - South Dakota Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 2 - South Dakota Electric Operating Income Statement with Pro Forma Adjustments
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 3 - Pro Forma Adjustments
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 4 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Interest Synchronization
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 5 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Property Taxes
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 6 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Payroll
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 7 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Retirement Plan Costs
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 8 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Depreciation on Rate Base
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 9 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Wind VIII
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 10 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Sales Growth
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 11 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Coal Plant Retirements
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 12 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Scrubber Chemicals
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 13 - Pro Forma Adjustment - LTIP Costs
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 14 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Steam Maintenance Costs
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 15 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Distribution Maintenance Costs
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 16 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Ottumwa Generating Station Capacity Increase
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 17 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Weather Normalization
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 18 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Pro Forma Adjustment - Late Payment Charges
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 19 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Energy Efficiency Costs and Revenue
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 20 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Out of Period Income Tax Adjustments
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 21 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Rate Case Expense
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedules 22-24 - Not Used
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 25 - Weighted Average Cost of Capital
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 26 - Cost of Long-term Debt
- Exhibit RRT 1.1 - Schedule 27 - Common Equity and Unamortized Gains & Losses on Reacquired Securities
- Direct Testimony of Mary Jo Anderson (Rate Base)
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Index
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 1 - South Dakota Electric Rate Base with Pro Forma Adjustments
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 2 - Pro Forma Adjustment - South Dakota Electric Rate Base
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 3 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Environmental Projects
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 4 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Wind VIII
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 5 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Capital Projects in Service by 05/31/2015
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 6 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Sales Growth 2013
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 7 - Pro Forma Adjustment - Depreciation Study
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Schedule 8 - Generating Station Retirements
- Exhibit MJA 1.1 - Index
- Direct Testimony of James Vander Weide (Rate of Return on Equity)
- List of Schedules and Appendices
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 1 - Summary of Discounted Cash Flow Analysis for Electric Utilities
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 2 Comparison of the DCF Expected Return on an Investment in Electric Utilities to the Interest Rate on Moody's A-Rated Utility Bonds
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 3 - Comparative Returns on S&P 500 Stock Index and Moody's A-Rated Bonds 1937 - 2014
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 4 - Comparative Returns on S&P Utility Stock Index and Moody's A-Rated Bonds 1937 - 2014
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 5 - Using the Arithmetic Mean to Estimate the Cost of Equity Capital
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 6 - Calculation of Capital Asset Pricing Model Cost of Equity Using an Historical 7.0 Percent Risk Premium
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 7 - Comparison of Risk Premia on S&P 500 and S&P Utilities 1937 - 2014
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 8 - Calculation of Capital Asset Pricing Model Cost of Equity Using an Historical 7.0 Percent Risk Premium and 0.87 Utility Beta
- JHV 1.1 - Schedule 9 - Calculation of Capital Asset Pricing Model Cost of Equity Using DCF Estimate of the Expected Rate of Return on the Market Portfolio
- JHV 1.1 - Appendix 1 - Qualifications of James H. Vander Weide
- JHV 1.1 - Appendix 2 - Derivation of the Quarterly DCF Model
- JHV 1.1 - Appendix 3 - Adjusting for Flotation Costs in Determining a Public Utility's Allowed Rate of Return on Equity
- JHV 1.1 - Appendix 4 - Ex Ante Risk Premium Method
- JHV 1.1 - Appendix 5 - Ex Post Risk Premium Method
- Direct Testimony of Chuck Rea (Class Cost of Service/Rate Design, Weather Normalization Adjustment)
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule A - Electric Cost of Service Functional Allocators
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule B - Hourly Costing Model
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule C - Electric Cost of Service Results
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule D - Derivation of Electric Rates
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule E - Proposed Electric Rates
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule F - Electric Weather Normalization
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-1 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Daily Weather Data
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-2 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Rate RBD Weather Normalization Calculation
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-3 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Rate RED Weather Normalization Calculation
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-4 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Rate RSD Weather Normalization Calculation
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-5 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Rate RSD Weather Normalization Calculation
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Workpaper F-6 - Weather Normalization Results Support - Monthly Electric Usage Data by Customer
- Exhibit CBR 1.1 - Schedule G - Electric Weather Normalization Methodologies
- Direct Testimony of Debra Kutsunis (Tariffs, Cash Working Capital, Rate Case Expense)
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule A - Rate Schedules Being Eliminated
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule B - Proposed Tariff No. 2
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule C - Transmission Cost Recovery Clause Calculation
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule D - Roll-out of ECA and TCR Amounts from Base Rates
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule E - Rate Case Expenses
- Exhibit DLK 1.1 - Schedule F - Cash Working Capital
- Direct Testimony of Dehn Stevens (Electric Transmission)
- Exhibit DAS 1.1 - Schedule A - 2013 MISO Transmission Charges
- Exhibit DAS 1.1 - Schedule B - Allocation of 2013 MISO Transmission Charges to South Dakota
- Exhibit DAS 1.1 - Schedule C - Forecasted 2015 MISO Transmission Charges
- Exhibit DAS 1.1 - Schedule D - Forecasted 2015 MISO Credit
- Exhibit DAS 1.1 - Schedule E - Forecasted Allocation of 2015 MISO Transmission Charges to South Dakota
- Volume 1
- 08/15/14 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Notices to Customers
- 08/27/14 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Cross-Reference Comparisons
- 12/31/14 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Implementing an Interim Rate
- 01/07/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Supplemental Testimony
- 06/03/15 - MidAmerican Energy and PUC Staff's Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 06/03/15 - PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation (Public)
- PUC Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 3 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 1 - Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 2 - Advanced Tax Collections
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 3 - Working Capital Updates
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 4 - Property Taxes
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 5 - Bad Debt Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 6 - Coal Plant Retirements
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) - Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) - Environmental Projects
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) - Capital Projects in-Service by 5/31/15
- Exhibit___(BAM-4) - Wind VIII
- Exhibit___(BAM-5) - Depreciation on Rate Base Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital (Public)
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Cost of Capital Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 2 - Weather Normalization
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 1 - Rate Case Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 2 - Vegetation Management Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 3 - Association Dues Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 4 - Economic Development Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 1 - Performance Incentive Plan (PIP)
- Rate Design
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 1 - Rate Design by Customer Class
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 2-1 - Residential Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 2-2 - Small General Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 2-3 - Large General Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 2-4 - Other Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 3 - Residential Service Bill Comparison
- Revenue Requirement - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Revenue Requirement - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement Summary - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) Schedule 3 - SD Electric Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-6) Schedule 1 - SD Electric Rate Base Summary - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-6) Schedule 2 - SD Electric Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-7) Schedule 1 - Cash Working Capital - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-7) Schedule 2 - Advanced Tax Collections - Step 1
- Exhibit___(PJS-7) Schedule 3 - Bad Debt Expense - Step 1
- Exhibit___(BAM-6) - Interest Synchronization Adjustment - Step 1
- Exhibit___(BAM-7) - Capital Projects in-Service by 5/31/15 - Step 1
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) - Wind VIII - Step 1
- Exhibit___(BAM-9) - Depreciation on Rate Base Adjustments - Step 1
- Certificate of Service
- 06/05/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Notices to Customers and Interim Refund Plan
- Notice of Commercial Electric Base Rate Increase
- Notice of Industrial Electric Base Rate Increase
- Notice of Electric Base Rate Increase
- Notice of Residential Electric Base Rate Increase
- Notice of Lighting Electric Base Rate Increase
- Interim Refund Plan
- Interim Refund Factor Calculation
- Certificate of Service
- 06/10/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 06/11/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Cross-Reference Comparison of MidAmerican’s Current and Proposed Tariffs
- 06/12/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Tariff Revisions
- 06/15/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Tariff Revisions
- 06/17/15 - Docket Closed
- 10/09/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Interim Refund
- 12/04/15 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Verification of Certain Facilities Placed Into Service
- 01/29/16 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding Report on Certain Facilities Placed Into Service
- 12/27/16 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding 2015 Electric Depreciation Study
- 04/21/22 - MidAmerican Energy's Letter regarding 2020 Electric Depreciation Study