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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting
June 16, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. CDT
Room 413, Capitol Building
Pierre, South Dakota


Chairman Chris Nelson called the meeting to order. Present were: Commissioners: Kristie Fiegen and Gary Hanson; Commission Counsel: John Smith; Commission Advisor: Greg Rislov; Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards; Staff Analysts: Patrick Steffensen, Brittany Mehlhaff, Joseph Rezac and Eric Paulson; and Staff: Katlyn Gustafson.

Also present were:
Michael Fehr, Naomi Czachura, Chuck Rea, Mary Jo Anderson, and Rick Tunning, MidAmerican Energy Company.

Joining the meeting by telephone were:
Adam Wright, Diane Noll, and Tom Hutchins, MidAmerican Energy Company; and Basil Copeland, Bob Towers and Dave Peterson, Chesapeake Regulatory Consultants Inc., representing SD Public Utilities Commission Staff.


1.      EL14-072      In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy Company for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates (Staff Analysts: Brittany Mehlhaff, Patrick Steffensen, Eric Paulson, Joseph Rezac; Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards)

A lengthy discussion took place regarding docket EL14-072. An audio of the discussion can be found on the PUC website under Commission Actions, Commission Meeting Archives, 2015, June 16, 2015, recording located at: 

     Commissioner Fiegen moved to grant the Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation and approve the rates, tariff sheets, terms and conditions stipulated therein and approve the Interim Refund Plan.  Motion carried 3-0.

Natural Gas

1.     NG14-005      In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy Company for Authority to Increase its Natural Gas Rates (Staff Analysts: Brittany Mehlhaff, Patrick Steffensen, Eric Paulson, Joseph Rezac; Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards)

A lengthy discussion took place regarding docket NG14-005. An audio of the discussion can be found on the PUC website under Commission Actions, Commission Meeting Archives, 2015, June 16, 2015, recording located at:     

     Commissioner Hanson moved to approve the Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation and approve the rates, tariff sheets, terms and conditions stipulated therein and approve the Interim Refund Plan.  Motion carried 3-0

There being no further business, at the hour of 10:40 a.m. the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission meeting adjourned.


/s/Tina Douglas      .
Tina Douglas
Administrative Assistant
PUC Email
June 16, 2015