EL18-053 - In the Matter of the Application of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy Facility and a 345-kV Transmission Line in Deuel County
Pre-filed Testimonies and Exhibits; Supplemental Testimonies and Exhibits; Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits; and Surrebuttal Testimonies
Deuel Harvest Wind Engery LLC
- 11/30/18 - Pre-filed Testimonies
- Pre-filed Testimony of JoAnne Blank Behalf of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC
- Pre-filed Testimony of Andrea Giampoli on Behalf of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC
- Pre-filed Testimony of Michael Hankard on Behalf of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC
- Pre-filed Testimony of Michael MaRous on Behalf of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC
- Pre-filed Testimony of Michael Svedeman on Behalf of Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC
- 02/14/19 - Deuel Harvest Wind Energy, LLC's Letter regarding Supplemental Testimonies and Exhibits
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Michael Svedeman
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Andrea Giampoli
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Michael Hankard
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Mark Roberts
- Exhibit 1 - Statement of Qualifications
- Exhibit 2 - Letter, Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Secretary of Health, South Dakota 54 Department of Health (Oct. 13, 2017), In the Matter of the Application by 55 Crocker Wind Farm, LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy Facility and a 345 56 kV Transmission Line in Clark County, South Dakota, for Crocker Wind 57 Farm, Docket No. EL17-055
- Exhibit 3: Crichton, F., Et Al. (2014) - The Link Between Health Complaints and Wind Turbines: Support for the Nocebo Expectations Hypothesis - Frontiers in Public Health 2:220
- Exhibit 4 - Frits Van Den Berg, Public Health Service Amsterdam, and Irene Van Kamp, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (2017) - Health Effects Related to Wind Turbine Sound - Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen
- Exhibit 1 - Statement of Qualifications
- Exhibit 2 - Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel (January 2012)
- Exhibit 3 - Michaud, D. S. Et Al., Self-Reported and Measured Stress Related Responses Associated With Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise - J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 1467-1479, doi:10.1121/1.4942402 (2016)
- Exhibit 4 - Michaud, D. S. Et Al., Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise: Perceptual Responses and Reported Health Effects - J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 1443- 45 1454, doi:10.1121/1.4942391 (2016)
- Exhibit 5 - Michaud, D. S. Et Al., Effects of Wind Turbine Noise on Self-Reported and Objective Measures of Sleep - Sleep 39, 97-109, 48 doi:10.5665/sleep.5326 (2016)
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of JoAnne Blank
- Pre-filed Supplemental Testimony of Jacob Baker
- Certificate of Service
- 03/14/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimonies
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of David M. Hessler
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Tom Kirschenmann
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Paige Olson
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Jon Thurber
- Exhibit__JT-1 - Deuel Harvest’s Responses to Commission Staff Discovery
- Exhibit__JT-1 - Deuel Harvest’s Responses to Commission Staff Discovery Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_JT-2 - Intervenors’ Responses to Commission Staff Discovery Set 1
- Exhibit__JT-3 - South Dakota Department of Health Letter
- Exhibit__JT-4 - Decommissioning Conditions
- Exhibit__JT-5 - Commission Staff Discovery Set 2 to Intervenors
- Exhibit__JT-6 - Non-Participating Residence Setback Scenario Map
- Exhibit__JT-1 - Deuel Harvest’s Responses to Commission Staff Discovery
- PUC Staff's Direct Testimonies of David M. Hessler and Exhibit, Tom Kirschenmann and Exhibits, Paige Olson and Exhibit, and Jon Thurber and Exhibits Certificate of Service
- PUC Staff''s Confidential Exhibit JT-1 Certificate of Service
- 03/14/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimonies of Garrett Homan
- Garrett Homan Testimony
- Garrett Homan's Direct Testimony of Garrett Homan and Exhibits Certificate of Service
- Garrett Homan's Revised Certificate of Service
- Kevin R. Elwood's Testimony
- Appendix 1 - Kevin Elwood Witness Statement
- Appendix 2 - Environmental Review Tribunal - Case No.: 16-036 - Proceeding
- Appendix 3 - Environmental Review Tribunal - Case Nos.: 16-036/13-037/16-038/16-039/16-040/16-042 Joint Witness Statement of William Duncan and Kerry Hutton
- Appendix 4 - Canadian Owners and Pilots Association - Position Paper on Proposed Ontario Green Energy Act - Bill 150
- Appendix 5 - Environmental Review Tribunal - Case Nos.: Case Nos.: 13-037/16-038/16-040 - Witness Statement of Charles Cormier - Aeronautical Information Consultant
- Appendix 6 - Environmental Review Tribunal - Case Nos.: Case Nos.: Case Nos.: 16-036/13-037/16-038/16-039/16-040/16-042 - Witness Statement of Keith Edward Green
- Garrett Homan's Testimony of Kevin R. Elwood and Appendices Certificate of Service
- 03/14/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Otter Tail Power Company
- 04/10/19 Pre-Filed Supplemental Testimony
- 03/14/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Heath Stone
- 03/14/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Christina Kilby
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Christina Kilby
- Exhibit 1 - Wind Turbine Noise and Sleep: Pilot Studies on the Influence of Noise Characteristics
- Exhibit 2 - A Cooperative Measurement Survey and Analysis of Low Frequency and Infrasound at the Shirley Wind Farm in Brown County, Wisconsin Prepared Cooperatively
- Exhibit 3 - Altered Cortical and Subcortical Connectivity Cue to Infrasound Administered Near the Hearing Threshold - Evidence From fMRI
- Certificate of Service
- Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Christina Kilby
- 03/15/19 - Testimony of Will Stone
- 03/15/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony of John Homan
Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits
Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC- 04/01/19 - Deuel Harvest Wind Energy's Letter regarding Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits
- Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Svedeman
- A14-1 - Svedeman Exhibit 1 - Updated Project Layout
- A14-2 - Svedeman Exhibit 2 - Deuel County Official Zoning Map
- A14-3 - Svedeman Exhibit 3 - Deuel County Commissioners Meeting Minutes March 28 2017
- A14-4 - Svedeman Exhibit 4 - Deuel Harvest Cultural Resources Study Plan March 22 2019
- A14-5 - Svedeman Exhibit 5 - SHPO Concurrence Letter March 26, 2019
- A14-6 - Svedeman Exhibit 6 - Homan Airstrip and New Residence
- A14-7 - Svedeman Exhibit 7 - Figure of Removed Turbine Locations since December 2017
- Rebuttal Testimony of Andrea Giampoli
- A15-1 - Giampoli Exhibit 1 - Updated BBCS_March 2019
- A15-2 - Giampoli Exhibit 2 - SDNHD Response_August 10 2016
- A15-3 - Giampoli Exhibit 3 - SDNHD Element Occurrence Record August 10 2016
- Rebuttal Testimony of Jacob Baker
- A16 Rebuttal Testimony of Jacob Baker Confidential (not available to the public)
- Rebuttal Testimony of Mike Hankard
- Rebuttal Testimony of JoAnne Blank
- Rebuttal Testimony of Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen
- Rebuttal Testimony of Michael MaRous
- Rebuttal Testimony of Benjamin Doyle
- Rebuttal Testimony of Cody Kenyon
- Rebuttal Testimony of Doyle Thompson
- Certificate of Service
- 04/01/19 - Rebuttal Testimony of Jon Thurber
- Rebuttal Testimony of Jon Thurber Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_JT-7 - South Dakota Department of Transportation Office of Aeronautics Letter
- Exhibit_JT-8 Commission Staff Request to South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resource for Comment
- Exhibit_JT-9 South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resource Response Letter
- Certificate of Service
- Garrett Homan's Rebuttal Testimony
- Christina Kilby's Rebuttal Testimony
- 04/01/19 - Rebuttal Testimony of Intervenor Christina Kilby
- Research Article - Health Effects Related to Wind Turbine Noise Exposure: A Systematic Review
- Hessler Associates, Inc. - Comments on the Cooper Study at the Cape Bridgewater Wind Farm and Wind Turbine Infrasound by George Hessler, 3/9/2015
- The Results of an Acoustic Testing Program, Cape Bridgewater Wind Farm - Prepared for Energy Pacific by Steve Cooper, The Acoustic Group
- 04/02/19 - Some Of The Case Studies That Have Convinced Me That Industrial Wind Turbines Make People Sick, Which Supports My Belief That We Can Prove In A Court Of Law That These Wind Turbines Are Causing Annoyance and Illnesses
- 04/02/19 - Certificate of Service
- 04/01/19 - Robert W. Rand's Rebuttal Testimony
- Robert W. Rand's Resume
- Health Canada’s Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study- A Review Exploring Research Challenges, Methods, Limitations and Uncertainties of Some of the Findings
- Environmental Research 155 (2017) 73-76
- Using a Change in Percent Highly Annoyed With Noise as a Potential Health Effect Measure for Projects Under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
- Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society - Occupational Health and Industrial Wind Turbines: A Case Study
- Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society - Wind Turbine Acoustic Investigation : Infrasound and Low-Frequency Noise--A Case Study
- A Theory to Explain Some Physiological Effects of the Infrasonic Emissions at Some Wind Farm Sites
- 04/01/19 - Rebuttal Testimony of Intervenor Christina Kilby
- John Homan's Rebuttal Testimony
Surrebuttal Testimonies
Deuel Harvest Wind Energy LLC