Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 12/13/12 to 12/19/12
September 17, 2013, Agenda of Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
June 18, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 26, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 12, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
January 30, 2013, Agenda to Commission Meeting
January 15, 2013, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 17, 2013, Commission Meeting
Transcript of September 17, 2013, Commission Meeting (EL12-061)
Transcript of September 17, 2013, Commission Meeting (EL12-061) Confidential (not available to the public)
Minutes of June 18, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 26, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 12, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of January 30, 2013, Commission Meeting
Minutes of January 15, 2013, Commission Meeting
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Order Canceling Hearing and Scheduling Matter for Decision on Stipulation
Click For Comments and Responses
Orders:- Order Assessing Filing Fee and Suspending Operation of Proposed Rates
- Order Granting Intervention (GCC Dacotah, Inc., Rushmore Forest Products,
Inc., Spearfish Forest Products, Inc., Pete Lien & Sons, Inc., and Rapid City Regional Hospital (collectively Black Hills Industrial lntervenors) - Order Granting Intervention (Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Sam's West, Inc.)
- Order Denying Intervention Without Prejudice (Regency Midwest Ventures Limited Partnership and Deadwood Resort, L.L.C.)
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Order Conditionally Authorizing and Approving Implementation of Contracts with Deviations Rates on an Interim Basis
- Order Canceling Hearing and Scheduling Matter for Decision on Stipulation
- Decision and Order Granting Joint Motions for Approval of Settlement Agreements and Settlement Stipulation
- 12/17/12 - Volume 1
- Section 1
- Section 2
- Section 3 -
Comparison of Revenue under Present and Proposed
Rates - Section 4 -
Summary Explanation of Statements and Schedules
- Statement A - Balance Sheet
- Statement B - Income Statement
- Statement C - Statement of Retained Earnings
- Statement D - Cost of Plant
- Schedule D-1 - Detailed Plant Accounts
- Schedule D-2 - Plant Addition and Retirement for Test Period
- Schedule D-3 - Working Papers Showing Plant Accounts on Average Basis for Test Period
- Schedule D-4 - Plant Account Working Papers for Previous Years
- Schedule D-5 - Working Papers on Capitalizing Interest and Other Overheads During Construction
- Schedule D-6 - Changes in Intangible Plant Working Papers
- Schedule D-7 - Working Papers on Plant in Service Not Used and Useful
- Schedule D-8 - Property Records Working Papers
- Schedule D-9 - Working Papers for Plant Acquired for which Regulatory Approval has not been Obtained
- Schedule D-10 - Subsequent Property Additions
- Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation
- Statement F - Working Capital
- Statement G - Rate of Return, Debt Capital, Preferred Stock Capital and Common Stock Capital
- Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expenses
- Schedule H-1 - Adjustments to Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- Schedule H-2 - Cost of Power and Gas
- Schedule H-3 - Working Papers for Listed Expense Accounts
- Schedule H-4 - Working Papers for Interdepartmental Transactions
- Schedule H-5 - Intercompany Transactions Adjustment
- Schedule H-6 - Employee Pension and Benefits Adjustments
- Schedule H-7 - Bad Debt Analysis
- Schedule H-8 - Generation Dispatch and Scheduling Cost Detail
- Schedule H-9 - Purchase Power Expense Adjustment
- Schedule H-10 - Generation Plant Overhaul Expenses
- Schedule H-11 - Expense Elimination Adjustment
- Schedule H-12 - Power Marketing Expense Adjustment
- Schedule H-13 - Outside Consulting Related to Rate Case
- Schedule H-14 - Ben French Operation and Maintenance Adjustment
- Schedule H-15 Coal Price Adjustment
- Schedule H-16 - Severance Expense Adjustment
- Schedule H-17 - Capacity Reserve Adjustment
- Statement I - Operating Revenues
- Statement J - Depreciation Expense
- Statement K - Income Taxes
- Schedule K-1 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes
- Schedule K-1 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K-2 - Differences in Book and Tax Depreciation
- Schedule K-3 - Working Papers of Consolidated Federal Income Tax
- Schedule K-3 - Working Papers for Consolidated Federal Income Tax Confidential (not available to the public)
- Schedule K-4 - Working Papers for an Allowance for Current Tax Greater than Tax Calculated at Consolidated Rate
- Schedule K-5 - Working Papers for Claimed Allowances for State Income Taxes
- Schedule K-1 - Working Papers for Federal Income Taxes
- Statement L - Taxes Other than Income
- Statement M - Overall Cost of Service
- Statement N - Allocated Cost of Service by Jurisdiction
- Statement O - Allocated Cost of Service by South Dakota Customer Class
- Statement P - Energy Cost Adjustment Factors
- Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- Statement R - Coal Supply Pricing
- Section 5 - Workpapers
- Volume 2
- Richard C. Loomis Direct Testimony
- Glynda O. Rahn Direct Testimony
- Michael J. Fredrich Direct Testimony
- Christopher J. Kilpatrick Direct Testimony
- Erin E. Wentz Direct Testimony
- Laura A. Patterson Direct Testimony
- Jeff Berzina Direct Testimony
- Exhibit JB-1 - Service Agreement between BHP and Black Hills Service Company LLC
- Exhibit JB-2 - Service Agreement between BHP and Black Hills Utility Holdings Inc.
- Exhibit JB-3 - Black Hills Service Company Cost Allocation Manual
- Exhibit JB-4 - Black Hills Utility Holdings, Inc. Cost Allocation Manual
- Jan Kirsch Direct Testimony
- Mark Lux Direct Testimony
- Brian G. Iverson Direct Testimony
- William E. Avera Direct Testimony
- Exhibit WEA-1 - Qualifications of William E. Avera
- Exhibit WEA-2 - DCF Model Utility Group
- Exhibit WEA-3 - DCF Model Utility Group - BRF+SV Growth Rate
- Exhibit WEA-4 - DV Model - Non-Utility Group
- Exhibit WEA-5 - DCF Model - Non-Utility Group - BRF+SV Growth Rate
- Exhibit WEA-6 - CAPM Utility Group
- Exhibit WEA-7 - Electric Utility Risk Premium
- Exhibit WEA-8 - Expected Earnings Approach
- Exhibit WEA-9 - Capital Structure
- Kyle D. White Direct Testimony
- 01/15/13 - Petition to Intervene of GCC Dacotah, Inc., Rushmore Forest Products, Inc., Spearfish Forest Products, Inc., Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. and Rapid City Regional Hospital
- 01/28/13 - Petition to Intervene of Regency Midwest Ventures Limited Partnership and Deadwood Resort, L.L.C.
- 01/28/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc.'s Statement of No Objection to Petition for Intervention of Industrial Intervenors
- 01/29/13 - Petition to Intervene of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Sam's West Inc.
- 02/11/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc.'s Response to Intervention Petitions
- 02/12/13 - Revised Notice of Appearance and Certificate of Service
- 03/13/13 - Affidavit of Mailing
- 05/02/13 - Notice of Intent to Implement Interim Rates
- 05/23/13 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement Between Black Hills Power and South Dakota Science and Technology Authority
- 05/23/13 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement Between Black Hills Power and Menard, Inc. dba Midwest Manufacturing dba Dakota Panel
- 05/23/13 - Certificate of Service for South Dakota Science and Technology Filing
- 05/23/13 - Certificate of Service for Black Hills Power and Menard, Inc. dba Midwest Manufacturing dba Dakota Panel Filing
- 06/13/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc.'s Response to Staff's Data Request
- Response to Staff's DR 11-1
- Response to Staff's DR 11-2 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-3 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-4 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-5 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-6 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 11-6.1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-7 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Response to Staff's DR 11-8 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 06/13/13 - Staff's Memorandum Regarding Contracts with Deviations
- 06/14/13 - Supplemental Email Requests and Responses - June 13, 2013, 3:41 PM Confidential (not available to the public)
- 06/14/13 - Supplemental Email Requests and Responses - June 13, 2013, 11:22 AM Confidential (not available to the public)
- 08/23/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc.'s Letter regarding Suspending the Procedural Schedule for Testimony which was to be filed on August 23, 2013, and now will be filed on August 26, 2013
- 08/26/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc.'s Letter regarding Suspending the Procedural Schedule
- 09/06/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Sam's West, Inc.'s Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement
- Settlement Agreement between Black Hills Power, Inc. and Wal-Mart and Sam's West, Inc.'s Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 1 - Tariff Pages Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 2 - Direct Testimony of Steve W. Chriss Confidential (not available to the public)
- Settlement Agreement between Black Hills Power, Inc. and Wal-Mart and Sam's West, Inc.'s Confidential (not available to the public)
- 09/06/13 - Black Hills Power, Inc. and GCC Dacotah, Inc., Rushmore Forest Products, Inc., Spearfish Forest Products, Inc., Pete Lien & Sons, Inc., and Rapid City Regional Hospital, collectively the Black Hills Industrial Intervenors' Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Agreement
- 09/06/13 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Settlement Stipulation
- Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- Settlement Stipulation
- PUC Staff Memorandum
- Public
- PUC Staff Memorandum Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement SD Electric Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement SD Electric Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement SD Electric Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement SD Electric Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 2 - Settlement SD Electric Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 1 - Settlement Generation Dispatch and Scheduling Cost Detail
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 2 - Settlement Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 3 - Settlement Coal Price Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 4 - Settlement Miscellaneous Service Revenues
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 5 - Settlement Leap Year Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 6 - Settlement Working Capital Updates
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 7 - Settlement Remove Energy Costs and Revenues
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 8 - Settlement Post Test Year Non-Revenue Producing Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 9 - Settlement Annualization of Non-Revenue Producing Plant Additions
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 10 - Settlement Ben French Operation and Maintenance Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) Schedule 11 - Settlement Pole Attachment Revenue Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Cost of Capital
- Exhibit___(BLC-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Cost of Capital Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement Tax Collections Available
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement Distribution of Wages and Salaries
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 4 - Settlement Incentive Compensation Adjustment
- Exhibit___(DEP)-1 Schedule 5 - Settlement Service Company Charges - Blended Ratio
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 6 - Settlement BHC/BHSC Intercompany Charges
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 7 - Settlement BHC-BHUH Intercompany Charges
- Exhibit___(DEP-1) Schedule 8 - Settlement Employee Pension and Benefits Adjustment
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Bad Debt Analysis
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement Rate Case Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement Storm Damage Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 4 - Settlement Association Dues Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 5 - Settlement Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 6 - Settlement Advertising Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 7 - Settlement Workers Compensation Expense
- Rate Design
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement Rate Design by Customer Class
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement Rate Design by Customer Class Confidential (Not Available to the Public)
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-1 - Residential Rate Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-2 - Small General Service Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-3 - Large General Service & Industrial Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-4 - Lighting Schedules
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-5 - Contracts with Deviations
- Public
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2-5 Contracts with Deviations Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 3 - Bill Comparison
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement Rate Design by Customer Class
- Affidavit of Service (public documents)
- Affidavit of Service (confidential documents)
- 09/06/13 - Certificate of Service (Settlement Agreement - Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Sam's West, Inc.)
- 09/06/13 - Certificate of Service (Settlement Agreement - Black Hills Industrial
Interveners - 09/10/13 - Black Hills Power's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Pages
- 09/19/13 - Black Hills Power's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 09/20/13 - Affidavit of Service
- 09/24/13 - Docket Closed
- 09/26/13 - Transcript of September 17, 2013, Commission Meeting (EL12-061)
- Transcript of September 17, 2013, Commission Meeting (EL12-061) Confidential (not available to the public)
- 03/28/14 - Confidential Filing of Contracts with Deviations regarding Black Hills Power, Inc. and Black Hills Industrial Intervenors
- Second Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and Rapid City Regional Hospital, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibits List Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - List of Multiple Service Locations Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - New Base Rates for Rapid City Regional Hospital, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit C - Confidential Settlement Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Third Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and GCC Dacotah, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibits List Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - Confidential Settlement Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - New Base Rates for GCC Dacotah Confidential (not available to the public)
- Third Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and Spearfish Forest Products, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibits List Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - List of Services at a Single Location Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - New Base Rates for Spearfish Forest Products, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit C - Confidential Settlement Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Third Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and Rushmore Forest Products, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibits List Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - List of Services at a Single Location Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - New Base Rates for Rushmore Forest Products, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit C - Confidential Settlement Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- First Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibits List Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit A - List of Multiple Service Locations Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - New Base Rates for Pete Lien & Sons, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit C - Confidential Settlement Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Second Amendment to Electric Power Service Contract Between Black Hills Power Inc. and Rapid City Regional Hospital, Inc. Confidential (not available to the public)