Date Filed: 06/23/16 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/25/16 ♦
Answer Deadline: 07/19/16 ♦ Date of Notice of Filing: 06/30/16 ♦ Docket Closed: 06/04/18
December 19, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 15, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 1, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
May 23, 2017, Addendum to the Agenda of Commission Meeting
March 14, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 10, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
November 8, 2016, Amended Agenda of Commission Meeting
October 26, 2016, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 16, 2016, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 19, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Commission Meeting, December 19, 2017 (EL16-021)
Minutes of August 15, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Commission Meeting, August 15, 2017 (EL16-021)
Minutes of August 1, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Commission Meeting, August 1, 2017 (EL16-021)
Minutes of May 23, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Commission Meeting, May 23, 2017 (EL16-021)
Minutes of March 14, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Commission Meeting, March 14, 2017 (EL16-021)
Minutes of February 10, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 8, 2016, Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 26, 2016, Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 16, 2016, Commission Meeting
Click For Comments and Responses
Hearing:A hearing will be held by the Commission on April 11, 2017, through April 14, 2017,
beginning at 9:00 AM. CDT, with marking exhibits to begin 8:00 AM. CDT, on April 11, 2017, in Rm. 413 of the State Capitol Building, 500 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, South Dakota
- 03/20/17 - Order For and Notice of Evidentiary Hearing
- Recordings
- April 11, 2017
- April 12, 2017
- Sign-In Sheets
- Exhibits
- Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the Evidentiary Hearing, April 11 and 12, 2017 (EL16-021)
- 08/19/16 - Procedural Scheduling Order
- 11/03/16 - Order Authorizing Executive Director to Enter Into a Consulting Contract
- 11/17/16 - Order Granting Juhl's Request for Confidential Treatment
- 02/02/17 - Order For and Notice of Motion Hearing on Less Than 10 Days' Notice
- 02/15/17 - Order Granting Motion to Amend Complaint
- 02/28/17 - Order For and Notice of Motion Hearing
- 03/20/17 - Order For and Notice of Evidentiary Hearing
- 03/21/17 - Order Denying Motions In Limine
- 05/18/17 - Order For and Notice of Motion Hearing on Less Than 10 Days' Notice
- 05/30/17 - Order Denying in Part and Granting in Part Motion to Exclude NorthWestern's May 3 Response to Commissioner Nelson
- 12/06/17 - Order For and Notice of Motion Hearing
- 12/20/17 - Final Decision and Order Setting Avoided Cost; Notice of Entry
- 01/24/18 - Order Granting Joint Request for Extension of PPA Order Deadline
- 6/23/16 - Juhl Energy, Inc.'s Complaint
- Exhibit 1 - FERC Form 556 - Certification of Qualifying Facility (QF) Status for a Small Power Production or Cogeneration Facility
- Exhibit 2 - Emails Dated October 13 and 14, 2015
- Exhibit 3 - Emails Dated October 19 and 20, 2015
- Exhibit 4 - Emails Dated November 2, 12, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25 and 30, 2015
- Exhibit 5 - Emails Dated December 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 25 and 30, 2015
- Exhibit 6 - Emails Dated December 21, 2015, January 5, 11, 14, and 20, 2016
- Exhibit 7 - Emails Dated February 1, 5 and 19, 2016
- Exhibit 8 - Email Dated March 16, 2016
- Exhibit 9 - Emails Dated March 29 and April 5, 2016
- Exhibit 10 - NorthWestern Energy's Various Avoided Cost Proposals
- Prefiled Direct Testimony of Roger Schiffman on Behalf of Juhl Energy
- 06/24/16 - Exhibit 1 to Prefiled Direct Testimony of Roger Schiffman for Juhl Energy
- 07/19/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Complaint
- 07/21/16 - Notice of Appearance (William Taylor and John E. Taylor) for Juhl Energy
- 07/29/16 - Notice of Appearance (Michael Uda) for Juhl Energy
- 07/29/16 - Prefiled Direct Testimony of Corey Juhl for Juhl Energy
- 08/04/16 - Joint Request for Procedural Schedule between Juhl Energy, NorthWestern Energy, and Staff
- 08/10/16 - Staff's Proposal for Procedural Schedule
- 08/12/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Pro Hac Vice (Al Brogan)
- 08/15/16 - Juhl Energy's Letter regarding Staff's Proposed Procedural Schedule
- 08/18/16 - Juhl Energy's First Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 08/28/16 - PUC Staff's First Set of Data Requests to Juhl Energy Certificate of Service
- 09/07/16 - Juhl Energy's Responses to NorthWestern's Data Request 1 Certificate of Service
- 09/12/16 - Juhl Energy's Responses to Staff's Data Request 1 Certificate of Service
- 09/30/16 - PUC Staff's Second Set of Data Requests to Juhl Energy Certificate of Service
- 10/14/16 - Juhl Energy's Responses to Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 10/17/16 - NorthWestern's Testimony
- Prefiled Response Testimony of Luke P. Hansen
- Prefiled Response Testimony of Bleau J. LaFave
- Certificate of Service
- Exhibit BJL-1 - Energy Price Forecast from 2017 through 2036 (Excel Format)
- Exhibit BJL-2 - Avoided Cost Rate for 2018 through 2037 (Excel Format)
- Exhibit BJL-3 - 2018 to 2037 EIA Forecast (Excel Format)
- Exhibit BJL-4 - SPP (Southwest Power Pool) Planning Criteria
- Prefiled Response Testimony of Autumn M. Mueller
- 10/24/16 - Juhl Energy's Request for Confidential Treatment of Responses to NorthWestern Energy Discovery Requests 1-29 and 1-31
- 10/31/16 - PUC Staff's First Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 11/02/16 - PUC Staff's Third Set of Data Requests to Juhl Energy Certificate of Service
- 11/04/16 - PUC Staff's Second Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 11/07/16 - Juhl Energy's Second Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 11/15/16 - Juhl Energy's Responses to Staff's Third Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 11/16/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's First Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 11/18/16 - PUC Staff's Third Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 11/21/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 11/21/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Juhl Energy's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 11/22/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Confidential Attachments and Responses to Staff's Data Requests 1-3 and 1-17 Certificate of Service
- 11/30/16 - PUC Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 12/05/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Third Set of Data Requests 3-1 to 3-9 and Exhibits Certificate of Service
- 12/05/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Confidential Attachment and Second Supplemental Response to Staff's Data Requests 1-17 Certificate of Service
- 12/13/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 12/13/16 - NorthWestern Energy's Supplemental Response to Staff's Data Request 1-16 Certificate of Service
- 12/16/16 - PUC Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 12/16/16 - PUC Staff's Sixth Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 01/03/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 01/03/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Sixth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 01/05/17 - NorthWestern Energy's First Supplemental Response to Staff's Data Request 4-21 Certificate of Service
- 01/05/17 - NorthWestern Energy's First Supplemental Responses to Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 01/10/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Jon Thurber's Testimony with Exhibits and Kavita Maini's Testimony with Exhibits
- Certificate of Service
- Jon Thurber's Direct Testimony
- Exhibit_JPT-1 - FERC Order 69
- Exhibit_JPT-2 - Docket F-3365 Order
- Exhibit_JPT-3 - Docket EL11-006 Order
- Exhibit_JPT-4 - Juhl’s Response to Commission Staff DR 1-9
- Exhibit_JPT-5 - Docket RM13-002 Draft Rules
- Exhibit_JPT-6 - Docket RM13-002 Juhl Reply Comments
- Exhibit_JPT-7 - Juhl’s Response to Commission Staff DR 3-1
- Exhibit_JPT-8 - Juhl’s Response to Commission Staff DR 3-2
- Exhibit_JPT-9 - Juhl’s Response to Commission Staff DR 2-2
- Exhibit_JPT-10 - Juhl’s Response to Commission Staff DR 2-5
- Exhibit_JPT-11 - NorthWestern’s Response to Commission Staff DR 2-1
- Kavita Maini's Direct Testimony
- 01/19/17 - NorthWestern Energy's First Set of Data Requests to Commission Staff Certificate of Service
- 01/20/17 - PUC Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests to Juhl Energy Certificate of Service
- 01/24/17 - PUC Staff's Seventh Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 01/26/17 - Commission Staff's Responses to NorthWestern Energy's First Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 01/30/17 - Juhl Energy's First Set of Data Requests to Commission Staff Certificate of Service
- 02/01/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Notice of Appearance and Certificate of Service (William Taylor and Michael Uda)
- 02/01/17 - Juhl Energy's Amended Complaint
- 02/02/17 - Juhl Energy's Responses to Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 02/07/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Seventh Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 02/09/17 - Stipulation Allowing Amended Complaint between Juhl Energy, NorthWestern Energy, and Staff
- 02/10/17 - Autumn M. Mueller's Rebuttal Testimony on Behalf of NorthWestern Energy
- 02/10/17 - Luke P. Hansen's Rebuttal Testimony on Behalf of NorthWestern Energy
- 02/10/17 - Roger Schiffman's Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony on Behalf of Juhl Energy
- 02/13/17 - Commission Staff's Responses to Juhl Energy's First Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 02/21/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion In Limine to Exclude Rebuttal Testimony of Autumn Mueller and Luke P. Hansen and Brief in Support
- 02/27/17 - Consolidated Edison Development's Motions in Limine
- 03/01/17 - PUC Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests to Consolidated Edison Development, Inc. Certificate of Service
- 03/01/17 - PUC Staff's Eighth Set of Data Requests to NorthWestern Energy Certificate of Service
- 03/07/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Response to Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion in Limine to Exclude Rebuttal Testimony and Certificate of Service
- 03/07/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Response to Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony of Bleau LaFave, Kavita Maini, and Jon Thurber
- 03/07/17 - Staff’s Response in Opposition to Consolidated Edison Development’s Motions in Limine
- 03/14/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Responses to Staff's Eighth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 03/21/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Responses to Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 03/31/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Prehearing Memorandum
- 03/31/17 - Staff's Pre-Hearing Memorandum
- 03/31/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Prehearing Memorandum
- 04/07/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Witness and Exhibit List
- 04/07/17 - Staff's Witness and Exhibit List
- 04/07/17 - Con Edison Development's Witness and Exhibit List
- 04/10/17 - Juhl Energy's Updated Responses to Staff's Second Set of Data Requests Certificate of Service
- 05/03/17 - NorthWestern's Response to Commissioner Nelson
- 05/04/17 - Attachment to NorthWestern's Response to Commissioner Nelson (Excel Format)
- 05/17/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion to Exclude NorthWestern's May 3 Response to Commissioner Nelson and Certificate of Service
- 05/17/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Opening Post-Hearing Brief
- 06/07/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Post-Hearing Response Brief
- 06/07/17 - Commission Staff's Post-Hearing Brief
- 06/26/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Post-Hearing Reply Brief and Request for Oral Argument
- 08/10/17 - Stipulation Allowing Supplemental Evidence (PUC Staff, Consolidated Edison Development, Inc. and Northwestern Energy)
- 08/24/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Avoided Cost Calculations
- Avoided Cost Calculations (Excel Format)
- PDFs of Excel Spreadsheet
- Tab 1 - NPV and Annualized $/MWh of Avoided Costs
- Tab 2 - Iteration Prices
- Tab 3 - Iteration Market Purchases and Sales
- Tab 4 - VOM (Variable O&M)
- Tab 5 - Con Edison Development Project's Energy Projections
- Tab 6 - Regulation Costs
- Tab 7 - Interconnection Costs
- Tab 8 - Depreciation
- Tab 9 - Forward Price Curves
- Tab 10 - ICE Futures
- Tab 11 - EIA Forecasts
- Certificate of Service
- 11/21/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Response to Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Correspondence of November 8, 2017, and Certificate of Service
- 11/21/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Email regarding Response to NorthWestern Energy's Letter of November 21, 2017
- 11/30/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion for Entry of Order Concluding Case and Certificate of Service
- 12/12/17 - NorthWestern Energy's Response to Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Motion for Entry of Order Concluding Case and Certificate of Service
- 12/12/17 - PUC Staff's Response to Consolidated Edison Development's Motion for Entry of Order Concluding Case
- 12/15/17 - Consolidated Edison Development's Reply to the Staff and NorthWestern's Briefs and Certificate of Service
- 12/28/17 - Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Letter regarding Commission's Final Decision and Order Setting Avoided Cost in this Docket
- 01/22/18 - NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy and Consolidated Edison Development, Inc.'s Joint Request for Extension of PPA Order Deadline and Certificate of Service
- 01/23/18 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Joint Request for Extension of PPA Order Deadline
- 02/14/18 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Power Purchase Agreements
- Certificate of Service
- Qualifying Facility Power Purchase Agreement between NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy and CED Aurora County Wind, LLC; Exhibit A - Detailed Facility Description; Exhibit B - Annual Operating Plan; Exhibit C - Generation Interconnection Agreement; Exhibit D - Production Tax Credit Value Calculation; and Exhibit E - Aggregate Facilities Study Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Qualifying Facility Power Purchase Agreement between NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy and CED Brule County Wind, LLC; Exhibit A - Detailed Facility Description; Exhibit B - Annual Operating Plan; Exhibit C - Generation Interconnection Agreement; Exhibit D - Production Tax Credit Value Calculation; and Exhibit E - Aggregate Facilities Study Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- Qualifying Facility Power Purchase Agreement between NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy and CED Davison County Wind, LLC; Exhibit A - Detailed Facility Description; Exhibit B - Annual Operating Plan; Exhibit C - Generation Interconnection Agreement; Exhibit D - Production Tax Credit Value Calculation; and Exhibit E - Aggregate Facilities Study Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
- 06/04/18 - Docket Closed