NG17-009 - In the Matter of the Application of South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company for Authority to Increase Its Natural Gas Rates
Date Filed: 06/01/17 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/31/17 10/11/19 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/08/17 & 09/26/19 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/16/18
Docket Reopened: 09/24/19 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 10/31/19
Docket Reopened: 09/24/19 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 07/28/21
October 30, 2019, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 26, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 12, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 22, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
October 24, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
October 11, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
August 1, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
July 5, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 8, 2017, Agenda of Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
July 22, 2021, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the July 22, 2021, Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 30, 2019 Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 26, 2018, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 12, 2018, Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 22, 2018, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the NG17-009 discussion.
Minutes of October 24, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 11, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of August 1, 2017, Commission Meeting
Contact Precision Reporting to order a written transcript of the NG17-009 discussion.
Minutes of July 5, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 8, 2017, Commission Meeting
- 06/13/17 - Order to Clarify Docket Procedure
- 07/06/17 - Order Granting Intervention; Order Assessing Filing Fee (MDU)
- 08/08/17 - Order Granting Motion for Commission Review and Making Application Public
- 10/16/17 - Order Establishing Partial Procedural Schedule; Order Requiring Discovery Responses Within Ten Business Days
- 10/30/17 - Order Establishing Procedural Schedule
- 03/02/18 - Order Granting Late Filed Intervention; Amending Procedural Schedule (Ring-neck Energy & Feed, LLC dba Ring-neck Energy, LLC
- 06/19/18 - Order Granting Motion for Second Procedural Schedule; Order Establishing Procedural Schedule
- 07/06/18 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 09/12/18 - Errata Notice
- 10/31/19 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Amendment to Settlement Stipulation and Approving Tariff Sheets on Less Than 30 Days' Notice; Order Approving Settlment Stipulation
- 07/28/21 - Order Granting Withdrawal of Petition
- 06/01/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding an Increase in Its Natural Gas Rates
- 06/05/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Docket
- 06/22/17 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Petition to Intervene
- Also see letter and documents filed on August 3, 2017, letter and documents filed on July 31, 2017 and documents filed July 28, 2017 regarding replacement of the documents listed below.
06/29/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Application Confidential (not available to the public)Document Index Confidential (not available to the public)Appendix A - Current Tariff Sheets Confidential (not available to the public)Appendix B - Proposed Tariff Sheets Confidential (not available to the public)Redline Confidential (not available to the public)
Appendix C - Comparison of Sales, Services, Revenues Confidential (not available to the public)Appendix D - Attestation by Chief Accounting Officer Confidential (not available to the public)Appendix E - Notice of Change in Rates Confidential (not available to the public)Appendix F - Report of Tariff Schedule Change Confidential (not available to the public)Statements and Support SchedulesStatement A - Balance Sheet Confidential (not available to the public)Statement B - Income Statement Confidential (not available to the public)Statement C - Statement of Retained Earnings Confidential (not available to the public)Statement D - Cost of Plant Confidential (not available to the public)Schedule D-1 South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Co. - Detailed Cost of Plant For the Test Year Ended December 31, 2016 Confidential (not available to the public)Schedule D-3 - Working Papers Showing Plant Accounts on Average Basis for Test Period Confidential (not available to the public)
Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation Confidential (not available to the public)Schedule E-2 - Working Papers on Depreciation and Amortization Method Confidential (not available to the public)
Statement F - Working Capital Confidential (not available to the public) (see filing on July 28, 2017)Schedule F-1 - Monthly Balances for Materials, Supplies, Fuel Stocks, and Prepayments Confidential (not available to the public)Schedule F-2 - Monthly Balances for Two Years Immediately Preceding Test Year Confidential (not available to the public)
Statement G - Rate of Return Confidential (not available to the public)Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense Confidential (not available to the public) (see filing on July 28, 2017)Schedule H-3 - Working papers for Listed Expense Accounts Confidential (not available to the public) (see filing on July 28, 2017)
Statement I - Operating Revenues Confidential (not available to the public)Statement J - Depreciation Expense Confidential (not available to the public)Statement K - Income Taxes Confidential (not available to the public)Statement L - Taxes Other Than Income Confidential (not available to the public)Statement M - Overall Cost of Service Confidential (not available to the public) (see filing on July 28, 2017)Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations Confidential (not available to the public)
South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's TestimonyDirect Testimony and Exhibits of William Murphy Confidential (not available to the public) (see filing July 28, 2017)South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Co. Amended and Restated Transportation Agreement with Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. - Dated as of September 1, 1993 Confidential (not available to the public)Exhibit 1 - Supplemental Agreement Confidential (not available to the public)
Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Gordon Woods Confidential (not available to the public)Exhibit GW-1 - Pipeline Safety Act of 2002 SDIP Summary Confidential (not available to the public)
Direct Testimony of Lisa Murphy Confidential (not available to the public)
- 06/29/17 - Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Andrew Moratzka
- 06/29/17 - Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Emma Fazio
- 06/30/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Application
- 07/11/17 - MDU's Motion for Commission Review
- 07/11/17 - PUC Staff's First Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 07/28/17 - Staff's Response to Motion for Commission Review
- 07/28/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Response to Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Motion for Commission Review
- 07/28/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Public Version of Application
(also see letter filed on July 31, 2017)
- Application
- Document Index
- Appendix A - Current Tariff Sheets
- Appendix B - Proposed Tariff Sheets
- Appendix C - Comparison of Sales, Services, Revenues
- Appendix D - Attestation by Chief Accounting Officer
- Appendix E - Notice of Change in Rates
- Appendix F - Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Statements and Support Schedules
- Statement A - Balance Sheet
- Statement B - Income Statement
- Statement C - Statement of Retained Earnings
- Statement D - Cost of Plant
- Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation
- Statement F - Working Capital (refiled 8/3/17)
Statement F - Working Capital (redacted and refiled on 7/31/17)Statement F - Working Capital Confidential (not available to the public) (filed on 6/29/17)- Schedule F-1 - Monthly Balances for Materials, Supplies, Fuel Stocks, and Prepayments
- Schedule F-2 - Monthly Balances for Two Years Immediately Preceding Test Year
- Statement G - Rate of Return
- Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense (refiled 8/3/17)
Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense (filed 7/28/17)Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense Confidential (not available to the public) (filed 6/29/17)- Schedule H-3 - Working papers for Listed Expense Accounts (refiled 8/3/17)
Schedule H-3 - Working papers for Listed Expense Accounts (filed 7/28/17)Schedule H-3 - Working papers for Listed Expense Accounts Confidential (not available to the public) (filed 6/29/17)
- Statement I - Operating Revenues
- Statement J - Depreciation Expense
- Statement K - Income Taxes
- Statement L - Taxes Other Than Income
- Statement M - Overall Cost of Service (refiled on 8/3/17)
Statement M - Overall Cost of Service (redacted refiled on 7/31/17)Statement M - Overall Cost of Service Confidential (not available to the public) (filed on 6/29/17)
- Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Testimony
- Direct Testimony and Exhibits of William Murphy (refiled 8/3/17)
Direct Testimony and Exhibits of William Murphy (filed 7/28/17)Direct Testimony and Exhibits of William Murphy Confidential (not available to the public) (filed 6/29/17)
- South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Co. Amended and Restated Transportation Agreement with Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. - Dated as of September 1, 1993
- Exhibit 1 - Supplemental Agreement
- Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Gordon Woods
- Direct Testimony of Lisa Murphy
- Application
- 07/31/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Public Version and Confidential Version
Statement F - Working Capital(refiled 8/3/17)Statement M - Overall Cost of Service(refiled 8/3/17)- 08/02/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Confidential Attachments Filed by SDIP in this Docket
- 08/03/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Revised Attachments Filed by SDIP in this Docket
- 08/17/17 - PUC Staff's Second Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 08/18/17 - PUC Staff's First Set of Data Requests to MDU Certificate of Service
- 09/15/17 - PUC Staff's Third Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 09/25/17 - PUC Staff's Fourth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 10/02/17 - PUC Staff's Motion for Adoption of Procedural Schedule
- 10/04/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Motion for Adoption of Procedural Schedule Evidentiary Hearing Dates
- 10/13/17 - PUC Staff's Fifth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 10/16/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Evidentiary Hearing Dates for this Docket
- 10/17/17 - PUC Staff's Motion to Compel SDIP to Provide Responses to Staff's Discovery Requests
- 10/19/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to Withdraw Motion to Compel
- 10/20/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Response to PUC Staff's Motion to Compel
- 10/27/17 - PUC Staff's Sixth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 11/14/17 - PUC Staff's Seventh Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 11/20/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Supplemental Testimonies and Exhibits
- William Murphy's Supplemental Direct Testimony and Exhibits
- Lisa Murphy's Supplemental Direct Testimony and Exhibits
- Exhibit (LM-SD-1) - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Financial Statements as of December 31, 2016 & Independent Accountant’s Compilation Report
- Exhibit (LM-SD-2) - DVI Appraisal Service's Letter to Mr. Woods
- Exhibit (LM-SD-3) - 2016 and 2017 South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company Training Expense
- Exhibit (LM-SD-4) - Otter Tail Power Company’s Rate Case Expense Amortization Proposal - Minnesota, Docket No. E017/GR-15-1033
- Exhibit (LM-SD-5) - Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation Rate Case Expense Amortization - Minnesota, Docket No. G011/GR-17-563
- Exhibit (LM-SD-6) - Kaiser Foundation Survey of Employer Health Benefits
- Gordon Woods' Supplemental Direct Testimony and Exhibit
- Dr. Marc Hellman's Supplemental Direct Testimony and Exhibits
- Exhibit (MH-D-1) - FERC Order - Docket No. RP84-82-004 -
Order Affirming in Part and Modifying in Part Initial Decision - Exhibit (MH-D-2) - US Electric Utilities & IPPS - Polling Regulatory Sentiment: Inaugural Survey
- Exhibit (MH-D-3) - Oregon Docket UG 325 - Security Docket News
- Exhibit (MH-D-4) - Direct Testimony of Bente Villadsen on Behalf of Arizona Public Service Company - Docket No. E-01345A-16-0036
- Exhibit (MH-D-1) - FERC Order - Docket No. RP84-82-004 -
- 11/20/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Revised Statements and Support Schedules
- Revised Statement A - Balance Sheet
- Revised Statement B - Income Statement
- Revised Statement C - Statement of Retained Earnings
- Revised Statement D - Cost of Plant
- Revised Statement E - Accumulated Depreciation
- Revised Statement F - Working Capital
- Revised Statement G - Rate of Return
- Revised Statement H - Operation and Maintenance Expense
- Revised Statement I - Operating Revenues
- Revised Statement J - Depreciation Expense
- Revised Statement K - Income Taxes
- Revised Statement L - Taxes Other Than Income
- Revised Statement M - Overall Cost of Service
- Revised Statement Q - Description of Utility Operations
- 11/20/17 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Certificate of Service
- 11/22/17 - PUC Staff's Eighth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 11/28/17 - PUC Staff's Ninth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 12/06/17 - PUC Staff's Tenth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 12/15/17 - PUC Staff's Eleventh Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 12/29/17 - PUC Staff's Twelfth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 01/08/18 - PUC Staff's Thirteenth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 02/15/18 - Ring-Neck Energy & Feed, LLC's Petition to Intervene
- 02/15/18 - Ring-Neck Energy & Feed, LLC's Amended Certificate of Service
- 02/15/18 - PUC Staff's Fourteenth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 02/21/18 - Staff's Response to Ring-Neck's Petition to Intervene
- 02/21/18 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Response to Ring-Neck Energy & Feed, LLC's Petition to Intervene
- 02/22/18 - PUC Staff's Fifteenth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 03/27/18 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Procedural Schedule
- 05/29/18 - PUC Staff's Motion for Second Procedural Schedule
- 06/08/18 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Request for Hearing to Compel Settlement Agreement and Response to Staff's Motion for Second Procedural Schedule
- 06/11/18 - Staff’s Reply to SDIP’s Request for Hearing to Compel Settlement Agreement and Response to Staff’s Motion for Second Procedural Schedule
- 06/18/18 - PUC Staff's Sixteenth Set of Data Requests to SDIP Certificate of Service
- 06/20/18 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation (Public Utilities Commission, South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Co., Montana Dakota Utilities Co., and Ring-neck Energy & Feed, LLC dba Ringneck Energy, LLC)
- 06/20/18 - Settlement Stipulation (Public Utilities Commission, South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Co., Montana Dakota Utilities Co., and Ring-neck Energy & Feed, LLC dba Ringneck Energy, LLC)
- 06/20/18 - Staff Memorandum Supporting Settlement Stipulation
- Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement SD Gas Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement SD Gas Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-1) Schedule 4 - Settlement SD Gas Levelized Operating Income Statement
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement SD Gas Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-2) Schedule 2 - Settlement SD Gas Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 1 - Settlement Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 2 - Settlement Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 3 - Settlement Cash Working Capital Staff Workpapers
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 4 - Settlement Tax Collections Available
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 5 - Settlement Working Capital Updates
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 6 - Settlement Payroll Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 7 - Settlement Benefits Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 8 - Settlement Directors Fees
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 9 - Settlement Miscellaneous Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 10 - Settlement Integrity Management Expense
- Exhibit___(PJS-3) Schedule 11 - Settlement Training Expense
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Plant In-Service and Depreciation Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement 12/31/16 Plant and Depreciation Balances
- Exhibit___(BAM-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement Pro Forma Plant In-Service and Depreciation Balances
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 1 - Settlement Cost of Capital
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 2 - Settlement Debt
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 3 - Settlement 2016 GMC Sierra K15 Truck Loan Amortization Schedule
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 4 - Settlement 2015 Dodge Ram Truck Loan Amortization Schedule
- Exhibit___(BAM-2) Schedule 5 - Settlement 2017 Dodge Ram Truck Loan Amortization Schedule
- Exhibit___(BAM-3) - Settlement Management Fee
- Exhibit___(BAM-4) - Settlement Vehicle Leases and Loans Adjustment
- Exhibit___(BAM-5) - Settlement Fixed Assets Expense Adjustment
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 1 - Settlement Professional Services - Rate Case Filing
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 2 - Settlement Professional Services - Office
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 3 - Settlement Operations Expense
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 4 - Settlement Public Awareness Expense
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 5 - Settlement Insurance Expense
- Exhibit___(EJP-1) Schedule 6 - Settlement Donations
- Rate Design
- 07/16/18 - Docket Closed
- 09/12/18 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Revised Tariff Pages
- 09/24/19 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Rate Adjustment
- 09/26/19 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Certificate of Service
- 09/26/19 - MDU's Letter regarding SDIP's Letter Filed on 9/24/19
- 10/23/19 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Amendment to Settlement Stipulation
- 10/24/19 - Staff Memorandum Supporting Amendment to Settlement Stipulation
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Revenue Requirement
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 2 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Operating Income Statement Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 3 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Operating Income Statement with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-4) Schedule 4 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Levelized Operating Income Statement
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Rate Base Summary
- Exhibit___(PJS-5) Schedule 2 - Amended Settlement SD Gas Rate Base with Known and Measurable Adjustments
- Exhibit___(PJS-6) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement Interest Synchronization Adjustment
- Exhibit___(PJS-6) Schedule 2 - Amended Settlement Cash Working Capital
- Exhibit___(EJP-2) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement Professional Services - Rate Case Filing
- Exhibit___(EJP-2) Schedule 2 - Amended Settlement Insurance Expense
- Exhibit___(BAM-7) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement Cost of Capital
- Exhibit___(BAM-8) Schedule 1 - Amended Settlement Rate Design @ 5,500 dk/day Interruptible Usage
- 10/25/19 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Pages
- 10/31/19 - Docket Reclosed
- 11/01/19 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Pages
- 09/28/20 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Petition and Certificate of Service
- 07/08/21 - South Dakota Intrastate Pipeline Company's Notice of Withdrawal of Petition and Certificate of Service
- 07/28/21 - Docket Reclosed