Filed Documents:
- 01/19/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Notice of Appeal
- 02/01/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Statement of Issues and Certificate of Service
- 02/01/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Order for Transcripts
- 02/02/16 - Dakota Access' Email regarding Filing
- 02/09/16 - Public Utilities Commission's Letter to Hughes County Clerk of Courts
- Certification of Record
- Public Utilities Commission's Letter to Parties
- Certificate of Service
- Alphabetical Index
- Chronological Index (Individual Sections Linked Below)
- 02/09/16 - Dakota Access' Amended Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss
- 02/11/16 - Public Utilities Commission's Joinder of Dakota Access LLC's Motion to Dismiss
- 02/23/16 - Dakota Access' Motion to Extend Briefing Schedule and Certificate of Service
- 02/26/16 - Public Utilities Commission's Joinder of Dakota Access LLC's Motion to Extend Briefing Schedule
- 03/18/16 - Dakota Access' Notice of Entry of Order
- 03/30/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Memorandum in Response to Motion to Dismiss and Certificate of Service
- 03/30/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Alternative Motion for Enlargement of Time and Certificate of Service
- 04/06/16 - Dakota Access' Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Enlargement of Time and Certificate of Service
- 04/06/16 - Dakota Access' Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss and Certificate of Service
- 04/06/16 - Public Utilities Commission’s Memorandum in Response to Yankton Sioux Tribe’s Alternative Motion for Enlargement of Time
04/22/16 - Dakota Access' Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Certificate of ServiceOrder Granting Motion to Dismiss and Denying Motion for Enlargement of TimeJudgment
- 04/26/16 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Opposition to Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law
- 04/27/16 - Order Granting Motion to Dismiss and Denying Motion for Enlargement of Time
- 04/29/16 - Dakota Access' Notice of Entry of Judgment
- 06/16/16 - Docket Closed
No. |
Date |
Page Number |
1. | 12/15/14 |
Docket HP14-002 - Electronic Docket Filings (PUC Website - http://puc.sd.gov/Dockets/HydrocarbonPipeline/2014/hp14-002.aspx) |
2. | 12/15/14 |
Docket HP14-002 - Comments and Responses (PUC Website - http://puc.sd.gov/Dockets/HydrocarbonPipeline/2014/hp14-002comments.aspx) |
3. | 12/15/14 |
Dakota Access, LLC's Letter regarding its Application for a Facility Permit to Construct and Operate the Dakota Access Pipeline; Dakota Access Pipeline Project Energy Transmission Facility: SDCL 49-41B Application; Exhibit A - Project Mapping-Exhibit A1 - Project Vicinity Maps; Exhibit A2 - Topographic Maps; Exhibit A3 - Soil Maps; Exhibit A4 - Hydrology Maps; Exhibit A5 - USGS Landcover/Land Use Field Data Maps; Exhibit B - Project Typicals and Flow Diagrams-Exhibit B - Table of Contents; Project Typicals; Right-of-Way Typicals; Mainline Valve Typical; Pump Station Typical; Project Flow Diagrams Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit C - Supplementary Table-Exhibit C - Table of Contents; Soil Characteristics for Each Soil Map Unit within the Project Area; Waterbodies Crossed by the Project; Federal and State Listed Threatened and Endangered Species in South Dakota; Exhibit D - Dakota Access Project Plans-Exhibit D - Table of Contents; Draft Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; Appendix A - Best Management Practices Figures; Appendix B - Draft Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan; Appendix C - Inspection Forms and Instructions; Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plan; Horizontal Directional Drill Contingency Plan; and Blast Plan |
4. | 12/16/14 |
Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status |
5. | 12/17/14 |
Dakota Access' Motion for Waiver of ARSD 20:10:22:39 |
6. | 12/17/14 |
Comments of Mark Meierhenry to Vice Chairman Nelson; Comments of Mark Meierhenry to Commissioner Fiegen; and Comments of Mark Meierhenry to Chairman Hanson; |
7. | 12/18/14 |
Comments of Representative Mark Willadsen to Commissioner Fiegen; Attachment - Comments of Mark Meierhenry to Commissioner Fiegen; and Commissioner Fiegen's Response to Representative Mark Willadsen |
8. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Weekly Filing |
9. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Prairie Pioneer regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
10. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Northwest Blade regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
11. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to The Pride of the Prairie regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
12. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Faulk County Record regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
13. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to The Plainsman regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
14. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to The Redfield Press regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
15. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to De Smet News regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
16. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Madison Daily Leader regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status(see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
17. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Salem Special regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
18. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Argus Leader regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
19. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to The Marion Record regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
20. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Sioux Valley News regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
21. | 12/18/14 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Miner County Pioneer regarding Notice of Public Input Hearing; and Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 566-568 for the Notice) |
22. | 12/18/14 |
Affidavit of Service |
23. | 12/18/14 |
Affidavit of Service |
24. | 12/19/14 |
Affidavit of Service |
25. | 12/19/14 |
Commissioner Hanson's Response to Mark Meierhenry |
26. | 12/19/14 |
Dakota Access, LLC's Letter to County Auditors regarding the Application; and Proof of Service |
27. | 12/23/14 |
Dakota Access, LLC's Letter regarding Revised Application and Revised Exhibits A and C; Revised Dakota Access Pipeline Project Energy Transmission Facility: SDCL 49-41B Application; Revised Exhibit A-Revised Exhibit A1 - Project Vicinity Maps (Page 4 has been Revised); Revised Exhibit A2 - Topographic Maps (Page 23 of 49, Page 24 of 49, Page 45 of 49, Page 46 of 49, Page 47 of 49 and Page 48 of 49); Revised Exhibit A3 - Soil Maps (Page 23 of 49, Page 24 of 49, Page 45 of 49, Page 46 of 49, Page 47 of 49, and Page 48 of 49); Revised Exhibit A4 - Hydrology Maps (Page 24 of 52, Page 25 of 52, Page 46 of 52, Page 47 of 52, Page 48 of 52, Page 49 of 52, Page 51 of 52 and Page 52 of 52); Revised Exhibit A5 - USGS Landcover/Land Use Field Data Maps (Page 23 of 49, Page 24 of 49, Page 45 of 49, Page 46 of 49, Page 47 of 49, and Page 48 of 49); Revised Exhibit C - Supplementary Tables; Revised Exhibit C - Table of Contents; Revised Soil Characteristics for Each Soil Map Unit within the Project Area; Revised Waterbodies Crossed by the Project; and Revised Federal and State Listed Threatened and Endangered Species in South Dakota |
28. | 12/23/14 |
Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
29. | 12/23/14 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
30. | 12/30/14 |
Order Assessing Filing Fee |
31. | 12/31/14 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Madison Daily Leader) |
32. | 01/05/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Argus Leader) |
33. | 01/05/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (McPherson County Herald) |
34. | 01/05/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Miner County Pioneer) |
35. | 01/05/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Prairie Pioneer) |
36. | 01/06/15 |
South Dakota Department of Transportation's Application for Party Status |
37. | 01/06/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Huron Plainsman) |
38. | 01/07/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (De Smet News) |
39. | 01/07/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (De Smet News) |
40. | 01/08/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (The Salem Special) |
41. | 01/08/15 |
Commissioner Fiegen's Letter to Governor Daugaard regarding Disqualification from the Docket |
42. | 01/12/15 |
Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Hanson; Commissioner Hanson's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer; Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Nelson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer; Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Fiegen; Commissioner Fiegen's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer; Comments of Wayne Schmidt; Comments of Dale Hoyer; Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Hanson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Hanson's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Fiegen's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Wayne Schmidt Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Dale Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public) |
43. | 01/14/15 |
Governor Daugaard's Letter to Secretary of State regarding Appointment of Rich Sattgast |
44. | 01/14/15 |
Governor Daugaard's Letter to Rich Sattgast regarding Appointment; and Attachment |
45. | 01/14/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Madison Daily Leader) |
46. | 01/14/15 |
Rich Sattgast's Oath |
47. | 01/14/15 |
Rich Sattgast's State of South Dakota Statement of Financial Interest Governor's Appointees |
48. | 01/14/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Mailings, Filings and Notices; Certificate of Service Confidential (not available to the public); and Certificate of Service Confidential (not available to the public) |
49. | 01/15/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Ipswich Tribune) |
50. | 01/15/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (Roscoe-Hosmer Independent) |
51. | 01/15/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (The Pride of the Prairie) |
52. | 01/15/15 |
Meierhenry Sargent LLP's Letter regarding Applications for Party Status; Chris Healy's Application for Party Status; and Mark Meierhenry's Application for Party Status |
53. | 01/16/15 |
Dakota Access' Affidavit of Publication (The New Era) |
54. | 01/16/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Faulk County Record) |
55. | 01/16/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Letter to County Auditors regarding the Revised Application; and Proof of Service |
56. | 01/20/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (The Redfield Press) |
57. | 01/20/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Argus Leader) |
58. | 01/20/15 |
Lake County's Application for Party Status |
59. | 01/21/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Prairie Pioneer) |
60. | 01/21/15 |
Public Input Hearing on the Application at Bowdle, South Dakota - Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status; Application for Party Status; Pipeline Siting Info Guide; Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Dakota Access, LLC - Crude Oil Pipeline Project - South Dakota Presentation; Dakota Access, LLC - South Dakota Fact Sheet - January 2015; Transcript |
1071-1073 |
61. | 01/21/15 |
Public Input Hearing on the Application at Redfield, South Dakota - Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 1071-1073); Application for Party Status (see page 1074); Pipeline Siting Info Guide(see pages 1075-1076); Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Dakota Access, LLC - Crude Oil Pipeline Project - South Dakota Presentation (see pages 1085-1103); Dakota Access, LLC - South Dakota Fact Sheet - January 2015 (see pages 1104-1106); Transcript |
62. | 1/22/15 |
Public Input Hearing on the Application at Iroquois, South Dakota - Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 1071-1073); Application for Party Status(see page 1074); Pipeline Siting Info Guide (see pages 1075-1076); Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Dakota Access, LLC - Crude Oil Pipeline Project - South Dakota Presentation(see pages 1085-1103); Dakota Access, LLC - South Dakota Fact Sheet - January 2015 (see pages 1104-1106); Transcript |
63. | 01/22/15 |
Comments of Shelly Johnson; Comments of Anne Dilenschneider; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Anne Dilenschneider; Additional Comments of Anne Dilenschneider; Comments of Biewer, Christopher Jerome to Commissioner Fiegen; Comments of Biewer, Christopher Jerome to Commissioner Hanson; Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Nelson; Comments of Phillip Wallace, Pipeliners Local Union 798; Comments of Betty Strom; Comments of Shelly Johnson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Anne Dilenschneider Confidential (not available to the public); Additional Comments of Anne Dilenschneider Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Biewer, Christopher Jerome to Commissioner Fiegen Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Christopher Jerome Biewer to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public) |
64. | 01/22/15 |
WEB Water Development Association, Inc.'s Application for Party Status |
65. | 01/22/15 |
Randy Kuehn's Application for Party Status |
66. | 01/22/15 |
Public Input Hearing on the Application at Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Notice of Application; Order for and Notice of Public Input Hearings; Notice of Opportunity to Apply for Party Status (see pages 1071-1073); Application for Party Status(see page 1074); Pipeline Siting Info Guide (see pages 1075-1076); Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Dakota Access, LLC - Crude Oil Pipeline Project - South Dakota Presentation(see pages 1085-1103); Dakota Access, LLC - South Dakota Fact Sheet - January 2015 (see pages 1104-1106); Travis Kriens' Handout; Energy Transfer Partners Website - 2013 Annual Report; Fact Sheet on Energy Transfer Partners and the Dakota Access, LLC Prepared for Story County Community Meeting of the Bakken Pipeline Resistance; Transcript |
67. | 01/23/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Christopher Jerome Biewer; Comments of Travis Kriens to Commissioners Nelson and Hanson; Commissioner Hanson's Response to Travis Kriens; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Travis Kriens; Comments of MEI McLaury Engineering, Inc. to Commissioner Nelson; Comments of Travis Kriens to Commissioners Nelson and Hanson Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Hanson's Response to Travis Kriens Confidential (not available to the public) |
68. | 01/24/15 |
Comments of Ernest Kroeger to Commissioner Hanson |
69. | 01/26/15 |
Comments of South Dakota Department Environment & Natural Resources to Commissioner Hanson; Commissioner Hanson's Response to South Dakota Department Environment & Natural Resources |
70. | 01/28/15 |
Comments of Adam VanZanten to Commissioner Hanson; Commissioner Hanson's Response to Adam VanZanten; Comments of Mark Albenesius to Commissioner Nelson; Comments of Adam VanZanten to Commissioner Hanson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Hanson's Response to Adam VanZanten Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Mark Albenesius to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public) |
71. | 01/28/15 |
Lincoln County Board of Commissioners' Application for Party Status |
72. | 01/29/15 |
Commissioner Hanson's Response to Ernest Kroeger; Comments of Bret C. Merkle, Merkle Law Firm; and Commissioner Hanson's Response to Ernest Kroeger Confidential (not available to the public) |
73. | 01/30/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Madison Daily Leader) |
74. | 01/30/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mark Albenesius; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Shelly Johnson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kim McLaury; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Wayne Schmidt; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Phillip Wallace; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Betty Strom; Comments of Andrew Witter; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Andrew Witter; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mark Albenesius Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Shelly Johnson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kim McLaury Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Wayne Schmidt Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Phillip Wallace Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Betty Strom Confidential (not available to the public); Comment of Andrew Witter Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Andrew Witter Confidential (not available to the public) |
75. | 02/02/15 |
Comments of Janie Wallace; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Janie Wallace; Comments of Peggy A. Hoogestraat to Commissioner Nelson; Email from Travis Lee Kriens; Email from Sheryl Fromm to Travis Lee Kriens; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Travis Kriens; Comments of Johnathan Wildeboer; Comments of Janie Wallace Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Janie Wallace Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Peggy A. Hoogestraat to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public); Email from Travis Lee Kriens Confidential (not available to the public); Email from Sheryl Fromm to Travis Lee Kriens Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Johnathan Wildeboer Confidential (not available to the public) |
76. | 02/02/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Sioux Valley News) |
77. | 02/02/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Miner County Pioneer) |
78. | 02/02/15 |
Pente Farms, LLC's Application for Party Status |
79. | 02/03/15 |
Minnehaha County Board of Commissioners' Application for Party Status |
80. | 02/04/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Johnathan Wildeboer; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Peggy Hoogestraat; Email of Sheryl Fromm; Comments of Sheryl Fromm; Email of South Dakota Corn Growers Association; Comments of South Dakota Corn Growers Association to Commissioner Nelson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Johnathan Wildeboer Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Peggy Hoogestraat Confidential (not available to the public); Email of Sheryl Fromm Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Sheryl Fromm Confidential (not available to the public) |
81. | 02/04/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Huron Plainsman) |
82. | 02/04/15 |
Peggy A. Hoogestraat's Application for Party Status |
83. | 02/05/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to South Dakota Corn Growers Association |
84. | 02/05/15 |
Joy A. Hohn's Application for Party Status |
85. | 02/06/15 |
Marilyn J. Murray's Application for Party Status |
86. | 02/06/15 |
City of Hartford's Application for Party Status |
87. | 02/06/15 |
Rocky Acres Land Investment, LLC's Application for Party Status |
88. | 02/09/15 |
Comments of Dana Haan on Behalf of Iva Haan Family; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dana Haan on Behalf of Iva Haan Family; Comments of Kennith L. Gosch, Bantz, Gosch & Cremer, L.L.C.; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kennith L. Gosch, Bantz, Gosch & Cremer, L.L.C.; Comments of James Schmidt, Lincoln County Commissioner to Commissioner Nelson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to James Schmidt; Additional Comments of James Schmidt, Lincoln County Commissioner; Commissioner Nelson's Additional Response to James Schmidt, Lincoln County Commissioner; Commissioner Nelson's Response Bret C. Merkle, Merkle Law Firm; Comments of Laurie Kunzelman and Delores Assid to Commissioner Nelson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Laurie Kunzelman and Delores Assid; Comments of James Frankenstein; Comments of Larry Johnson; Comments of Nancy Stofferahn; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Nancy Stofferahn; Comments of Dana Haan on Behalf of Iva Haan Family Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dana Haan on Behalf of Iva Haan Family Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Additional Response to James Schmidt, Lincoln County Commissioner Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Laurie Kunzelman and Delores Assid to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Laurie Kunzelman and Delores Assid Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of James Frankenstein Confidential(not available to the public); Comments of Larry Johnson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Nancy Stofferahn Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Nancy Stofferahn Confidential (not available to the public) |
89. | 02/09/15 |
Linda Goulet's Application for Party Status |
90. | 02/09/15 |
Dale E. Sorenson Life Estate's Application for Party Status |
91. | 02/09/15 |
Dakota Rural Action's Letter regarding Application for Party Status; and Dakota Rural Action's Application for Party Status |
92. | 02/09/15 |
Dakota Rural Action's Revised Letter |
93. | 02/09/15 |
Dale and Debra K. Sorenson Application for Party Status |
94. | 02/09/15 |
Duane Sorenson - Dale E. Sorenson Life Estate's Application for Party Status |
95. | 02/09/15 |
Dennis Sorenson - Dale E. Sorenson Life Estate's Application for Party Status |
96. | 02/09/15 |
Douglas Sorenson - Dale E. Sorenson Life Estate's Application for Party Status |
97. | 02/09/15 |
Meierhenry Sargent LLP's Letter regarding William Haugen's Application for Party Status; and Haugen Investments LP's Application for Party Status |
98. | 02/09/15 |
Phillip Fett's Application for Party Status |
99. | 02/09/15 |
Orrin E. Geide's Application for Party Status |
100. | 02/09/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (Northwest Blade) |
101. | 02/09/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (De Smet News) |
102. | 02/09/15 |
PUC's Affidavit of Publication (The Salem Special) |
103. | 02/10/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to James Frankenstein; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Larry Johnson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to James Frankenstein Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Larry Johnson Confidential (not available to the public) |
104. | 02/10/15 |
Shirley M. Oltmanns' Application for Party Status |
105. | 02/10/15 |
Bradley F. Williams' Application for Party Status |
106. | 02/10/15 |
Craig L. Walker's Application for Party Status |
107. | 02/10/15 |
Dotta-Jo A. Walker's Application for Party Status |
108. | 02/11/15 |
Comments of Matthew Anderson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Matthew Anderson; Comments of Kristi Anderson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kristi Anderson; Comments of John Peterson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to John Peterson; Comments of Matthew Anderson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Matthew Anderson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Kristi Anderson Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kristi Anderson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of John Peterson Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to John Peterson Confidential (not available to the public) |
109. | 02/11/15 |
Kevin J. Schoffelman's Application for Party Status |
110. | 02/11/15 |
City of Sioux Falls' Application for Party Status |
111. | 02/12/15 |
Delores Andreessen Assid's Application for Party Status |
112. | 02/12/15 |
Charles J. Johnson's Application for Party Status |
113. | 02/12/15 |
Janice E. Petterson's Application for Party Status |
114. | 02/12/15 |
Corliss F. Wiebers' Application for Party Status |
115. | 02/12/15 |
Paul A. Nelsen's Application for Party Status |
116. | 02/12/15 |
Paul A. Seamans' Application for Party Status |
117. | 02/12/15 |
Meierhenry Sargent LLP's Letter regarding Withdrawal of the Applications for Party Status for Mark Meierhenry and Christopher Healy |
118. | 02/13/15 |
Comments of 2012 Brass Family LLLP; Commissioner Nelson's Response to 2012 Brass Family LLLP; Comments of 2012 Brass Family LLLP Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to 2012 Brass Family LLLP Confidential (not available to the public) |
119. | 02/13/15 |
John Wellnitz's Application for Party Status |
120. | 02/13/15 |
John Stratmeyer's Application for Party Status |
121. | 02/13/15 |
2012 Brass Family LLLP's Application for Party Status |
122. | 02/13/15 |
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)'s Letter regarding Application for Party Status; and Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)'s Application for Party Status |
123. | 02/13/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe-Sicangu Oyate Land Office's Application for Party Status |
124. | 02/13/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe-Sicangu Lakota Treaty Office's Application for Party Status |
125. | 02/13/15 |
Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
126. | 02/13/15 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
127. | 02/17/15 |
Comments of Bennett and Luella DeJong; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Bennett and Luella DeJong; Comments of Bennett and Luella DeJong Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Bennett and Luella DeJong Confidential (not available to the public) |
128. | 02/17/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Application for Party Status; and Certificate of Service |
129. | 02/17/15 |
Merkle Law Firm's Letter regarding Applications for Party Status; KKKP Property, LLLP's Application for Party Status; Calvin Schreiver's Application for Party Status; DLK&M, LLC's Application for Party Status; Pederson Ag, LLC's Application for Party Status; Jean Osthus' Application for Party Status; and Daniel & Marcia Hoiland's Application for Party Status |
130. | 02/17/15 |
Mavis A. Parry's Application for Party Status |
131. | 02/17/15 |
Staff's Letter to the Parties |
132. | 02/18/15 |
Order Granting Waiver and Intervention and Party Status (South Dakota Department of Transportation, Lake County, WEB Water Development Association, Inc., Randy Kuehn, Lincoln County Board of Commissioners, Pente Farms, LLC, Minnehaha County Board of Commissioners, Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Joy A. Hohn, Marilyn J. Murray, City of Hartford, Rocky Acres Land Investment, LLC, Linda Goulet, Dale E. Sorenson Life Estate, Dakota Rural Action, Dale and Debra K. Sorenson, Duane Sorenson, Dennis Sorenson, Douglas Sorenson, Haugen Investments, LP, Phillip Fett, Orrin E. Geide, Shirley M. Oltmanns, Bradley F. Williams, Craig L. Walker, Dotta-Jo A. Walker, Kevin J. Schoffelman, City of Sioux Falls, Delores Andreessen Assid, Charles J. Johnson, Janice E. Petterson, Corliss F. Wiebers, Paul A. Nelsen, and Paul A. Seamans) |
133. | 02/20/15 |
Comments of Linda Goulet; and Comments of Linda Goulet Confidential (not available to the public) |
134. | 02/25/15 |
Prehearing Scheduling Conference Order |
135. | 02/27/15 |
Comments of Jim Bolin; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jim Bolin; Comments of Donald R. Klassen; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Donald R. Klassen; Comments of Jim Bolin Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jim Bolin Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Donald R. Klassen Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Donald R. Klassen Confidential (not available to the public) |
136. | 03/02/15 |
Notice of Appearance (Chris Giles); and Certificate of Service |
137. | 03/02/15 |
Revised Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
138. | 03/02/15 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
139. | 03/02/15 |
Transcript of PUC Commission Meeting |
140. | 03/02/15 |
Comments of Debra Sorenson; and Comments of Debra Sorenson Confidential (not available to the public) |
141. | 03/03/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Goulet; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Goulet Confidential (not available to the public) |
142. | 03/03/15 |
Notice of Appearance (Michael Nadolski); and Certificate of Service |
143. | 03/05/15 |
Order Granting Intervention and Party Status (John Wellnitz, John Stratmeyer, Lorin Brass, Indigenous Environmental Network, Rosebud Sioux Tribe-Sicangu Oyate Land Office, Rosebud Sioux Tribe-Sicangu Lakota Treaty Office, Yankton Sioux Tribe, KKKP Property, LLLP, Calvin Schreiver, DLK&M, LLC, Pederson Ag, LLC, Jean Osthus, Daniel & Marcia Hoiland, and Mavis Parry) |
144. | 03/09/15 |
Notice of Appearance (Kersten A. Kappmeyer); and Certificate of Service |
145. | 03/09/15 |
Transcript of Prehearing Scheduling Conference |
146. | 03/11/15 |
Prehearing Scheduling Order |
147. | 03/16/15 |
Comments of Julie Jones; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Julie Jones; Comments of Melissa Fluit; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Melissa Fluit; Comments of Julie Jones Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Julie Jones Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Melissa Fluit Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Melissa Fluit Confidential (not available to the public) |
148. | 03/17/15 |
Notice of Entry of Appearance (Matthew Rappold); and Certificate of Service
149. | 03/18/15 |
Comments of Rod Hohn and Attachment; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn; Comments of Rod Hohn and Attachment Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public) |
150. | 03/18/15 |
Notice of Entry of Appearance (Glenn J. Boomsma); and Certificate of Service |
151. | 03/19/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Route Revisions in Minnehaha and Turner Counties and Route Alternatives in Lincoln County; Exhibit A1 - a color map depicting the preferred route and alternative routes overlaid on a grid showing the cities and their expected growth areas; Exhibit A2 - an aerial photograph of the preferred route; Exhibit A3 - an aerial photograph depicting the route modification near the Sioux Falls landfill; Exhibit B - a summary of the features found along the preferred and alternative routes; Exhibit C - the City of Hartford Future Land Use plans map; and Certificate of Service |
152. | 03/20/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Route Revision in Beadle County; Exhibit A - James River Reroute Options Table; Exhibit B - James River Reroute Vicinity Map; Exhibit C - James River Reroute General Site/Topographical Map; Exhibit D - James River Reroute Hydrology Surface Water Map; Exhibit E - James River Reroute SSURGO Soils Map; Exhibit F - James River Reroute USGS Landcover/Land Use Field Data Map; and Certificate of Service |
153. | 03/20/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Sign-In Sheet; and Sign-In Sheet from February 19, 2014 |
154. | 03/23/15 |
Joy Hohn's Letter and Attachment |
155. | 03/25/15 |
Comments of Thomas L. and Linda Shumaker; and Comments of Thomas L. and Linda Shumaker Confidential (not available to the public) |
156. | 03/26/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Thomas L. and Linda Shumaker; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Thomas L. and Linda Shumaker Confidential (not available to the public) |
157. | 03/30/15 |
Comments of RMB, by Joel Dykstra, CEO; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Joel Dykstra, RMB |
158. | 03/31/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Land Owner Notification Letter (James River Reroute) ; Land Owner Notification Letter (James River Reroute); Land Owner List Confidential (not available to the public) |
159. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Kevin J. Schoffelman); and Certificate of Service |
160. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Linda Goulet); and Certificate of Service |
161. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Corlis Wiebers); and Certificate of Service |
162. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Mavis Parry); and Certificate of Service |
163. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Shirley Oltmanns); and Certificate of Service |
164. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Janice E. Petterson); and Certificate of Service |
165. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Marilyn Murray); and Certificate of Service |
166. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Delores Andreessen Assid); and Certificate of Service |
167. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Peggy Hoogestraat's Certificate of Service |
168. | 04/01/15 |
04/01/15 - Notice of Appearance (Larry Nelson for the City of Hartford); and Certificate of Service |
169. | 04/02/15 |
Comments of Earl and Cornelia Geide; and Comments of Earl and Cornelia Geide Confidential (not available to the public) |
170. | 04/02/15 |
Dakota Access' Certificate of Services |
171. | 04/03/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Earl and Cornelia Geide; Comments of Linda Dorzok; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Dorzok; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Earl and Cornelia Geide Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Linda Dorzok Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Dorzok Confidential (not available to the public) |
172. | 04/06/15 |
Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Joy Hohn) ; and Certificate of Service |
173. | 04/09/15 |
Notice of Appearance (Glenn Boomsma for Orrin E. Geide); and Certificate of Service |
174. | 04/14/15 |
Comments of Sal Roseland; and Comments of Sal Roseland Confidential (not available to the public) |
175. | 04/16/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sal Roseland; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sal Roseland Confidential (not available to the public |
176. | 04/20/15 |
Comments of Michael Napier; Comments of Richard Seese; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Richard Seese; Comments of Michael Napier Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Richard Seese Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Richard Seese Confidential (not available to the public) |
177. | 04/20/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water System, Inc.'s Letter regarding Petition for Intervention; South Dakota Association of Rural Water System, Inc. Petition for Intervention; and Certificate of Service |
178. | 04/21/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Michael Napier; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Michael Napier Confidential (not available to the public) |
179. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Derric Iles; Derric Iles' Subpoena; and Derric Iles' Admission of Service |
180. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Kim McIntosh; Kim McIntosh's Subpoena; and Kim McIntosh's Admission of Service |
181. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Brian Walsh; Brian Walsh's Subpoena; and Brian Walsh's Admission of Service |
182. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Todd Bailey; Todd Bailey's Subpoena; and Todd Bailey's Admission of Service |
183. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Michael Houdyshell; Michael Houdyshell's Subpoena; and Michael Houdyshell's Admission of Service |
184. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Paige Olson; Paige Olson's Subpoena; and Paige Olson's Admission of Service |
185. | 04/21/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter to Tom Kirschenmann; Tom Kirschenmann's Subpoena; and Tom Kirschenmann's Admission of Service |
186. | 04/23/15 |
Thomas Kirschenmann's Admission of Service |
187. | 04/30/15 |
Amended Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
188. | 04/30/15 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
189. | 04/30/15 |
Transcript of PUC Commission Meeting |
190. | 05/01/15 |
Comments of Merle Pochop; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Merle Pochop; Comments of Ryan Pidde; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Ryan Pidde; Comments of Merle Pochop Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Merle Pochop Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Ryan Pidde Confidential (not available to the public) |
191. | 05/04/15 |
Order Granting Intervention (South Dakota Association of Rural Water |
192. | 05/07/15 |
Order for and Notice of Motion Hearing |
193. | 05/07/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion to Compel; Certificate of Service; Exhibit 1 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's First Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC; Exhibit 2 - Dakota Access' Email to Yankton Sioux Tribe; Exhibit 3 - Answers to Yankton Sioux Tribe's First Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC; and Exhibit 4 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Letter to Dakota Access regarding First Interrogatories |
194. | 05/08/15 |
Staff's Brief in Response to Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion to Compel; and Certificate of Service |
195. | 05/08/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's, Rosebud Sioux Tribe's, Indigenous Environmental Network's, and Dakota Rural Action's Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule; Certificate of Service; Exhibit 1 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's First Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC; Exhibit 2 - Dakota Rural Action's First Request for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC; Exhibit 3 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Letter to Dakota Access regarding Discovery Production; Exhibit 4 - Emails regarding Discovery; Exhibit 5 - IEN's Letter to Dakota Access regarding Discovery; and Exhibit 6 - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Letter to Dakota Access regarding Response to Yankton Sioux Tribe's First Interrogatories |
196. | 05/08/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Objection to the Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion to Compel; Objection to Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion to Compel and Certificate of Service; and Brief in Support of Opposition to Motion to Compel Discovery |
197. | 05/11/15 |
Comments of Representative Beal, Beal Distributing, Inc.; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Representative Beal, Beal Distributing, Inc. |
198. | 05/11/15 |
Order for and Notice of Motion Hearing |
199. | 05/11/15 |
Peggy Hoogestraat, Matthew Anderson, Kristi Anderson, Nancy Stofferahn, Tom Stofferahn, Ron Stofferahn, Kevin Schoffelman, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice Petterson, Carlis Wiebers, Linda Goulet, Marilyn Murray, Lori Kunzelman, Joy Hohn, Rodney Hohn, Orrin Geide, Doug Bacon, Margaret Hilt, Devona Smith, Al Arends, Sherrie Fines-Tracy, Delores Assid, and Ruth E. Arends' Joinder of Yankton Sioux Tribe's, Rosebud Sioux Tribe's, Indigenous Environmental Network's and Dakota Rural Action's Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule; Exhibit A - Dakota Access, LLC's Answers to Peggy Hoogestraat's Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC (First Set); Exhibit B - Dakota Access Email to Glenn Boomsma regarding Answers to Interrogatories; and Certificate of Service |
200. | 05/12/15 |
Order for and Notice of Motion Hearing on Less Than Ten Days’ Notice |
201. | 05/12/15 |
Protective Order and Exhibit A |
202. | 05/12/15 |
Exhibit A (This exhibit should have been filed with Dakota Access' Brief in Support of Opposition to Motion to Compel Discovery) |
203. | 05/12/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's, Rosebud Sioux Tribe's, Indigenous Environmental Network's, and Dakota Rural Action's Joint Motion for Reconsideration of Order Dated May 11, 2015; and Certificate of Service |
204 | 05/12/15 |
Addendum to Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
205 | 05/12/15 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
206. | 05/12/15 |
Transcript of PUC Commission Meeting |
207. | 05/13/15 |
Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion to Compel |
208. | 05/14/15 |
Order Granting Motion to Reconsider and Order for and Notice of Motion Hearing on Less Than Ten Days’ Notice |
209. | 05/14/15 |
Staff's Brief in Response to Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule; and Certificate of Service |
210. | 05/14/15 |
Agenda of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
211. | 05/14/15 |
Minutes of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
212. | 05/14/15 |
Transcript of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
213. | 05/15/15 |
Comments of Jim Sweeney; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jim Sweeney; Comments of Erin Boyd; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Erin Boyd; Comments of Jim Sweeney Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jim Sweeney Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Erin Boyd Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Erin Boyd Confidential (not available to the public) |
214. | 05/18/15 |
Dakota Access' Reply to Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule and Certificate of Service |
215. | 05/19/15 |
Affidavit of Glenn J. Boomsma in Response to Dakota Access, LLC's Reply to Joint Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule; Exhibit A: Dakota Access, LLC's May 2, 2015 Unsigned Discovery Responses; Exhibit B : Dakota Access, LLC's May 11,2015 Signed Discovery Responses; Exhibit C: May 8, 2015 Email from Attorney Koenecke; and Certificate of Service |
216. | 05/19/15 |
Agenda of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
217. | 05/19/15 |
Minutes of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
218. | 05/19/15 |
Transcript of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
219. | 05/20/15 |
Order Granting in Part Motion to Amend Procedural Schedule |
220. | 05/26/15 |
05/26/15 - Notice of Entry of Appearance; Certificate of Service; and Order Admitting Kimberly E. Craven |
221. | 05/27/15 |
Derric Iles' Admission of Service |
222. | 05/27/15 |
Paige Olson's Admission of Service |
223. | 05/27/15 |
Brian Walsh's Admission of Service |
224. | 05/27/15 |
Kimberly McIntosh's Admission of Service |
225. | 05/28/15 |
Comments of Ed Fallon; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Ed Fallon; Comments of Ed Fallon Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Ed Fallon Confidential (not available to the public) |
226. | 05/29/15 |
PUC Staff's Certificate of Service |
227. | 06/08/15 |
Comments of Marc and Chris Pereida; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Marc and Chris Pereida; Comments of Marc and Chris Pereida Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Marc and Chris Pereida Confidential (not available to the public) |
228. | 06/12/15 |
Todd Bailey's Admission of Service |
229. | 06/12/15 |
Michael Houdyshell's Admission of Service |
230. | 06/17/15 |
PUC's Certificate of Service |
231. | 06/18/15 |
Comments of Robert and Jean O'Kane; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Robert and Jean O'Kane; Comments of Robert and Jean O'Kane Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Robert and Jean O'Kane Confidential (not available to the public) |
232. | 06/23/15 |
Comments of Nancy Cutshall; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Nancy Cutshall; Comments of Linette Steinmetz; Attachment – Letter; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linette Steinmetz; Comments of Nancy Cutshall Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Nancy Cutshall Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Linette Steinmetz Confidential (not available to the public); Attachment Letter Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linette Steinmetz Confidential (not available to the public) |
233. | 06/24/15 |
Additional Comments of Linette Steinmetz; Additional Comments of Linette Steinmetz Confidential (not available to the public) |
234. | 06/29/15 |
Comments of John and Diana Ritter; Commissioner Nelson's Response to John and Diana Ritter; Comments of John and Diana Ritter Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to John and Diana Ritter Confidential (not available to the public) |
235. | 06/30/15 |
Comments of Pam Van Heerde; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Pam Van Heerde; Comments of Pam Van Heerde Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Pam Van Heerde Confidential (not available to the public) |
236. | 07/01/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Intervenors - Breit Law Office, P.C. - Representing: Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn, and Orrin E. Geide - Corliss Fay Wiebers' Pre-Filed Testimony; Delores (Andreessen) Assid's Pre-Filed Testimony- Devona B. Smith's Pre-Filed Testimony; Janice Elaine Petterson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Kevin John Schoffelman's Pre-Filed Testimony; Linda Ann Goulet's Pre-Filed Testimony; Margaret (Andreessen) Hilt's Pre-Filed Testimony; Marilyn Jean Murray's Pre-Filed Testimony; Matthew L. Anderson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Mavis Arlene Parry's Pre-Filed Testimony; Nancy J. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Peggy A. Hoogestraat's Pre-Filed Testimony, Exhibit 1: May 4, 2015 letter to Robert Person, Exhibit 2: May 4, 2015 letter to Dave Benning, Exhibit 3: February 16, 2006 Right Of Way Easement, Exhibit 4: Tributary of Skunk Creek, Exhibit 5: The North 120.24 Acres of Both Tillable and Pasture Land, Exhibit 6: Invoice #1223 Dated June 5, 2013 from Kaffar Tiling & Ditching, Exhibit 7: Production Records from Farm Credit Services of America for the 47 Acre Field by Highway 38, Exhibit 8: The 2014 Corn Records from Farm Credit Services of America, Exhibit 9: 2014 Cornfield, Exhibit 10: Invoice #1224 Dated June 5, 2013 from Kaffar Tiling & Ditching, Exhibit 11: Invoice #13222 Dated June 11, 2013 from Minnehaha Conservation District, Exhibit 12: Invoice #273 dated April 18, 2014, Exhibit 13: United States Dept. of Agriculture Seeding Plan and Record for Late Spring 5/15 to 6/15, Exhibit 14: North 120.24 Acres, Exhibit 15: Proposed Route – DAPL, Exhibit 16: Revised Map Showing the Pipeline Moved Over a Short Distance, Exhibit 17: Misaddressed Certified Letter, Exhibit 18: Handout from Energy Transfer (Asset Overview), Exhibit 19: Handout from Energy Transfer (Project Overview); Rod & Joy Hohn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Ronald H. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Shirley Mae Oltmanns' Pre-Filed Testimony; and Thomas E. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony |
237. | 07/02/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Intervenors - Breit Law Office, P.C. - Representing: Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn, and Orrin E. Geide - Brian Top's Pre-Filed Testimony; Ruth E . Arends, Allan C. Arends, Lorrie L. Bacon, and Sherrie K. Fines-Tracy's Pre-Filed Testimony; and Orrin Geide's Pre-Filed Testimony |
238. | 07/06/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Intervenors - Breit Law Office, P.C. - Representing: Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn, and Orrin E. Geide - Kent Moeckly's Pre-Filed Testimony; Sue Sibson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Laurie Kunzelman's Pre-Filed Testimony; and Certificate of Service |
239 | 07/06/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Intervenors - City of Sioux Falls' Pre-filed Testimony - Dustin Hansen's Pre-Filed Testimony, Exhibit A - Dakota Access Pipeline/Municipal Growth Area Map, Exhibit B - City of Sioux Falls Regional Landfill Map; and Certificate of Service |
240. | 07/06/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - PUC Staff's Pre-filed Testimony - PUC Staff's Letter Regarding Testimony; Certificate of Service; Brian Walsh's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Brian Walsh's Resume; Paige Olson's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Paige Olson's Resume; Tom Kirschenmann's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Tom Kirschenmann's Resume; Derric Iles' Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Derric Iles' Resume; Kim McIntosh's Pre-Filed Testimony, Attachment 1 - South Dakota Regulated Substance Response Fund, Attachment 2 - National Pollutions Fund Center (Federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund), and Attachment 3 - Kim McIntosh's Resume; Darren Kearney's Pre-Filed Testimony, Exhibit A - Dakota Access' Response to Staff's Data Requests, and Attachment 1 - Darren Kearney's Resume; Michael Houdyshell's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Michael Houdyshell's Resume; Todd Bailey's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Todd Bailey's Resume; David Nickel's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - David Nickel's Resume; Ann Curnow's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Ann Curnow's Resume; Andrea Thornton's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Andrea Thornton's Resume; DeAnn Thyse's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - DeAnn Thyse's Resume; Michael Shelly's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Michael Shelly's Resume; Robert McFadden's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Robert McFadden's Resume; Cameron Young's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Cameron Young's Resume; and Ryan Ledin's Pre-Filed Testimony and Attachment 1 - Ryan Ledin's Resume |
241. | 07/07/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Intervenors - South Dakota Association of Rural Water's Pre-filed Testimony - South Dakota Association of Rural Water's Letter regarding Pre-filed Testimony; and Steve Harper's Pre-filed Testimony, and Attachment A - Improving Safety of Crude Oil and Regional Water System Pipeline Crossings Final Report |
242. | 07/07/15 |
Prefiled Direct Testimony - Dakota Access LLC's Pre-Filed Testimony - Joey Mahmoud's Testimony; Monica Howard's Testimony; John (Jack) H. Edwards' Testimony; Chuck Frey's Testimony; and Todd Stamm's Testimony |
243. | 07/08/15 |
Comments of Seth Dekkenga; and Comments of Seth Dekkenga Confidential (not available to the public) |
244. | 07/08/15 |
Dakota Access, LLC's Letter regarding Draft Facility Response Plan; and Sunoco Pipeline L.P. - Facility Response Plan - Dakota Access Pipeline North Response Zone |
245. | 07/09/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Seth Dekkenga; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Seth Dekkenga Confidential (not available to the public) |
246. | 07/13/15 |
Comments of Darin Kaihoi; Comments to Commissioners; Commenters - through November 26, 2015; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Commenters; Comments of Darin Kaihoi Confidential (not available to the public) ; and Commenters - through November 26, 2015 Confidential (not available to the public) |
247. | 07/14/15 |
Dakota Access LLC's Letter regarding Signature Pages; Joey Mahmoud's Signature Page; Monica Howard's Signature Page; John (Jack) H. Edwards' Signature Page; and Chuck Frey's Signature Page |
248. | 07/14/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Darin Kaihoi; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Darin Kaihoi Confidential (not available to the public) |
249. | 07/23/15 |
Comments of Matthew West; and Comments of Matthew West Confidential (not available to the public) |
250. | 07/24/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Matthew West; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Matthew West Confidential (not available to the public) |
2581. | 07/27/15 |
Comments of David Lethcoe; Commissioner Nelson's Response to David Lethcoe; Comments of David Lethcoe Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to David Lethcoe Confidential (not available to the public) |
252. | 08/06/15 |
Comments of E. D. Martin; Commissioner Nelson's Response to E. D. Martin; Comments of E. D. Martin Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to E. D. Martin Confidential (not available to the public) |
253. | 08/14/15 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Intervenors - Breit Law Office, P.C. - Representing: Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn, and Orrin E. Geide - Peggy A. Hoogestraat's Rebuttal Testimony, Exhibit 1 - Regulatory Agency Contact Information, Exhibit 2 – Map; Sue Sibson's Rebuttal Testimony; Janice Elaine Petterson's Rebuttal Testimony, The Wall Street Journal Article Bakken Shale Oil Carries High Combustion Risk dated February 23, 2014, The Wall Street Journal Article North Dakota Fracking: Behind the Oil-Train Explosions dated July 7, 2014, The Wall Street Journal Article Oil Deaths Rise as Bakken Boom Fades dated March 12, 2015, State Of New Jersey Assembly Resolution No. 191, and Town Of Red Hook Resolution No. 2 Dated January 28, 2015 Opposing Building of The Pilgrim Pipeline; and Certificate of Service |
254. | 08/14/15 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Intervenors - Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action - Lisa Deville's Rebuttal Testimony; Certificate of Service; Wasté Win Young's Rebuttal Testimony, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated April 8, 2015, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated February 18, 2015, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated February 25, 2015, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Various Emails, and Army Corps of Engineers' Letter to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe; Certificate of Service; Peter Capossela's Rebuttal Testimony, Exhibit A - Peter Capossela's Resume, Exhibit B - Lake Oahe Pool Duration Relationship, Exhibit C - Missouri River Basin Bulletins, and Exhibit D - Surplus Water Reports Summary; Certificate of Service; Robert P. Gough's Rebuttal Testimony; and Certificate of Service |
255. | 08/14/15 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Intervenors - Yankton Sioux Tribe - Faith Spotted Eagle's Rebuttal Testimony; Certificate of Service; Chris Saunsoci's Rebuttal Testimony; and Certificate of Service |
256. | 08/14/15 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - PUC Staff - Michael E. Timpson, Ph.D.'s Rebuttal Testimony and Attachment 1 - Michael E. Timpson, Ph.D.'s Resume; and Certificate of Service |
257. | 08/14/15 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Dakota Access, LLC - Joey Mahmoud's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit 1 - Amended Final Decision and Order; Notice of Entry HP09-001; Monica Howard's Rebuttal Testimony; Chuck Frey's Rebuttal Testimony, Exhibit A - Valspar's Letter regarding Pipeclad® 2000 UV Exposure, and Exhibit B - Technical Brief - UV Protection of Coated Line Pipe; Micah Rorie's Rebuttal Testimony; Stacey Gerard's Rebuttal Testimony; and Aaron Dejoia's Rebuttal Testimony |
258. | 08/17/14 |
Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony - Intervenors - Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action - Dallas Goldtooth's Rebuttal Testimony; and Certificate of Service |
259. | 08/17/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion for Leave to File Out of Time; Exhibit A - Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Yankton Sioux Tribe Business & Claims Committee - Member Jason Cooke ; and Certificate of Service |
260. | 08/18/15 |
Comments of Tony Helland; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Tony Helland; Comments of Tony Helland Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Tony Helland Confidential (not available to the public) |
261. | 08/18/15 |
Order for and Notice of Motion Hearing on Less than 10 Days' Notice |
262. | 08/18/15 |
Notice of Entry of Order (Jennifer S. Baker); Exhibit A - Order Admitting; and Certificate of Service |
263. | 08/18/15 |
Notice of Appearance for Jennifer S. Baker on Behalf of Yankton Sioux Tribe; and Certificate of Service |
264. | 08/19/15 |
Dakota Access' Objection To Yankton Sioux Tribe's Motion for Leave to File Out of Time |
265. | 08/20/15 |
Order for and Notice of Evidentiary Hearing |
266. | 08/20/15 |
Dakota Access' Certificate of Service |
267. | 08/20/15 |
Addendum to Agenda of PUC Commission Meeting |
268. | 08/20/15 |
Minutes of PUC Commission Meeting |
269. | 08/20/15 |
Transcript of PUC Commission Meeting |
270. | 08/21/15 |
Order Allowing Late Filed Testimony |
271. | 08/21/15 |
Dakota Access's Letter regarding Proposed Route Adjustments; Attachment 1 - Spink County Map Adjustment; Attachment 2 - Miner County Map Adjustment; Attachment 3 - Minnehaha County Map Adjustment; Attachment 4 - Turner County Map Adjustment; and Certificate of Service |
272. | 08/24/15 |
PUC's Certificate of Service |
273. | 08/28/15 |
Comments of Rhoda Strasser; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rhoda Strasser; Comments of Rhoda Strasser Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rhoda Strasser Confidential (not available to the public) |
274. | 08/31/15 |
Comments of Caterpillar, Inc. by Tom Pellette; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Caterpillar, Inc. by Tom Pellette; Comments of Norman & Esther Kuper; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Norman & Esther Kuper; Comments of Norman & Esther Kuper Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Norman & Esther Kuper Confidential (not available to the public) |
275. | 09/01/15 |
Comments of Joy Hohn |
276. | 09/01/15 |
Comments of Rod Hohn; Comments of Irene Callahan; Comments of John Johannsen; Comments of Diane Matzke; Comments of William L. Matzke; Comments of Irene Callahan Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of John Johannsen Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Diane Matzke Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of William L. Matzke Confidential (not available to the public) |
277. | 09/02/15 |
Additional Comments of Joy Hohn |
278. | 09/02/15 |
Comments of Joel R. Comstock; Comments of Twila Wilcox; Comments of Robin Matzke; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Irene Callahan, John Johannsen, Diane Matzke, William Matzke, Joel Comstock, Robin Matzke and Twila Wilcox; Additional Comments of Rod Hohn; Comments of Joel R. Comstock Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Twila Wilcox Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Robin Matzke Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Irene Callahan, John Johannsen, Diane Matzke, William Matzke, Joel Comstock, Robin Matzke and Twila Wilcox Confidential (not available to the public); and Additional Comments of Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public) |
279. | 09/03/15 |
Additional Comments of Joy Hohn |
280. | 09/03/15 |
Additional Comments of Rod Hohn; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn; Additional Comments of Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public) |
281. | 09/04/15 |
Additional Comments of Joy Hohn |
282. | 09/04/15 |
Additional Comments of Rod Hohn; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn; Comments of Vermeer Corporation; Additional Comments of Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public) |
283. | 09/08/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Vermeer Corporation; Comments of Hayden Hoelscher; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Hayden Hoelscher; Comments of Hayden Hoelscher Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Hayden Hoelscher Confidential (not available to the public) |
284. | 09/09/15 |
Comments of Sharon Bruns; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sharon Bruns; Comments of State Representative Larry P. Zikmund; Comments of Mick Zerr; Comments of Sharon Bruns Confidential (not available to the public) ; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sharon Bruns Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Mick Zerr Confidential (not available to the public) |
285. | 09/10/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mick Zerr; Commissioner Nelson's Response to State Representative Larry P. Zikmund; Comments of Dale Hoyer; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mick Zerr Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Dale Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public) |
286. | 09/14/15 |
Comments of Edward Fett; Comments of Leola Bergeson; and Comments of Leola Bergeson Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Edward Fett Confidential (not available to the public)
287. | 09/15/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Edward Fett; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Edward Fett Confidential (not available to the public) |
288. | 09/16/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Leola Bergeson; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Leola Bergeson Confidential (not available to the public) |
289. | 09/16/15 |
Intervenors Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Motion to Allow Telephonic Testimony and Certificate of Service |
290. | 09/18/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding South Dakota Spill Model Discussion; South Dakota Spill Model Discussion Confidential (not available to the public); and Certificate of Service |
291. | 09/18/15 |
City of Sioux Falls Motion; and Certificate of Service |
292. | 09/21/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Route Adjustment; Revised Exhibit A1 - Project Vicinity Maps; Revised Exhibit A2 - Topographic Maps; Revised Exhibit A3 - Soil Maps; Revised Exhibit A4 - Hydrology Maps; and Revised Exhibit A5 - USGS Landcover/Land Use Field Data Maps |
293. | 09/21/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Motion for Substitution of Witness; South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.; Motion for Substitution of Witness; Attachment A - Pre-Filed Testimony of Dan Zulkosky; and Certificate of Service |
294. | 09/21/15 |
Comments of Sharon Stahl; Comments of George and Donna Vogt; Commissioner Nelson's Response to George and Donna Vogt; Comments of Sharon Stahl Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of George and Donna Vogt Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to George and Donna Vogt Confidential (not available to the public) |
295. | 09/22/15 |
Order for and Notice of Motions Hearing on Less Than 10 Days' Notice |
296. | 09/22/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sharon Stahl; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Sharon Stahl Confidential (not available to the public) |
297. | 09/23/15 |
City of Sioux Falls Disclosures (Witness and Exhibit List); Certificate of Service; City of Sioux Falls' Exhibits-Exhibit A - Dakota Access Pipeline/Municipal Growth Areas (map); and Exhibit B - City of Sioux Falls Regional Landfill (map) |
298. | 09/23/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Notice of Witness Unavailability and Motion for Time Certain; and Certificate of Service |
299. | 09/23/15 |
Staff's Witness List and Exhibit List; and Certificate of Service |
300. | 09/23/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Witness and Exhibit List; Witness and Exhibit List; and Certificate of Service |
301. | 09/23/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Exhibit C - Federal and State Listed Threatened and Endangered Species in South Dakota; and Revised Exhibit C - Federal and State Listed Threatened and Endangered Species in South Dakota |
302. | 09/23/15 | Yankton Sioux Tribe's Witness and Exhibit Lists; YST _Dakota Access' Responses to Yankton Sioux Tribe's First Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents, Dated May 8, 2015; YST _Dakota Access' Responses to Yankton Sioux Tribe's Second Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents, Dated June 22, 2015; YST __ Dakota Access' Supplemental Responses to Yankton Sioux Tribe's Second Interrogatories, Dated August 12, 2015; YST _Dakota Access' Responses to Yankton Sioux Tribe's Third Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents, Dated September 21, 2015; YST _ Dakota Access' Supplemental Answers to Yankton Sioux Tribe's First and Second Discovery Requests, Dated September 21, 2015; YST Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony of Jason Cooke (available at https://puc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/ |
303. | 09/23/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Exhibit List and Certificate of Service |
304. | 09/23/15 |
Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action List of Witnesses and Exhibits and Certificate of Service |
305. | 09/23/15 |
Glenn Boomsma's Email regarding Filing of Exhibit and Witness List for Intervenors Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide |
306. | 09/24/15 |
Dakota Access' Witness and Exhibit List; Certificate of Service; Did not file Exhibits 1-3 (indicated already filed with PUC); Exhibit 4 - Exhibit C to the Energy Transmission Facility Application; Did not file Exhibits 5-7 (indicated already filed with PUC); Exhibit 8 - An Assessment of the Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois; Exhibit 9 - Unanticipated Discoveries Plan: Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media; Exhibit 10 - Addendum II to the Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey, Dated September 15,2015 Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit 11 - Management Summary: Level III Intensive Cultural Resources, Dated November 25,2014 Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit 12 - September 8, 2015 Correspondence from the SD State Historical Society; Exhibit 13 - Addendum I to the Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey, Dated July 31, 2015 Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit 14 - SHPO Scope of Work; Exhibit 15 - Geoarchaeological Assessment Scope of Work; Exhibit 16 - SD SHPO Trenching Approval Dated 6/5/15; Exhibit 17 - DRA First Discovery Reply Dated 5/1/15; Exhibit 18 - DRA Second Discovery Reply Dated 6/22/15; Exhibit 19 - RST First Discovery Reply Dated 4/29/15; Exhibit 20 - RST Supplemental Discovery Reply Dated 6/15/15; Exhibit 21 - RST Second Discovery Reply Dated 6/15/15; Exhibit 22 - RST Third discovery Reply Dated 9/1/15; Exhibit 23 - RST Fourth Discovery Reply Dated 9/1/15; Exhibit 24 - lEN First Discovery Reply Dated 5/1/15; Exhibit 25 - lEN Second Discovery Reply Dated 6/22/15; Exhibit 26 - YST First Discovery Reply Dated 5/22/15; Exhibit 27 - YST Second Discovery Reply Dated 6/22/15; Exhibit 28 - YST Third Discovery Reply Dated 8/21/15; Exhibit 29 - YST Fourth Discovery Reply Dated 9/9/15; and Did not file Exhibits 30-40 (indicated already filed with PUC); |
5076-5217 |
307. | 09/24/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Certificate of Service |
308. | 09/24/15 |
Intervenors Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Intervenor's Amended Witness List and Exhibit List and Certificate of Service |
309. | 09/24/15 |
Agenda of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
310. | 09/24/15 |
Addendum to Agenda of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
311. | 09/24/15 |
Minutes of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
312. | 09/24/15 |
Transcript of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
313. | 09/25/15 |
Order Granting Motions |
314. | 09/25/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter regarding Staff's Amended Witness List and Exhibit List; and Amended Witness List and Exhibit List |
315. | 09/25/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter regarding Prefiled Exhibits; Exhibit Staff 1 - Kearney Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 2 - Walsh Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 3 - McIntosh Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 4 - Kirschenmann Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 5 - Iles Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 6 - Olson Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 7 - Houdyshell Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 8 - Bailey Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 9 - McFadden Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 10 - Shelly Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 11 - Nickel Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 12 - Curnow Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 13 - Thornton Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 14 - Thyse Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 15 - Young Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 16 - Ledin Prefiled Testimony; Exhibit Staff 17 - Timpson Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit Staff 18 Applicant’s Response to Staff Discovery Request 3 (dated |
316. | 09/28/15 |
Comments of Hannah M. Hoelscher; Comments of Jean Osthus; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Hannah M. Hoelscher; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jean Osthus; Comments of Hannah M. Hoelscher Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Jean Osthus Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Hannah M. Hoelscher Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jean Osthus Confidential (not available to the public) |
317. | 09/28/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Motion to Strike Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Exhibit List Filing and Preclude Introduction of Undisclosed Exhibits; Motion To: Strike Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Exhibit List Filing, and Preclude Introduction of Undisclosed Exhibits and Certificate of Service; Exhibit A - Interrogatories of Dakota Access LLC tor Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Sicangu Oyate Land Office; Exhibit B - Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Answers to Dakota Access (Second Set) of Interrogatories; and Exhibit C - Interrogatories of Dakota Access LLC to Rosebud Sioux Tribe (Third Set) |
318. | 09/28/15 |
Additional Comments of Joy Hohn |
319. | 09/28/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Response to Motion to Strike; Exhibit A - Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Supplemented Responses to First Set of Interrogatories; and Certificate of Service |
320. | 09/28/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Revised Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plan; and Revised Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plan |
321. | 09/28/15 |
Intervenors Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Exhibits; Exhibit I1 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Matthew L. Anderson; Exhibit I2 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Ruth E. Arends, Allan C. Arends, Lorrie L. Bacon, and Sherrie K. Fines-Tracy; Exhibit I3 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Delores (Andreessen) Assid; Exhibit I4 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Orrin Geide; Exhibit I5 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Linda Ann Goulet; Exhibit I6 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Margaret (Andreessen) Hilt; Exhibit I7 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Rod & Joy Hohn; Exhibit I8 - Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony of Peggy Hoogestraat; Exhibit I9 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Peggy Hoogestraat; Exhibit I10 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Laurie Kunzelman; Exhibit I11 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Kent Moeckly; Exhibit I12 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Marilyn Jean Murray; Exhibit I13 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Shirley Mae Oltmanns; Exhibit I14 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Mavis Arlene Parry; Exhibit I15 - Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony of Janice Elaine Petterson; Exhibit I16 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Janice Elaine Petterson; Exhibit I17 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Kevin John Schoffelman; Exhibit I18 - Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony of Sue Sibson; Exhibit I19 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Devona B. Smith; Exhibit I20 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Nancy J. Stofferahn; Exhibit I21 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Ronald H. Stofferahn; Exhibit I22 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Thomas E. Stofferahn; Exhibit I23 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Brian Top; Exhibit I24 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Corliss Faye Wiebers; Exhibit I25 - Dakota Access Pipeline's Final Offer Letters; Exhibit I26 - Civ.15-138 - Order Granting Motion to Dismiss and Denying Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Exhibit I27 - Civ.15-38 - Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Exhibit I28 - Civ.15-38 - Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Exhibit I29 - Civ.15-145 - Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Exhibit I30 - Civ.15-___ - Summons; Exhibit I31 - Civ.15-___ - Verified Petition for Condemnation; Exhibit I32 - Pre-Filed Testimony of Sue Sibson; and Certificate of Service |
322. | 09/28/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Revised Direct Testimony of John H. (Jack) Edwards; Exhibit 5 - Revised John (Jack) H. Edwards' Testimony; and Drawings |
323. | 09/28/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Prefiled Exhibits; Exhibit 1 - Easement Agreement; and Exhibit 2 - Maps |
324. | 09/29/15 |
Transcript – Motion Hearing |
325. | 09/29/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Transcript |
326. | 09/29/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe, the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action's Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings for Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement and Certificate of Service |
327. | 09/29/15 |
Additional Comments of Rod Hohn; Attached Letter; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn; Comments of Char Wollan; Additional Comments of Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public); Attached Letter Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Char Wollan Confidential (not available to the public) |
328. | 09/30/15 | Rosebud Sioux Tribe Pre-Filed Exhibit List; RST #1 – U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Nationwide Permit Information – (website link) - http://www.nwd.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ RegulatoryProgram/Permits.aspx; RTS #2 – U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Regional Conditions Nationwide Permits – (website link) http://www.nwo.usace.army.mil/Portals/23/docs/ regulatory/SD/gen/SDRegConds.pdf; RST #3 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Energy Development; Conservation Planning Services (website link) http://www.fws.gov/ ecological-services/habitat-conservation/cp.html; RST # 4 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services - Environmental Conservation Online System - (website link) http://ecos.fws.gov/ecp/; RST #5 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services; Refuge System Planning (website) http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/refuges/planning.php; RST #6 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Field Office (website link) http://www.fws.gov/southdakotafieldoffice/; RST #7 - South Dakota Wildlife Management Plan (website link) http://gfp.sd.gov/wildlife/management/plans/wildlife-action-plan.aspx; RST #8 - South Dakota Department of Game Fish and Parks, Wildlife Division; Perpetuating the Outdoor Heritage of South Dakota; RST #9 - Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada (website link) http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/nt/woodbuffalo/index.aspx; RST # 10 - Dakota Access US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404/10 Permit Application Confidential (not available to the public); RST # 11 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species Assessment and Listing Priority Assignment Form for the Spragues Pipit; RST #12 - Spragues Pipit Conservation Plan; RST #13 - Piping Plover Recovery Plan of the Great Lakes and Northern Great Plains; RST #14 - Federal Register Volume 80 Number 63; Threatened Species Designation for the Northern Long Eared Bat; RST # 15 - Federal Register Volume 79 Number 238; Threatened Species Status for the Rufa Red Knot; RST #16 - Topeka Shiner Management Plan; RST #17 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; Pallid Sturgeon Revised Recovery Plan; RST #18 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; Pallid Sturgeon 5 year Review; RST #19 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; Least Tern Recovery Plan; RST #20 - Federal Register; Volume 50 Number 102, Least Tern Endangered Species Designation; RST #21 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; 2012 Comprehensive Conservation Plan: Huron, Madison and Sand Lake Management Districts. Summary; RST #22 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; 2012 Comprehensive Conservation Plan: Huron, Madison and Sand Lake Management Districts. Chapter 2; RST #23 - South Dakota Department of Game Fish and Parks, Wildlife Division; East River Fisheries Management Area Strategic Plan; RST# 24 - Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Recovery Plan; RST #25- Federal Register; Volume 54, Number 187, Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Threatened Listing; RST #26 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 5 year Review Western Prairie Fringed Orchid; RST #27 – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Department of Interior National Wildlife Refuge System; National Wildlife Refuges in the Mountain Prairie Region (SD) (website link) http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/refuges/sd/; RST #28 – All of Dakota Access Responses to Discovery Requests From All Parties (did not file at this time); and RST #29 – South Dakota Bat Management Plan |
329. | 09/30/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Transcript |
330. | 09/30/15 |
Comments of Wayne Booze; Comments of Nancy Cutshall; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Char Wollan; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Nancy Cutshall; Comments of API Construction; Commissioner Nelson's Response to API Construction; Comments of Wayne Booze Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Nancy Cutshall Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Char Wollan Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Cutshall Confidential (not available to the public) |
331. | 10/01/15 |
Dakota Access' Exhibit 42 - DAPL Centerline from Residence |
332. | 10/01/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; and Transcript Confidential (not available to the public) |
333. | 10/01/15 |
Comments of Jolene Lohr; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jolene Lohr; Comments of Jeff Laughlin; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jeff Laughlin; Comments of Jolene Lohr Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jolene Lohr Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Jeff Laughlin Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jeff Laughlin Confidential (not available to the public) |
334. | 10/02/15 |
Exhibit DAPL 45 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume I Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 46 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume II Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 47 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume III Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 48 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume IV Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 49 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume V Confidential (not available to the public) |
335. | 10/02/15 |
Judicial Notice for Evidentiary Hearing HP14-002 - DENR Order - Amended Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law, and Order |
336. | 10/02/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; and Transcript Confidential (not available to the public) |
337. | 10/05/15 |
Comments of Ronelle Thompson; and Comments of Ronelle Thompson Confidential (not available to the public) |
338. | 10/06/15 |
Brief in Opposition to Environmental Impact Statement and Certificate of Service; State of Iowa Department of Commerce Utilities Board "Order Denying Motion to Require Environmental Impact Report” |
339. | 10/06/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Transcript |
340. | 10/06/15 |
Comments of Charlotte June Bartels; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Charlotte June Bartels; Comments of Charlotte June Bartels Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Charlotte June Bartels Confidential (not available to the public) |
341. | 10/07/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; Sign-In Sheet Confidential (not available to the public); Transcript |
342. | 10/08/15 |
City of Sioux Falls and Dakota Access, LLC's Joint Motion regarding Stipulated Finding of Fact, Conditions, and Exhibits; Exhibit A - Map - Dakota Access Pipeline/Municipal Growth Areas; and Exhibit B - Map - City of Sioux Falls Regional Landfill |
343. | 10/08/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Sign-In Sheet; and Transcript |
344. | 10/09/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing – Transcript |
345. | 10/09/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing Exhibits - Electronic Docket Filings (PUC Website - http://puc.sd.gov/Dockets/HydrocarbonPipeline/2014/hp14-002exhibits.aspx) |
346. | 10/09/15 |
Evidentiary Hearing Exhibits - Dakota Access, LLC's Exhibits - Exhibit DAPL 1 – Application; Exhibit DAPL 2 - Exhibit A of Application - Project Mapping; Exhibit DAPL 3 - Exhibit B of Application - Project Typicals and Flow Diagrams Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 4 - Exhibit C of Application - Supplementary Table; Exhibit DAPL 5 - Exhibit D of Application - Dakota Access Project Plans; Exhibit DAPL 6 - Sunoco Pipeline L.P. - Facility Response Plan - Dakota Access Pipeline North Response Zone; Exhibit DAPL 7 - Energy Transfer Company - Dakota Access Pipeline Project - South Dakota Spill Model Discussion Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 9 - Unanticipated Discoveries Plan: Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media; Exhibit DAPL 12 - September 8, 2015 Correspondence from the SD State Historical Society; Exhibit DAPL 16 - SD SHPO Trenching Approval Dated 6/5/15; Exhibit DAPL 30 - Joey Mahmoud's Direct Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 31 - Chuck Frey's Direct Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 32 - Jack Edwards' Direct Testimony and Exhibits; Exhibit DAPL 33 - Monica Howard's Direct Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 34 - Todd Stamm's Direct Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 35 - Micah Rorie's Direct Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 36 - Joey Mahmoud's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit DAPL 37 - Chuck Frey's Rebuttal Testimony (Exhibit A and Exhibit B that were attached to the testimony were denied); Exhibit DAPL 38 - Monica Howard's Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 39 - Aaron Dejoia's Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit DAPL 41 - Jack Edwards' Resume; Exhibit DAPL 42 - Centerline from Residence; Exhibit DAPL 45 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume I Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 46 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume II Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 47 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume III Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 48 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume IV Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 49 - Level III Intensive Cultural Resources Survey for Dakota Access Pipeline Project for Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln Counties, South Dakota - Volume V Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 50 - DAPL Centerline from Structure and Maps; Exhibit DAPL 51 - Pipeline Infrastructure Map; Exhibit DAPL 52 - Sioux Falls Area Pipeline Infrastructure Map; Exhibit DAPL 53 - James River HDD Maps - Confidential (not available to the public); Exhibit DAPL 54 - Sioux Falls, Tea, Harrisburg and Hartford Routing Meetings (part of Exhibit 54 was denied and is not include in the pdf); and Exhibit DAPL 55 - Meetings with Public Officials |
12,211-12,492 |
347. | 10/09/15 |
Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action's Exhibits - Exhibit DRA & IEN 1 - Lisa Deville's Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit DRA & IEN 2 - Wasté Win Young, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit DRA & IEN 3 - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated April 8, 2015; Exhibit DRA & IEN 4 - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated February 18, 2015; Exhibit DRA & IEN 5 - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's Emails and Letter to Army Corps of Engineers Dated February 25, 2015; Exhibit DRA & IEN 6 - Army Corps of Engineers' Letter Dated February 17, 2015; Exhibit DRA & IEN 7 - Peter Capossela's Expert Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit DRA & IEN 8 - Peter Capossela's Resume; Exhibit DRA & IEN 9 - Lake Oahe Pool Duration Relationship; Exhibit DRA & IEN 10 - Missouri River Mainstem Reservoirs Surplus Water Reports Summary; Exhibit DRA & IEN 11 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Missouri River Basin - Mainstem and Tributary Reservoirs Bulletin; Exhibit DRA & IEN 12 - Dallas Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network's Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony; and Exhibit DRA & IEN 13 - (denied) |
348. | 10/09/15 |
Intervenors Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Exhibits - Exhibit I1 - Matthew L. Anderson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I2 - Ruth E. Arends, Allan C. Arends, Lorrie L. Bacon, and Sherrie K. Fines-Tracy's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I3 - Delores (Andreessen) Assid's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I4 - Orrin Geide's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I5 - Linda Ann Goulet's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I7 - Rod & Joy Hohn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I8 - Peggy Hoogestraat's Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits; Exhibit I9 - Peggy Hoogestraat's Pre-Filed Testimony and Exhibits; Exhibit I10 - Laurie Kunzelman's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I11 - Kent Moeckly's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I12 - Marilyn Jean Murray's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I13 - Shirley Mae Oltmanns' Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I16 - Janice Elaine Petterson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit 16a through 16l - Pictures from Sibson Video; Exhibit I17 - Kevin John Schoffelman's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I18 - Sue Sibson's Pre-Filed Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit I20 - Nancy J. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I21 - Ronald H. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I22 - Thomas E. Stofferahn's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I23 - Brian Top's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I24 - Corliss Faye Wiebers' Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I25 - Dakota Access Pipeline's Final Offer Letters (only page 1 accepted the rest were denied); Exhibit I26 - Civ.15-138 - Order Granting Motion to Dismiss and Denying Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Exhibit I27 - Civ.15-138 - Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Exhibit I30 - Civ.15-341 – Summons; Exhibit I31 - Civ.15-341 - Verified Petition for Condemnation; Exhibit I32 - Sue Sibson's Pre-Filed Testimony; Exhibit I43 – Pictures; Exhibit I44 - Pictures taken by Joy Hohn of pipe; Exhibit I45 and I45L- Pictures taken by Laurie Kunzelman; Exhibit I46J - Pictures taken by Joy Hohn; Exhibit I47P - Pictures Schoffelman Farm; and Exhibit I50 - County Meetings (was denied)
349. | 10/09/15 |
PUC Staff's Exhibits - Exhibit Staff 1 - Kearney Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits; Exhibit Staff 2 - Walsh Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 3 - McIntosh Prefiled Testimony and Exhibits; Exhibit Staff 4 - Kirschenmann Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 5 - Iles Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 6 - Olson Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 7 - Houdyshell Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 8 - Bailey Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 9 - McFadden Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 10 - Shelly Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 11 - Nickel Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 13 - Thornton Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 15 - Young Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 16 - Ledin Prefiled Testimony and Exhibit; Exhibit Staff 17 - Timpson Prefiled Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit; and Exhibit Staff 18 Applicant’s Response to Staff Discovery Request 3 (dated August 24, 2015) Confidential (not available to the public) |
350. | 10/09/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Exhibits - Exhibit RST #12 - Sprague's Pipit (Anthus Spragueii) Conservation Plan; Exhibit RST #16 - Topeka Shiner (Notrois Topeka)( Management Plan for the State of South Dakota; Exhibit RST #17 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Revised Recovery Plan of the Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus Albus); RST #18 - US Fish and Wildlife Services; Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus Albus) 5-year Review Summary and Evaluation; Exhibit RST #22 - Chapter 2 - The Districts; and Exhibit RST #26 - Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (Platanthera Praeclara) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation - February 2009 |
351. | 10/09/15 |
City of Sioux Falls' Exhibits - Exhibit A - Municipal Growth Areas Map; Exhibit D - Lewis & Clark Regional Water System; and Exhibit E - Lewis & Clark Regional Water System's Invoice |
352. | 10/09/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water System's Exhibits - Exhibit SDARW 1 - Easement Agreement; Exhibit SDARW 2 - Map and Drawing; and Exhibit SDARW 3 - Dan Zulkosky's Pre-Filed Testimony |
353. | 10/09/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Exhibits - Exhibit YST 6 - Jason Cooke's Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit YST 7 - Faith Spotted Eagle's Rebuttal Testimony; Exhibit YST 8 - BIO for Faith Spotted Eagle; Exhibit YST 9 - Appendix A, 24 Ind. Cl. Comm. 208 (Map of Yankton Aboriginal Title Lands); Exhibit YST 10 - Dakota Access, LLC's Dakota Access Pipeline Project - South Dakota Vicinity Map; and Exhibit YST 11 - Chris Saunsoci's Rebuttal Testimony |
354. | 10/09/15 |
Comments of Linda Dansman-Nichols; Attachment 1; Attachment 2; - Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Dansman-Nichols; Comments of the City of Tea to Commissioner Hanson; Comments of Linda Dansman-Nichols Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Linda Dansman-Nichols Confidential (not available to the public) |
355. | 10/13/15 |
Comments of Daniel James Bilka; Daniel James Bilka's Email to Senator Parsley; Senator Parsley's Reply; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Daniel James Bilka; Comments of Daniel James Bilka Confidential (not available to the public); Daniel James Bilka's Email to Senator Parsley Confidential (not available to the public); and Senator Parsley's Reply Confidential (not available to the public) |
356. | 10/19/15 |
Comments of Marlene Klinkel to Commissioner Nelson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Marlene Klinkel; Comments of Marlene Klinkel to Commissioner Nelson Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Marlene Klinkel Confidential (not available to the public) |
357. | 10/20/15 |
Comments of Jean O'Kane; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jean O'Kane; Comments of Jean O'Kane Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Jean O'Kane Confidential (not available to the public) |
358. | 10/21/15 |
Order Setting Post-Hearing Briefing Schedule and Decision Date |
359. | 10/21/15 |
Comments of Michelle Matthies; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Michelle Matthies; Comments of Michelle Matthies Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Michelle Matthies Confidential (not available to the public) |
360. | 10/22/15 |
Order Denying Motion to Stay Proceedings for Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement |
361. | 10/22/15 |
Additional Comments of Laurie Kunzelman; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Laurie Kunzelman; Additional Comments of Laurie Kunzelman Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Laurie Kunzelman Confidential (not available to the public) |
362. | 10/23/15 |
Comments of Peggy Hoogestraat |
363. | 10/26/15 |
Comments of Delores Assid |
364. | 10/26/15 |
Order Denying Motion to Strike and Preclude Introduction of Exhibits |
365. | 10/27/15 |
Comments of Heidi Hagan; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Heidi Hagan; Comments of Heidi Hagan Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Heidi Hagan Confidential (not available to the public) |
366. | 10/27/15 |
John Wellnitz's Post Hearing Brief |
367. | 10/28/15 |
John Wellnitz's Email regarding Correction in His Post Hearing Brief; and Exhibit A2 - Dakota Access, LLC's Project Mapping |
368. | 10/30/15 |
Comments of Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now; Comments of Devona B. Smith; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Devona B. Smith; Commissioner Hanson's Response to City of Tea; Comments of Devona B. Smith Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Devona B. Smith Confidential (not available to the public) |
369. | 11/03/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Exhibit E; and Exhibit E - Insurance Requirements with Michels Corporation |
370. | 11/03/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Parent Guarantees; and Attachment 1 - Member Guaranty Agreement Confidential (not available to the public) |
371. | 11/04/15 |
Comments of Kristi Anderson; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kristi Anderson; Comments of Kristi Anderson Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Kristi Anderson Confidential (not available to the public) |
372. | 11/05/15 |
Additional Comments of Laurie Kunzelman; and Additional Comments of Laurie Kunzelman Confidential (not available to the public) |
373. | 11/06/15 |
Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Intervenors' Post-Hearing Brief; and Certificate of Service |
374. | 11/06/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Post Trial Brief and Certificate of Service; and Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Proposed Findings of Fact |
375. | 11/06/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Letter regarding Brief; South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Post Trial Brief; Certificate of Service; South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and Certificate of Service |
376. | 11/06/15 |
Staff's Post-Hearing Brief; and Certificate of Service |
377. | 11/06/15 |
Dakota Access' Letter regarding Water Crossing Agreement; Water Line Crossing Agreement; Exhibit A - Permanent Easement Parcel and Construction Easement; Exhibit B - Drawing of Water Crossing; Exhibit C - Post Mounted Test Station - Foreign Pipeline Crossing, Drain Anode; and Exhibit D - Post Mounted Test Station - Detail 13920LA |
378. | 11/06/15 |
Sioux Fall's Post-Hearing Brief; and Certificate of Service |
379. | 11/06/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Post-Hearing Brief; and Certificate of Service |
380. | 11/06/15 |
Indigenous Environmental Network and Dakota Rural Action's Post-Hearing Brief; and Certificate of Service |
381. | 11/06/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and Certificate of Service |
382. | 11/06/15 |
Applicant's Post Hearing Brief; Applicant's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and Exhibit A - Permit Conditions |
383. | 11/06/15 |
Comments of Representative Wollmann; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Representative Wollmann |
384. | 11/09/15 |
South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems, Inc.'s Revised Certificate of Service for Post Trial Brief |
385. | 11/09/15 |
Comments of Robert Benson; Comments of Patty Haugen; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Patty Haugen; Comments of Mel Beyers; Comments of Robert Benson Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Patty Haugen Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Patty Haugen Confidential (not available to the public); and Comments of Mel Beyers Confidential (not available to the public) |
386. | 11/12/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mel Beyers; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mel Beyers Confidential (not available to the public) |
387. | 11/13/15 |
Comments of Judy Cable; Attachment; Comments of Judy Cable Confidential (not available to the public); and Attachment Confidential (not available to the public) |
388. | 11/16/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Response to Judy Cable; and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Judy Cable Confidential (not available to the public) |
389. | 11/19/15 |
Comments of Dale Hoyer, Craig Hoyer and Cody Hoyer; Attachment; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer, Craig Hoyer and Cody Hoyer; Comments of Dale Hoyer, Craig Hoyer and Cody Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public); Attachment Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer, Craig Hoyer and Cody Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public) |
390. | 11/20/15 |
Staff's Post-Hearing Reply Brief; and Certificate of Service |
391. | 11/20/15 |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe's Reply Brief and Certificate of Service |
392. | 11/20/15 |
Peggy A. Hoogestraat, Kevin J. Schoffelman, Linda Goulet, Corlis Wiebers, Mavis Parry, Shirley Oltmanns, Janice E. Petterson, Marilyn Murray, Delores Andreessen Assid, Joy Hohn and Orrin E. Geide's Intervenors' Post-Hearing Reply Brief; and Certificate of Service |
393. | 11/20/15 |
Peggy Hoogestraat's Comments |
394. | 11/20/15 |
DRA and IEN's Reply Brief; and Certificate of Service |
395. | 11/20/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Post-Hearing Reply Brief; Exhibit A - Response to Interrogatory No. 54(E); and Certificate of Service |
396. | 11/23/15 |
Applicant's Reply Brief; and Exhibit A - Permit Conditions |
397. | 11/23/15 |
PUC Staff's Letter regarding Permit Conditions |
398. | 11/23/15 |
Charlie Johnson's Comments |
399. | 11/23/15 |
Additional Comments of Michelle Matthies; and Additional Comments of Michelle Matthies Confidential (not available to the public) |
400. | 11/24/15 |
Additional Comments of Joy Hohn |
401. | 11/24/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Objections to Dakota Access' Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and Certificate of Service |
402. | 11/24/15 |
Lewis and Clark Regional Water System's Letter regarding Crossing Agreement with Dakota Access, LLC; Water Line Crossing Agreement; Exhibit A; Exhibit B; Exhibit C; and Exhibit D |
403. | 11/25/15 |
Notice of Errata to Yankton Sioux Tribe’s Objections to Dakota Access’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; and Certificate of Service |
404. | 11/30/15 |
Agenda of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
405 | 11/30/15 |
Minutes of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
406. | 11/30/15 |
Transcript of PUC Ad Hoc Commission Meeting |
407. | 11/30/15 |
Comments of Peggy Hoogestraat |
408. | 11/30/15 |
Dakota Access' Certificate of Service |
409. | 11/30/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Draft Amendment to the Proposed Conditions |
410. | 11/30/15 |
Commissioner Nelson's Additional Draft Amendments to the Proposed Conditions |
411. | 11/30/15 |
Additional Comments of Cody Hoyer and Dale Hoyer; Attachment; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer and Cody Hoyer; Comments of Mary Ellen Dirksen, MD, Lee Bruns and Jolene Bruns, DDS; Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mary Ellen Dirksen, MD, Lee Bruns and Jolene Bruns, DDS; Additional Comments of Cody Hoyer and Dale Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public); Commissioner Nelson's Response to Dale Hoyer and Cody Hoyer Confidential (not available to the public); Comments of Mary Ellen Dirksen, MD, Lee Bruns and Jolene Bruns, DDS Confidential (not available to the public); and Commissioner Nelson's Response to Mary Ellen Dirksen, MD, Lee Bruns and Jolene Bruns, DDS Confidential (not available to the public) |
412. | 12/03/15 |
Comments of Marlon Mollet to Commissioner Hanson; Comments of Marlon Mollet to Commissioner Hanson Confidential (not available to the public) |
413. | 12/04/15 |
Charlie Johnson's Additional Comments |
414. | 12/04/15 |
Commissioner Hanson's Response to Marlon Mollet; and Commissioner Hanson's Response to Marlon Mollet Confidential (not available to the public) |
415. | 12/09/15 |
Yankton Sioux Tribe's Objections to Dakota Access' Proposed Permit Conditions; and Exhibit A - Yankton Sioux Tribe's Second Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents to Dakota Access, LLC |
416. | 12/09/15 |
Charlie Johnson's Additional Comments |
417. | 12/11/15 |
Additional Comments of Rod Hohn; and Additional Comments of Rod Hohn Confidential (not available to the public) |
418. | 12/14/15 |
Order Granting Joint Motion Regarding Stipulated Findings of Fact, Conditions, and Exhibits |
419. | 12/14/15 |
Final Decision and Order; Notice of Entry; and Exhibit A - Permit Conditions |