EL10-011 - In the Matter of the Application of Otter Tail Power Company for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service in South Dakota
Date Filed: 08/20/10 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/08/10 ♦ Docket Closed: 04/21/11
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 08/19/10 to 08/25/10
April 19, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
March 8, 2011, Amendment to Agenda which replaces the March 8, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
February 1, 2011, Amendment to Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 1, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
September 14, 2010, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 19, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 8, 2011, Commission Meeting
Transcript of March 8, 2011, Commission Meeting (not available to the public)
Minutes of February 1, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 14, 2010, Commission Meeting
- Order of Assessment of Filing Fee and Suspension of Imposition of Tariff
- Order Granting Request for Authority
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Notice of Hearing
- Order Approving the Joint Motion for Approval of the Settlement Stipulation
- Order Approving the Joint Motion for Approval of the Second Settlement Stipulation
- 08/20/10 - Letter and Table of Contents
- Request for Confidential Treatment
- Volume 1 (Letter and Application, Notice, Attestation by CF, Deficiency and Proposed Revenues and Statements A through R)
- Volume 2A and 2B (Testimony)
- Volume 3 (Tariffs Sheets)
- Volume 4 (2009 Test Year Work Papers, 2009 Actual Year Work Papers, Robert Hevert Work Papers and Lead Lag Study)
- 09/08/10 - Letter from Staff
- 09/14/10 - Letter from Otter Tail Power Company and Affidavit of Service
- Procedural History
- 2006 – 2020 IRP Narrative
- Application for Resource Plan Title Page
- Section 1 Table of Contents
- Section 2 Preface
- Section 3 Plan Cross-Reference
- Section 4 Resource Plan Summary
- Section 5 Forecast and Capability
- Request for Confidential Treatment
- Forecast and Capability Confidential (not available to the public)
- Section 6 Existing Resources
- Section 7 Plan Development
- Section 8 Potential Resources
- Section 9 Preferred Resource Plan
- Section 10 Renewable Energy Objective
- Section 11 Contingencies
- Section 12 Environmental Issues
- 09/16/10 - Letter from Otter Tail Power Company
- 01/19/11 - Letter from Bruce Gerhardson on behalf of Otter Tail Power Company
- 01/27/11 - Letter from Bruce Gerhardson on behalf of Otter Tail Power Company
- Amended Request for Authority to Use Current Rate Design and to Implement a Rate Lower than the Rate Authorized by Statute when Implementing an "Interim" Rate Increase Pursuant to SDCL Section 49-34A-17 on February 17, 2011, and Until Commission Makes Final Determination in this Matter
- Affidavit of Service
- 01/28/11 - Letter from Ron L. Spangler, Jr. on behalf of Otter Tail Power Company
- 01/28/11 - Letter from Ryan Soye on behalf of South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Staff regarding Implementing Interim Rates
- 02/15/11 - Letter from Ron L. Spangler, Jr. on behalf of Otter Tail Power Company
- 02/18/11 - Letter from Staff regarding Pre-filed Testimony
- Testimony of George W. Evans
- Appendix
- Exhibit GWE-1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit GWE-2
- Exhibit GWE-3
- Exhibit GWE-4
- Exhibit GWE-5
- Exhibit GWE-6
- Exhibit GWE-7
- Exhibit GWE-8
- Exhibit GWE-9
- Exhibit GWE-10
- Exhibit GWE-11
- Exhibit GWE-12
- Exhibit GWE-13
- Exhibit GWE-14
- Exhibit GWE-15
- Exhibit GWE-16
- Exhibit GWE-17
- Testimony of George W. Evans
- 02/23/11 - Letter from Staff regarding confidential filing
- Exhibit GWE-1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 02/23/11 - Otter Tail Power Company's Request for Confidential Treatment of Information
- 2010 Ibbotson® Risk Premia Over Time Report Confidential (not available to the public)
- 02/24/11 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 02/24/11 - Settlement Stipulation
- 02/24/11 - Staff Memorandum
- Staff Memorandum Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revenue Requirement without Luverne
- Revenue Requirement without Luverne Confidential (not available to the public)
- Rate Design without Luverne
- Revenue Requirement with Luverne
- 03/28/11 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter regarding Rebuttal Testimonies
- 4/14/2011 - Joint Motion for Approval of Second Settlement Stipulation
- 4/14/2011 - Second Settlement Stipulation
- Exhibit A (Tariffs)
- 4/14/2011 - Staff Memorandum in Support of Second Settlement Stipulation
- 04/21/11 - Docket Closed
- 05/05/11 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter regarding Revised Tariff Sheets