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EL10-011 - In the Matter of the Application of Otter Tail Power Company for Authority to Increase Rates for Electric Service in South Dakota      

Date Filed: 08/20/10 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/08/10 ♦  Docket Closed: 04/21/11

Service List

Weekly Filing: 
Weekly Filings 08/19/10 to 08/25/10

April 19, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
March 8, 2011, Amendment to Agenda which replaces the March 8, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
February 1, 2011, Amendment to Agenda of Commission Meeting
February 1, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
September 14, 2010, Agenda to Commission Meeting

Minutes of April 19, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 8, 2011, Commission Meeting
     Transcript of March 8, 2011, Commission Meeting (not available to the public)
Minutes of February 1, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 14, 2010, Commission Meeting


Comments and Responses

Filed Documents: