EL23-006 - In the Matter of the Filing by Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., a Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group Inc., for Approval of the Annual Update to Its Infrastructure Rider Rate
Date Filed: 03/01/23 ♦ Intervention Date: 03/17/23
Date of Notice of Filing: 03/02/23 ♦ Docket Closed: 04/19/23
March 14, 2023, Agenda of Commission Meeting
April 13, 2023, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the March 14, 2023, Commission Meeting
Minutes of the April 13, 2023, Commission Meeting
- 03/14/23 - Order Assessing Filing Fee
- 04/18/23 - Order Approving Infrastructure Rider Rate and Tariff Revision
- 03/01/23 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Letter regarding Annual Update to Infrastructure Rider (IR) Rate 56
- Attachment A - Summary of Infrastructure Costs and Proposed IR Rate
- Attachment B - Projected 2023 Revenue Requirement Calculation
- Attachment C - Actual 2022 Revenue Requirement Calculation
- Attachment D - Calculation of the Under-Recovered Balance from 2022 Based on the Actual Revenue Requirement Calculation and 2022 Revenue Collected Under the Tariff
- Attachment E - Regulatory Assets Recovery Schedules
- Attachment F - Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Attachment G - Notice to Customers of Filing
- Tariff Page
- 04/11/23 - Staff Memorandum
- 04/19/23 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Letter regarding Revised Tariff Page
- 04/19/23 - Docket Closed