GE12-005 - In the Matter of the Filing by MidAmerican Energy Company for the Approval of Energy Efficiency Plan for 2013-2017
Date Filed:07/27/12 ♦ Intervention Date: 08/17/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 11/27/12
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 07/26/12 to 08/01/12
November 20, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 20, 2012, Commission Meeting
- 07/27/12 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Letter regarding Energy Efficiency Plan for 2013-2017
- 10/10/12 - MidAmerican Energy Company's Letter regarding Revised Exhibits
- Revised Exhibit 1 - Proposed Energy Efficiency Plan for 2013-2017, With the Budget Amounts Adjusted Along With Correlating Savings and Net Benefits
- Revised Exhibit 2 - Contains Revised Analysis of the Impact of MidAmerican's Proposed Plan on Electric and Gas Ratepayers Broken Down into Residential and Non-Residential Classes Based Upon the Revised Budgets and The Revised Ratepayer Impact Analysis Provides Expected Bill Impacts on a Dollars Per Month, Dollars Per Year, and Percentage Increase Basis Based upon the Revised Budgets
- Revised Exhibit 3 - Provides Revised Specific Participation, Savings, and Incentives by
Measure Within Each Program Based Upon the Revised Budgets and This
Exhibit also Provides Cost-Effectiveness Data and Avoided Cost Data
by Measure Revised to Reflect the Budget Changes
- 11/06/12 - PUC Staff's Memo regarding Recommendation for Docket GE12-005
- 11/27/12 - Docket Closed