EL18-004 - In the Matter of the Petition of Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy for Approval of a Proxy Pricing Proposal to Adjust Certain Fuel Clause Rider Power Purchase Costs
Date Filed: 01/29/18 ♦ Intervention Date: 02/16/18 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 02/01/18 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/23/20
Date of Notice of Filing: 02/01/18 ♦ Docket Closed: 03/23/20
March 17, 2020, Agenda of Commission Meeting
May 1, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 17, 2020, Commission Meeting
Minutes of May 1, 2018, Commission Meeting
- 05/03/18 - Order Authorizing Executive Director to Enter Into a Consulting Contract
- 03/23/20 - Order Granting Joint Motion for Approval of Revised Settlement Stipulation
- 01/29/18 - Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy's Letter and Petition
- Attachment A - Market Price Fixed
- Attachment A - Market Price Fixed Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment B - Market Price Floating
- Attachment B - Market Price Floating Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment C - 2014 System Average Fuel Fixed
- Attachment C - 2014 System Average Fuel Fixed Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment D - 2017 Estimated Floating System Average Fuel
- Attachment D - 2017 Estimated Floating System Average Fuel Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment E - Index Proxy Pricing Option
- Attachment F - Synthetic Resource Proxy - Fixed
- Attachment F - Synthetic Resource Proxy - Fixed Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment G - Synthetic Resource Proxy - Floating
- Attachment G - Synthetic Resource Proxy - Floating Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment H - Actual Resource Proxy
- Attachment H - Actual Resource Proxy Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment I - Proxy Pricing Options Summary
- Attachment I - Proxy Pricing Options Summary Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment J - Proxy Pricing Impact based on Strategist Resource Planning Model
- Attachment J - Proxy Pricing Impact based on Strategist Resource Planning Model Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment A - Market Price Fixed
- 12/18/19 - Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation
- 01/17/20 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Revised Settlement Stipulation and Joint Motion for Approval of Revised Settlement Stipulation
- 02/12/20 - PUC Staff’s Memorandum Supporting Revised Settlement Stipulation
- 02/13/20 - PUC Staff Memorandum Attachment 1 - Settlement Proxy Prices
- PUC Staff Memorandum Attachment 1 - Settlement Proxy Prices Confidential (not available to the public)
- 03/26/20 - Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Proxy Refund Calculation
- Attachment A - Updated Proxy Pricing Refund Calculation Public
- Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Proxy Refund Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment A - Updated Proxy Pricing Refund Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- 03/23/20 - Docket Closed