EL14-042 - In the Matter of the Complaint by Prelude, L.L.C. against Basin Electric Power Cooperative, Butte Electric Cooperative, Inc., Grand Electric Cooperative, Inc., Moreau-Grand Electric Cooperative, Inc., Rosebud Electric Cooperative, Inc., and Rushmore Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. for Refusing to Enter into Qualified Facilities Purchase Power Agreements
Date Filed: 05/05/14 ♦ Intervention Date: 05/27/14 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 05/08/14 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/24/14
Date of Notice of Filing: 05/08/14 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/24/14
July 22, 2014, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 24, 2014, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 10, 2014, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 22, 2014, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 24, 2014, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 10, 2014, Commission Meeting
Motion Hearing:
The hearing shall be held on July 22, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. CDT, during the regularly-scheduled Commission Meeting in Room 414, State Capitol Building, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, South Dakota
- Order Granting Intervention (South Dakota Electric Utility Companies)
- Order Granting Intervention (South Dakota Rural Electric Association)
- Order Granting Motion to Dismiss
- 05/05/14 - Complaint
- Certificate of Service
- Exhibit 1 - Prelude Faith Wind Farm 3's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 2 - Prelude Bison Wind Farm 1's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 3 - Prelude Bison Wind Farm 2's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 4 - Prelude Maurine Wind Farm 1's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 5 - Prelude Maurine Wind Farm 2's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 6 - Prelude Maurine Wind Farm 3's Form 556 Certification of Qualifying Facility
- Exhibit 7 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Letter to Public Utilities Commission Dated June 27, 2012
- Exhibit 8 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Letter to Public Utilities Commission Dated November 27, 2013
- Exhibit 9 - SDREA's Letter to Public Utilities Commission Dated December 3, 2013
- Exhibit 10 - Prelude's Letter to Butte Electric Cooperative Dated December 4, 2013
- Exhibit 11 - Prelude's Letter to Grand Electric Cooperative Dated November 25, 2012
- Exhibit 12 - Prelude's Letter to Moreau-Grand Electric Cooperative Dated November 25, 2012
- Exhibit 13 - Prelude's Letter to Rosebud Electric Cooperative Dated November 21, 2012
- Exhibit 14 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Letter to Prelude Dated January 13, 2014
- Exhibit 15 - December 21, 2010 - National Wind Watch Article "Crow Creek Wind Project Moves Ahead"
- Exhibit 16 - March 8, 2011 - AP Article "Basin Electric's $363M Crow Lake Wind Farm Operational"
- Exhibit 17 - March 18, 2014 - Rapid City Journal Article: "Crow Creek Receives Federal Grant to Launch Billion-Dollar Wind Farm"
- Exhibit 18 - Rosebud Electric Cooperative's January 2012 "Cooperative Connections" Newsletter Article, "Co-op News: Notice of Rate Adjustment"
- Exhibit 19 - January 2012 - Rosebud Electric "Cooperative Connections" Newsletter Article, "Co-ops Pay Taxes"
- Exhibit 20 - February 2014 - Cooperative Connections Newsletter "Basin Electric Signs Contract for Wind Generation"
- Exhibit 21 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's "Green Energy" Brochure
- Exhibit 22 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's "Serving the Bakken" Brochure
- Exhibit 23 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Letter to Public Utilities Commission Dated July 1, 2010
- Exhibit 24 - Affidavit of Richard Dostal
- Exhibit 25 - "Catch the Wind," by Steve Thompson, USDA Rural Development
- 05/08/14 - Lorge and Lorge Law Firm's Letter to Hughes County Clerk of Courts
- 05/15/14 - Notice of Appearance for Gene N. Lebrun and Certificate of Service
- 05/15/14 - Notice of Appearance for Miles F. Schumacher and Certificate of Service
- 05/22/14 - Admission of Service
- 05/23/14 - Petition to Intervene (South Dakota Electric Utility Companies)
- 05/29/14 - Motion to Dismiss of Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- 06/02/14 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Staff's Brief in Support of Respondents' Motion to Dismiss
- 06/13/14 - Notice of Hearing
- 06/13/14 - South Dakota Rural Electric Association's Letter regarding Petition to Intervene
- 06/16/14 - Prelude LLC's Brief Opposing Motion to Dismiss of Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- 06/23/14 - Motion and Affidavit for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Peter K. Matt
- 06/26/14 - Order for Pro Hac Vice Admission of Peter K. Matt
- 06/27/14 - Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Reply Brief
- 07/21/14 - Notice of Entry of an Order Granting Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice of Robert Gerald Lorge
- 07/22/14 - Respondents' Submission at Motion Hearing - Secretary of State Documents
- 07/24/14 - Docket Closed