TC13-035 - In the Matter of the Application of Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
Date Filed: 04/22/13 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 05/10/13 ♦ Docket Closed: 04/28/17
April 27, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
April 10, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 4, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 27, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 10, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 4, 2013, Commission Meeting
- Order Granting Intervention (SDTA)
- 04/28/17 - Order Granting Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Designation in Non-Rural Areas
- 04/22/13 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Application
- Certificate of Service
- 05/09/13 - South Dakota Telecommunications Association (SDTA) Petition to Intervene and Certificate of Service
- 05/31/13 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding SDTA Petition to Intervene
- 06/03/13 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Response to Staff's Data Request 1
- Response to Staff's Data Request 1 - Public
- Response to Staff's Data Request 1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 11/14/14 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Amendment to Application
- 04/02/15 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Responses to Staff's Data Request 2
- 04/24/15 - enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Supplemental Exhibit F
- 07/15/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Amended Application
- 09/09/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 1 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Data Request 1 Attachments Confidential (not available to the public)
- 09/09/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 1
- 10/07/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Response to Staff's Data Request
- 11/17/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 5 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 11/17/16 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 6
- 01/06/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 7-1 through 7-3
- Attachment 7-2A - Financial Statements Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 7-2B - Financial Report Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 7-3 - Executive Biographies
- 01/25/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 8-1 through 8-3
- 02/16/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Amended Response to Staff's Data Request 8-1
- 02/17/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Motion for Expedited Grant of Its Request for Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier or Grant of Designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier on an Interim Basis
- 02/27/17 - Notice of Appearance (William Taylor and John E. Taylor) and Certificate of Service
- 03/07/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Amended Response to Staff's Data Request 10-1 through 10-6
- 03/29/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Response to Staff's Data Request 11-1 through 11-2
- 04/04/17 - Staff Memorandum regarding Recommendation for Docket
- 04/19/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Responses to Staff's Data Request 12
- Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 12-1 through 12-6
- 04/19/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Responses to Staff's Data Request 12-1 through 12-6 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 12-3 Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 12-4 Confidential (not available to the public)
- 04/25/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Prefiled Direct Testimony of Kimberley Lehrman
- 04/28/17 - Docket Closed
- 10/30/17 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter and Attachment regarding Update to its Minimum Standard Voice Plan
- 05/22/20 - Boomerang Wireles, LLC Dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Offered Plans
- 01/28/21 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter and Attachment regarding Lifeline Plan Update
- 01/03/22 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Lifeline Update
- 07/20/23 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Lifeline Update
- 02/27/24 - Boomerang Wireless LLC dba enTouch Wireless' Letter regarding Notice of ACP Replacement Plan and Bundled Broadband Plan Update