TC21-041 - In the Matter of the Application of City of Brookings Municipal Telephone dba Swiftel Communications for an Amended Certificate of Authority
Date Filed: 06/14/21 ♦ Intervention Date: 07/02/21 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/17/21 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/28/21
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/17/21 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/28/21
July 22, 2021, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of the July 22, 2021, Commission Meeting
Filed Documents:
- 06/14/21 - City of Brookings Municipal Telephone dba Swiftel Communication's Letter regarding Amended Certificate of Authority
- 07/28/21 - Docket Closed