NG09-001 - In the Matter of the Filing by Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. for Approval of its Natural Gas Conservation Programs and Conservation Tracking Adjustment.
Date Filed: 03/02/09 ♦ Intervention Date: 03/20/09 ♦ Docket Closed: 11/05/09
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 02/26/09 to 03/04/09
October 20, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting
September 22, 2009, Addendum to Commission Meeting
September 22, 2009 Agenda to Commission Meeting
April 21, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 20, 2009, Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 22, 2009, Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 21, 2009, Commission Meeting
Orders: Orders are in AdobeAcrobat *.pdf format
Open Docket Closed Docket
- 03/02/09 - Letter and Attachments
- 04/01/09 - Supplemental Filing
- 05/01/09 - Letter and Tariff Sheets
- 09/16/09 - Letter and Revised Tariff Sheets
- 09/16/09 - Letter Amending Request for Extension of Time and Continuation of Conservation Program
- 10/08/09 - Letter and Attachments from MDU
- 11/16/09 - Letter and Final Tariff Sheets