EL19-007 - In the Matter of the Application by Triple H Wind Project, LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy Facility in Hyde County, South Dakota
Pre-filed Testimonies and Exhibits;
Triple H Wind Project, LLC
- 02/06/19 - Pre-filed Direct Testimony
- Casey Willis' Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- David Mebane's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- Resume (will be filed at a later date) See 2/15/19 filing
- Leslie Knapp's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- Ted Guertin's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- Clayton Derby's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- Wade Burns' Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- Tricia Pellerin's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- 02/07/19 - Jason Hellerud's Pre-Filed Direct Testimony
- 06/14/19 - Triple H Wind Project, LLC's Letter regarding Matthew McCaulley's Testimony and Exhibits and Letter of Casey Willis
PUC Staff
- 05/29/19 - Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Jon Thurber
- Pre-Filed Direct Testimony of Jon Thurber Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_JT-1 - Triple H’s Responses to Discovery Regarding Ice Throw and Decommissioning
- Exhibit_JT-2 - Decommissioning Escrow Account Condition
- Exhibit_JT-3 - 2019 Senate Bill 16
- Exhibit_JT-4 - General Electric Wind Turbine Generator System Safety Manual Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_JT-5 - General Electric Setback Considerations for Wind Turbine Siting
- Exhibit_JT-6 - Commission Staff Discovery Set 6
- Exhibit_JT-7 - General Electric Wind Turbine Siting Email Clarification
- 05/30/19 - PUC Staff's Direct Testimony of Jon Thurber and Exhibits Certificate of Service