EL18-038 - In the Matter of the Complaint of Energy of Utah, LLC and Fall River Solar, LLC Against Black Hills Power Inc. dba Black Hills Energy for Determination of Avoided Cost
Pre-filed Testimonies and Exhibits and Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits
- 3/22/19 - Energy of Utah, LLC and Fall River Solar, LLC's Pre-filed Direct Testimonies and Exhibits
- Direct Testimony of Mark Klein
- Direct Testimony of Ros Vrba
- Exhibit A - Memorandum of Lease and Easement for a Solar Energy Project
- Exhibit B - Request for Indicative Price for Fall River Solar LLC, South Dakota Qualifying Facility 80 MW Name Plate AC
- Exhibit C - Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Exhibit D - Energy of Utah, LLC's Letter to Black Hills Corporation Dated May 18, 2018
- Exhibit E - Email Correspondence
- Exhibit F - Energy of Utah, LLC's Letter to Black Hills Corporation Dated June 7, 2018
- Exhibit G - Solar Energy Purchase Agreement Between Black Hills Power, Inc. and Fall River Solar LLC
- Exhibit H - Model Solar Energy Purchase Agreement
- Exhibit I - Energy of Utah, LLC's Letter to Black Hills Corporation Dated August 14, 2018
- Exhibit J - Email Correspondence
- Exhibit K - Energy of Utah, LLC's Letter to Black Hills Corporation Dated September 6, 2018
- Exhibit L - Email Correspondence
- Exhibit M - Black Hills Energy's Letter to Energy of Utah, LLC and PUC Staff
- 05/07/19 - Black Hills Power Inc. dba Black Hills Energy's Pre-filed Direct Testimonies and Exhibits
- James McMahon's Direct Testimony
- Kyle D. White's Direct Testimony
- Exhibit KDW-1 - An Illustrative Comparison of the Impact to Black Hills' Retail Customers Based Upon the Methodology and Avoided Cost Price Proposed by Fall River and the Price Calculated by Black Hills Over the 20 Year QF Period
- Exhibit KDW-2 - An Illustration of the Downward Direction of Forecast Natural Gas Pricing Since 2015
- Exhibit KDW-3 - An Illustration of the Downward Direction of Forecasted Market Prices for Power Purchases Since 2015
- Exhibit KDW-4 - May 31, 2018 Correspondence from Black Hills to Fall River regarding Its Position on the Appropriate Avoided Cost Determination Methodology
- Exhibit KDW-5(a)-5(g) - Example Correspondence From Prior PPA Negotiations With Energy of Utah in Late Spring - Early Fall 2015
- Certificate of Service
- Amanda M. Thames' Direct Testimony
- Exhibit AMT-1 - A Table of All of the Supply Resources in Black Hills' Portfolio (Whether Utility Owned or Contractual) and Considered as Available Resources Within Black Hills' Avoided Cost Model
- Exhibit AMT-2 - The Load Resource Balance that was Accomplished as Part of the Avoided Cost Modeling Provided in March 2019
- Exhibit AMT-3 - Comparison of Costs of System Dispatch With and Without Fall River's 80 MW QF as an Available Resource, as Provided in March 2019
- Exhibit AMT-4 - Levelized Avoided Cost as Provided in March 2019
- Exhibit AMT-5 - The Load and Resource Balance that was Accomplished as Part of the Avoided Cost Modeling Provided in August 2018
- Exhibit AMT-6 - Comparison of Costs of System Dispatch With and Without Fall River's 80MW QF as an Available Resource, as Provided in August 2018
- Exhibit AMT-7 - Levelized Avoided Cost as Provided in August of 2018
- Exhibit AMT-8 - The Load and Resource Balance that was Accomplished as Part of the Avoided Cost Modeling Provided in April 2018
- Exhibit AMT-9 - Comparison of Costs of System Dispatch With and Without Fall River's 80MW QF as an Available Resource, as Provided in April 2018
- Exhibit AMT-10 - Levelized Avoided Cost as Provided in April 2018
- Certificate of Service
- 08/09/19 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Exhibits
- Darren Kearney's Direct Testimony
- Exhibit_DDK-1 - FERC Order 69
- Exhibit_DDK-2 - Docket F-3365 Order
- Exhibit_DDK-3 - Docket EL11-006 Order
- Exhibit_DDK-4 - Docket EL16-021 Order
- Exhibit_DDK-5 - Dump Energy Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_DDK-6: Avoided Capacity Cost Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit_DDK-7: Fall River Responses to Staff Data Requests
- Certificate of Service
- Darren Kearney's Direct Testimony
- 01/30/20 - Black Hills Power Inc. dba Black Hills Energy's Rebuttal Testimonies and Exhibits
- James McMahon's Rebuttal Testimony and Certificate of Service
- Kyle White's Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibit and Certificate of Service
- Exhibit KDW-6 Excel Format Confidential (not available to the public)
- Amanda M. Thames' Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits and Certificate of Service
- Exhibit AMT-11 Excel Format Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit AMT-12 Excel Format Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit AMT-13 Excel Format Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit AMT-14 Excel Format Confidential (not available to the public)
- 03/12/20 - Energy of Utah, LLC and Fall River Solar, LLC's Pre-filed Direct Testimonies and Exhibits
- 03/13/20 - Certificate of Service Rebuttal Testimony of Mark Klein
- 04/30/20 - PUC Staff's Supplemental Testimony and Exhibits