EL16-021 - In the Matter of the Complaint by Consolidated Edison Development, Inc. against NorthWestern Corporation dba NorthWestern Energy for Establishing a Purchase Power Agreement
Prefiled Exhibits
- 04/07/17 - Staff's Witness and Exhibit List
- Certificate of Service
- 04/10/17 - Staff Exhibit 1 - Mr. Jon Thurber's Direct Testimony with Exhibits
- Staff Exhibit 2 - Ms. Kavita Maini's Direct Testimony with Exhibits
- Staff Exhibit 3 - NP 1 of 2V C.E.D. v N.W.E.
- Staff Exhibit 4 - C.E.D. v. N.W.E. Avoided Cost Components
- Staff Exhibit 5 - C.E.D. v. N.W.E: Sales as % of Load-Without QF
- Staff Exhibit 6 - C.E.D. v. N.W.E. Sales as % of Load- With QF
- Staff Exhibit 7 - C.E.D. QF Output Weighted LMP Avoided Cost
- Staff Exhibit 8 - Existing Wind Generation Comparison
- Staff Exhibit 9 - C.E.D. Load Growth
- Staff Exhibit 10 - Nameplate Wind MW in 2016
- Staff Exhibit 11 - Generic Additions for the Period 2018-2037: Nameplate MW
- Staff Exhibit 12 - Dependable Capacity MW for SPP_DAK
- Staff Exhibit 13 - N.W.E. v C.E.D. Natural Gas Prices
- Staff Exhibit 14 - Ventura Natural Gas Price Forecast and Sensitivities
- Staff Exhibit 15 - MISO Natural Gas Forecasting Methodology in 2016
- Staff Exhibit 16 - MISO Natural Gas Forecasting Methodology (April 2017)
- Staff Exhibit 17 - Coal Cost Comparisons
- Staff Exhibit 18 - Juhl/CED Responses to Staff’s Data Requests
- 1. 2-32 with Attachment
- 2. 3-8
- 3. 2-8(b)
- 4. 5-7 with Attachment
- PMRG Response to PSC Data Request 2 (Excel Format) Confidential (not available to the public)
- 5. 5-4
- 6. 2-26 and Attachments
- 7. 2-24 with Attachments
- PMRG Response to PSC Data Request 2 (Excel Format) Confidential (not available to the public)
- 8. 2-20 with Attachments
- PMRG Response to PSC Data Request 2 (Excel Format) Confidential (not available to the public)
- 9. CED Response to 5th PSC Data Request
- Public
- CED Response to 5th PSC Data Request Confidential (not available to the public)
- PMRG Response to PSC Data Request 2 (Excel Format) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Staff Exhibit 19 - NWE Responses to Staff’s Data Requests
- 1. 4-17
- Attachment 4-17a and b (Excel Format)
- 2. 4-24
- 3. 4-20
- 4. 1-4
- 5. 1-5 (a) and (b)
- 6. 6-1
- 7. 1-7
- 8. 6-4
- 9. 1-15
- 10. 4-17 - Duplicate
- 11. Supplemental Response to 5-6
- 12. 5-3
- 13. 4-25
- 14. 4-23
- Attachment 4-23 (BJL-1) - Juhl Wind 2017-2036 jbb (Excel Format)
- 15. 5-7
- 16. 5-7(b)
- 17. 5-5
- 18. 8-7
- Attachment 8-7 (Excel Format)
- 1. 4-17
- Staff Exhibit 20 - Juhl/CED Responses to NWE Data Requests
- 1. 1-41
- 2. 1-34
- Exhibit 1 Northwestern Generator Settings (Excel Format)
- Staff Exhibit 21 - NWE Responses to Juhl/CED Data Requests
- 1. 2nd DR #1-8
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Supply Cost Report (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Exhibit (BJL-1) - Juhl Wind 2017-2036 (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Exhibit (BJL-2) - Juhl Wind 2018-2037 (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Coal costs (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) electric prices (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) natural gas prices (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) PowerSimm output (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Rate Calculation 2017-2036 (Excel Format)
- NWE Response to Juhl 2nd DR 1-8) Rate Calculation 2018-2037 (Excel Format)
- 2. 1st DR #001(b)
- Aberdeen GS2 (Excel Format)
- Aberdeen (Excel Format)
- Beethoven (Excel Format)
- Big Stone IC (Excel Format)
- Big Stone (Excel Format)
- Clark (Excel Format)
- Coal Forecast (Excel Format)
- Coyote (Excel Format)
- Electricity and natural gas prices (Excel Format)
- Huron #1 (Excel Format)
- Huron #2 (Excel Format)
- Load (Excel Format)
- Mobile Unit (Excel Format)
- Neal (Excel Format)
- Oak Tree (Excel Format)
- Oil2 Price Forecast (Excel Format)
- Yankton (Excel Format)
- 1. 2nd DR #1-8