EL13-015 - In the Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company Regarding Its 2012 Report and 2013 Energy Efficiency Plan Update
Date Filed: 05/01/13 ♦ Intervention Date: 05/17/13 ♦ Docket Closed: 06/26/13
June 18, 2013, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 18, 2013, Commission Meeting
- 05/01/13 - Otter Tail's Letter regarding Its 2012 Report and 2013 Energy Efficiency Plan Update
- 06/04/13 - Otter Tail's Responses to Staff Data Request 1
- Response to Data Request 01-01 - For 2012, what percent of each program's total cost was attributed to incentive payouts?
- Response to Data Request 01-02 - Are the incentives given to each participant consistent from year to year?
- Response to Data Request 01-03 - Is there an explanation as to why the calculated 2012 total cost per participant of Residential Air Source Heat Pumps and Geothermal Heat Pumps was higher than the previous two years?
- Response to Data Request 01-04 - In the commercial programs, the number of participants has trended down over the past three years however the annual kWh savings has trended up. What is resulting in the increased energy savings with less program participants?
- Response to Data Request 01-05 - What resulted in the decrease of total cost per participant in the Custom Efficiency Project program from years prior?
- Response to Data Request 01-06 - What resulted in the increase of total cost per participant in the Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump and Motor programs in 2012 over years prior?
- Response to Data Request 01-07 - Looking at the past 3 years, is there an explanation as to why the Total cost of Otter Tail's EEP Plan per kWh saved is trending down? Is this downward trend sustainable?
- Response to Data Request 01-08 - What resulted in the high TRC test ratios for Custom Efficiency Projects and Geothermal Heat Pumps in 2012?
- Response to Data Request 01-09 - In the benefit/cost calculations for the Air Conditioning Control Program, do the costs include the $7/month credit the customer receives from allowing Ottertail to cycle their machine?
- Response to Data Request 01-10 - Increased cycling of mechanical components can reduce equipment life and increase maintenance expenses. Does the benefit/cost tests for the Air Conditioning Control program include those types of costs?
- Response to Data Request 01-11 - In the proposed EEP tracker for 2013, why is the company not requesting a factor that would zero out the balance of the program charges at the end of the period?
- 06/25/13 - Otter Tail's Letter regarding Tariff Revisions
- 06/26/13 - Docket Closed
- 05/01/15 - Otter Tail's Letter regarding Requesting an Extension