EL11-025 - In the Matter of the Complaint by Northern States Power dba Xcel Energy against Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. for a Violation of the Service Territory Laws
Date Filed: 09/21/11 ♦ Intervention Date: 10/07/11 ♦ Docket Closed: 05/22/12
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 09/15/11 to 09/21/11
March 27, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
February 14, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 27, 2012, Commission Meeting
Transcript of March 27, 2012, (EL11-025)
Minutes of February 14, 2012, Commission Meeting
Transcript of February 14, 2012, Commission Meeting for Docket EL11-025
Click For Comments and Responses
HearingA hearing shall be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, commencing at 1:00 p.m.
CST, in Room 414, State Capitol Building, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD. Orders: Filed Documents:
- 09/21/11 - Complaint
- 10/03/11 - Response of Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc., To Complaint of Xcel Energy and Certificate of Service
- 12/06/11 - Exhibits of Hearing held on 12/6/11
- 12/16/11 - Transcript of Hearing held on 12/6/11
- 01/03/12 - Southeastern Electric Cooperative's Post Hearing Brief
- 01/03/12 - PUC Staff's Letter
- 01/05/12 - Xcel Energy's Post Hearing Brief and Certificate of Service
- 01/17/12 - Southeastern Electric Cooperative's Reply Brief and Certificate of Service
- 01/23/12 - Xcel Energy's Letter regarding Not Filing a Reply Brief
- 02/17/12 - Commissioner Nelson's Letter to Parties and Certificate of Service
- 02/17/12 - Commissioner Hanson's Request for Information and Certificate of Service
- 02/17/12 - Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc.'s Response to Commissioner Hanson
- 02/21/12 - Commissioner Nelson's Letter regarding the Map Proposal
- 03/05/12 - Southeastern Electric Cooperative's Response to Commissioner Nelson's Letter
- 03/06/12 - Certificate of Service
- 03/07/12 - Transcript of February 14, 2012, Commission Meeting for Docket EL11-025 (not available to the public)
- 03/12/12 - Xcel Energy's Response to Commissioners Hanson and Nelson's Letters
- 05/11/12 - Transcript of March 27, 2012, (EL11-025)
- 05/22/12 - Docket Closed