EL11-025 - In the Matter of the Complaint by Northern States Power dba Xcel Energy against Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. for a Violation of the Service Territory Laws
- Exhibit 1 (PUC Official Electric Territory of Lincoln County South Dakota)
- Exhibit 2 (Map of Oxford Estates Development 2009 and Whispering Woods Development 2011)
- Exhibit 3 (Xcel map - LSPG04)
- Exhibit 4 (Territory boundary exception posted in EL09-021)
- Exhibit 1 (Map 4-7-44-8 and 44-9)
- Did not introduce Exhibit 2
- Exhibit 3 (Map of proposed trade area from Xcel to Southeastern)
- Did not introduce Exhibit 4 and 5)
- Exhibit 6 (Map Saddlebrook Homes)
- Exhibit 7 (PUC Order "Order Granting Approval of Electric Service Territory Boundary Changes" posted in EL09-021)
- Exhibit 8 (Map Whispering Woods Addition)
- Exhibit 1 (Original 1976 map (Lincoln County)
- Exhibit 2 (Territory boundary according to 1976 agreement map prior to EL09-021)
- Exhibit 3 (Xcel's interpretation of boundary post EL09-021)
- Exhibit 4 (Southeastern's interpretation of boundary post EL09-021)
- Exhibit 5 (Post EL09-021 - comparative view)
- Exhibit 6 (Relevant lines and distances)
- Exhibit 7 (Post EL09-021 assuming Section 7 was not modified)
- Exhibit 8 (Service Territory Agreement between Xcel Energy and Southeastern)
- Exhibit 9 (PUC Order "Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; Notice of Entry of Order" for Docket EL00-026)
- Exhibit 10 (Joint Request for a Service Territory Boundary Change signed 10/12/09)