EL17-048 - In the Matter of the Petition of Otter Tail Power Company for Approval of the Transmission Cost Recovery Rider Rate
Date Filed: 11/01/17 ♦ Intervention Date: 11/17/17 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 11/02/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 02/28/18
Date of Notice of Filing: 11/02/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 02/28/18
February 22, 2018, Agenda of Commission Meeting
November 21, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 22, 2018, Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 21, 2017, Commission Meeting
- 11/27/17 - Order Assessing Filing Fee
- 02/28/18 - Order Approving 2018 Transmission Cost Recovery Rate Adjustment
- 03/07/18 - Errata Notice
- 11/01/17 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter and Petition for Annual Update to Transmission Cost Recovery Rider Rate
- Attachment List
- Attachment 1 - Revenue
- Attachment 2 - Revenue Requirements Summary
- Attachment 3 - Rate Design
- Attachment 4 - Tracker Summary
- Attachment 5 - CAPX Fargo-Monticello Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 5 - CAPX Fargo-Monticello Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 6 - CAPX Bemidji-Grand Rapids Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 6 - CAPX Bemidji-Grand Rapids Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 7 - Cass Lake-Bemidji Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 7 - Cass Lake-Bemidji Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 8 - Rugby Wind Interconnection Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 8 - Rugby Wind Interconnection Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 9 - Casselton-Buffalo 115kV Project Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 9 - Casselton-Buffalo 115kV Project Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 10 - Oakes Area Transmission Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 10 - Oakes Area Transmission Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 11 - CAPX Brookings-Hampton Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Attachment 11 - CAPX Brookings-Hampton Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 12 - BSAT - Brookings MVP
- Attachment 12 - BSAT - Brookings MVP Confidential (not available to the public)
- Attachment 13 - Attachment O Revenue Credit Calculation for Non-MISO Projects
- Attachment 14 - MISO Schedule 26 and 26A Expense
- Attachment 15 - SPP Schedule 9 and 11 Expenses
- Attachment 16 - MISO Schedule 9 Revenue
- Attachment 17 - MISO Schedule 26 Revenue
- Attachment 18 - MISO Schedule 26A Revenue
- Attachment 19 - MISO Schedule 37 and 38 Revenue
- Attachment 20 - MISO ARR Revenue Credit
- Attachment 21 - ADIT Pro-Rate
- Attachment 22 - Electric Rate Schedule Section 13.05 Tariff Pages
- Attachment 23 - Proposed Customer Notice and Rate Impact
- Attachment 24 - Report to Commission of Tariff Schedule Changes on Notice
- Request for Confidential Treatment of Information
- 01/29/18 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter and Supplemental Filing
- Revised Attachment List
- Revised Attachment 1 - Revenue
- Revised Attachment 2 - Revenue Requirements Summary
- Revised Attachment 3 - Rate Design
- Revised Attachment 4 - Tracker Summary
- Revised Attachment 5 - CAPX Fargo-Monticello Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 5 - CAPX Fargo-Monticello Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 6 - CAPX Bemidji-Grand Rapids Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 6 - CAPX Bemidji-Grand Rapids Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 7 - Cass Lake-Bemidji Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 7 - Cass Lake-Bemidji Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 8 - Rugby Wind Interconnection Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 8 - Rugby Wind Interconnection Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 9 - Casselton-Buffalo 115kV Project Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 9 - Casselton-Buffalo 115kV Project Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 10 - Oakes Area Transmission Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 10 - Oakes Area Transmission Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 11 - CAPX Brookings-Hampton Revenue Requirements Calculation
- Revised Attachment 11 - CAPX Brookings-Hampton Revenue Requirements Calculation Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 12 - BSAT - Brookings MVP
- Revised Attachment 12 - BSAT - Brookings MVP Confidential (not available to the public)
- Revised Attachment 13 - Attachment O Revenue Credit Calculation for Non-MISO Projects
- Revised Attachment 14 - MISO Schedule 26 and 26A Expense
- Revised Attachment 15 - SPP Schedule 9 and 11 Expenses
- Revised Attachment 16 - MISO Schedule 9 Revenue
- Revised Attachment 17 - MISO Schedule 26 Revenue
- Revised Attachment 18 - MISO Schedule 26A Revenue
- Revised Attachment 19 - MISO Schedule 37 and 38 Revenue
- Revised Attachment 20 - MISO ARR Revenue Credit
- Revised Attachment 21 - ADIT Prorate Projection
- Revised Attachment 22 - ADIT Prorate Preservation
- Revised Attachment 23 - Electric Rate Schedule Section 13.05 Tariff Pages
- Revised Attachment 24 - Proposed Customer Notice and Rate Impact
- Revised Attachment 25 - Report to Commission of Tariff Schedule Changes on Notice
- Request for Confidential Treatment of Information
- 02/16/18 - Staff's Memorandum regarding Recommendation for Docket
- 02/28/18 - Docket Closed
- 02/28/18 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter and Revised Tariff Pages
- 02/28/18 - Revised Tariff Page
- 06/01/18 - Otter Tail Power Company's Letter and 2017 Annual Report of Jurisdictional Earnings
- 2017 Annual Report of Jurisdictional Earnings Confidential (not available to the public)
- Request for Confidential Treatment