EL17-011 - In the Matter of the Filing by Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. for Approval of the Annual Update to Its Transmission Cost Recovery Rider Rate
Date Filed: 03/02/17 ♦ Intervention Date: 03/24/17♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 03/09/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 05/02/17
Date of Notice of Filing: 03/09/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 05/02/17
April 27, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
March 14, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 27, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 14, 2017, Commission Meeting
- 03/02/17 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Letter regarding Annual Update to Transmission Cost
Recovery Rider Rate 59
- Attachment A - Summary of the Transmission Costs and Proposed TCRR Rate
- Attachment B - Projected 2017 Costs and Revenues by MISO and SPP Schedules and as Allocated to South Dakota and the Calculation of the MISO Schedule 26A Other O&M and Return Credits
- Attachment C - Actual 2016 Costs and Revenues by MISO and SPP Schedules and as Allocated to South Dakota and the Calculation of the MISO Schedule 26A Other O&M and Return Credits
- Attachment D - Calculation of the Under-recovered Balance from 2016 Based on the Actual Net Expenses and the Revenues Collected through Interim Rates Plus the TCRR Charge Implemented on July 1, 2016
- Attachment E - Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Attachment F - Customer Notice
- Tariff Page
- 04/20/17 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Letter regarding Revised Annual Update to Transmission Cost
Recovery Rider Rate 59
- Revised Attachment A - Summary of the Transmission Costs and Proposed TCRR Rate
- Revised Attachment B - Projected 2017 Costs and Revenues by MISO and SPP Schedules and as Allocated to South Dakota and the Calculation of the MISO Schedule 26A Other O&M and Return Credits
- Revised Attachment C - Actual 2016 Costs and Revenues by MISO and SPP Schedules and as Allocated to South Dakota and the Calculation of the MISO Schedule 26A Other O&M and Return Credits
- Revised Attachment D - Calculation of the Under-recovered Balance from 2016 Based on the Actual Net Expenses and the Revenues Collected through Interim Rates Plus the TCRR Charge Implemented on July 1, 2016
- Revised Attachment E - Report of Tariff Schedule Change
- Revised Attachment F - Customer Notice
- Revised Tariff Page
- 04/21/17 - PUC Staff Memorandum regarding Recommendation for Docket
- 05/02/17 - Docket Closed
- 05/03/17 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.'s Letter regarding Tariff Revisions