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2000 Commission Minutes and Transcripts

December 12, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
        Transcript of December 12, 2000 2:00p.m. Commission Meeting of CT00-060,
         CT00-068, CT00-084, CT00-090, CT00-104, and CT00-106

December 1, 2000 11:00 a.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
November 30, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Correction to 11/02/00 Minutes
November 2, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
        Transcript of November 2, 2000 1:30p.m. Commission Meeting of CT00-101,
        CT00-102, CT00-043, TC00-091, TC00-145, CT00-060, CT00-072, CT00-104, 
        and CT00-107
October 17, 2000 9:30 a.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
        Transcript of October 17, 2000 9:30 a.m. Commission Meeting of CT99-006,
        CT00-090, TC98-187, and TC00-091.

October 3, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
September 26, 2000; 9:30 a.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
        Transcript of September 26, 2000 9:30 a.m. Commission Meeting of CT00-055,
        CT00-060, CT00-096, TC00-057, TC00-107, TC00-018, TC00-119, TC00-131,
        TC00-133, TC00-136

September 13, 2000 2:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
        Transcript of September 13, 2000 2:30 p.m. Commission Meeting of CT99-027,
        CT00-026, CT00-082, CT00-083, CT00-086, CT00-087, CT00-093, CT00-094,
        and CT00-095

August 22, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
August 9, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
July 20, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting
July 13, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
       Transcript of July 13, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting of CT00-014,
       CT00-052, TC00-084, and TC00-091

July 10, 2000 2:00 p.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
July 6, 2000 10:00 a.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
June 20, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
May 30, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
      Transcript of May 30, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting of CT99-006
May 17, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
      Transcript of May 17, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting  of CT00-014, TC98-203,
      TC99-112, TC99-117, TC00-011, TC00-059

May 10, 2000 3:00 p.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
April 27, 2000 2:00 p.m. Commission Meeting
April 13, 2000 1:30 p.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
April 13, 2000 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting
March 28, 2000 9:30 a.m. Commission Meeting
March 14, 2000 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting
     Transcript of March 14, 2000 10:00 a.m. Commission Meeting of CT00-043, TC00-012,
     and TC98-183

February 29, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
      Transcript of February 29, 2000 1:30pm Commission Meeting of CT99-005,
       CT99-026, CT99-050, CT00-020, TC00-030, CT00-036, TC99-106, TC99-117,
       TC00-011, and TC00-012

February 15, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
February 11, 2000 10:00 a.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
February 2, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting
January 27, 2000 11:00 a.m. Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
January 18, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting w/Addendum
      Transcript of January 18, 2000 1:30 p.m. Commission Meeting of TC98-112,
      TC98-155, TC98-176, and TC98-187

January 6, 2000 10:30 a.m. Commission Meeting
      Transcript of January 6, 2000, 10:30a.m. Commission Meeting of CT99-090 and TC98-187