South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period June 23 through June 29, 2022
These dockets can be found on the PUC website,
EL22-016 - In the Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company for Approval to Temporarily Suspend Credit Card Fees
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22
TC22-025 - In the Matter of the Request of Fort Randall Telephone Company for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391660)
Staff Analyst: Joseph Rezac
Commission Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 06/23/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-026 - In the Matter of the Request of Santel Communications Cooperative Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391676)
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/23/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-027 - In the Matter of the Request of Venture Communications Cooperative for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391680)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-028 - In the Matter of the Request of Valley Telecommunications Cooperative Association, Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391685)
Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-029 - In the Matter of the Request of West River Telecommunications Cooperative for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: Mobridge–391671)
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-030 - In the Matter of the Request of RT Communications, Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 512251)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-031 - In the Matter of the Filing of Granite Telecommunications, LLC for Approval of Revisions to Its Access Services Tariff No. 3
Staff Analyst: Joseph Rezac
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-032 - In the Matter of the Request of Midstate Communications, Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Areas: ILEC-391670 and CLEC-399011)
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/27/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-033 - In the Matter of the Request of Jefferson Telephone Company for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391666)
Staff Analyst: Joseph Rezac
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/28/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-034 - In the Matter of the Request of Beresford Municipal Telephone Company for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391649)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/28/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-035 - In the Matter of the Request of RC Technologies for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391674)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 06/28/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-036 - In the Matter of the Approval of an Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs) - Resale Forbearance Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Greenfly Networks, Inc. dba Clearfly Communications for the State of South Dakota
Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Initial Comments Due: 07/18/22
TC22-037 - In the Matter of the Approval of a FCC Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC and Greenfly Networks, Inc.dba Clearfly Communications for the State of South Dakota
Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Initial Comments Due: 07/18/22
TC22-038 - In the Matter of the Filing by dishNET Wireline, LLC for Approval of Revisions to Its Access Services Tariff No. 2
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Staff Attorney: Amanda Reiss
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-039 - In the Matter of the Request of West River Cooperative Telephone Company Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391689)
Staff Analyst: Patrick Steffensen
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-040 - In the Matter of the Request of City of Faith Municipal Telephone Company for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391653)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
TC22-041 - In the Matter of the Request of Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391647)
Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/29/22
Intervention Date: 07/15/22
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