South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period November 17, 2011, through November 23, 2011
On November 22, 2011, pursuant to ARSD 20:10:12:17, Syngenta AG requested the Commission waive the financial statement requirements in ARSD 20:10:12:14. The company offers a $2,500,000 letter of credit or surety bond to fully collateralize its purchases and asks its request be considered at the December 6, 2011, Commission meeting.
Staff Analyst: Jim Mehlhaff
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 11/22/11
Intervention Deadline: 12/05/11
On November 23, 2011, Minnesota Energy Resource Corporation filed an Application for approval of refund plan. The refund relates to a 2003 and 2004 Kansas ad valorem tax pipeline refund received by Aquila, and then to MERC as the successor, from Northern Natural Gas Company. The refund also includes monies for a true-up of gas sold versus gas purchased. MERC requests the Commission approve this request on an expedited basis pursuant to ARSD 20:10:13:20.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 11/23/11
Intervention Deadline: 12/05/11
On November 18, 2011, Commission pipeline safety staff filed a Petition for a Declaratory Ruling. The request seeks Commission clarification regarding the interpretation and implementation of 49 CFR 192.3. Specifically, pipeline safety staff question whether a NorthWestern Energy pipeline serving a large volume customer operating at less than 20 percent of SMYS is properly classified as a distribution line or transmission line.
Staff Analysts: Nathan Solem, Joshua Williams
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 11/18/11
Intervention Deadline: 12/09/11
On November 21, 2011, the Commission received an application of TC Systems, Inc., for a Certificate of Authority to Provide Local Exchange Services in South Dakota. TC Systems intends to provide wholesale local exchange service to one of its affiliates in the service area of CenturyLink. The applicant is planning to enter into an interconnection agreement with CenturyLink.
Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 11/21/11
Intervention Deadline: 12/09/11
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