PS11-001 - In the Matter of the Petition for Declaratory Ruling of the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission regarding 49 CFR 192.3
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 11/17/11 to 11/23/11
January 31, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
January 17, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
January 3, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
December 6, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of January 31, 2012, Commission Meeting
Transcript of Jan. 31, 2012, Commission Meeting
Transcript of Jan. 31, 2012, Commission Meeting Confidential (not available to the
Minutes of January 17, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of January 3, 2012, Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 6, 2011, Commission Meeting
- Order Granting Intervention (NorthWestern Energy)
- Order Granting Intervention (Montana-Dakota Utilities)
- Order Granting an Extension of Time
- Declaratory Ruling
- 11/18/11 - SD Public Utilities Staff's Letter regarding Declaratory Ruling
- 11/23/11 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Intervention
- 12/23/11 - Petition to Intervene (Montana-Dakota Utilities) and Certificate of Service
- 01/04/11 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Comments
- 01/05/11 - Montana-Dakota Utilities Company's Comments and Certificate of Service
- 01/06/11 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Response to Montana-Dakota Utilities Company and NorthWestern Energy's Comments
- 01/13/12 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Motion for Extension of Time
- 01/25/12 - NorthWestern Energy's Letter regarding Presentation: Definition of Transmission Lines
- 01/26/12 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding to NorthWestern Energy's Response of 1/25/12
- 01/31/12 - Staff's Presentation for Commission Meeting of January 31, 2012
- Staff's Presentation for Commission Meeting of January 31, 2012 Confidential (not available to public)
- 02/08/12 - Docket Closed
- 02/28/12 - Transcript of Jan. 31, 2012, Commission Meeting
- 02/29/12 - Transcript of Jan. 31, 2012, Commission Meeting Confidential (not available to the public)