TC19-045 - In the Matter of the Filing by Fusion Cloud Services, LLC for
Approval of Its Access Service Tariff
Date Filed: 08/22/19 ♦ Intervention Date: 09/13/19 ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/29/19 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/23/19
Date of Notice of Filing: 08/29/19 ♦ Docket Closed: 10/23/19
October 15, 2019,
Agenda of Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 15, 2019 Commission Meeting
- 08/22/19 - Fusion Cloud Services, LLC's Letter regarding Name Change from Birch Communications, LLC and Access Service Tariff Pages
- 10/02/19 - Fusion Cloud Services, LLC's Responses to Staff's Data Request 1 (1-1 through 1-6)
- 10/11/19 - Fusion Cloud Services, LLC's Letter and Revised Tariff Pages
- 10/23/19 - Docket Closed