TC12-125 – In the Matter of the Application of Budget PrePay, Inc., dba Budget Mobile, for Designation as a Lifeline-Only Eligible Telecommunications Carrier in Non-Rural Areas
Date Filed: 08/10/12 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 08/31/12 ♦ Docket Closed: 09/26/12
Reopened: 03/16/17 ♦ Docket Reclosed: 05/01/17
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 08/09/12 to 08/15/12
March 28, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
September 11, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 28, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of September 11, 2012, Commission Meeting
- 08/10/12 -
Budget PrePay, Inc., dba Budget Mobile's Letter regarding Application for ETC Designation
- Application
- Exhibit A (List of Non-Rural Wire Centers Within Budget's Proposed ETC Service Area)
- Exhibit B (Proposed ETC Designation Area)
- Exhibit C (Letter to FCC regarding Its Compliance Plan)
- Exhibit D (FCC's Public Notice)
- Exhibit E (Secretary of State's Amended Certificate of Authority)
- Exhibit F (David Donahue's Certification)
- Exhibit G (Lifeline Advertisement)
- Application
- 08/23/12 - Affidavit of Service
- 08/29/12 - Budget PrePay, Inc.,
dba Budget Mobile's Responses
to Staff's 1st Data Request
- Exhibit A - Financial Statements Confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit B - Biographies
- Affidavit of Service
- 09/07/12 - Budget PrePay, Inc., dba Budget Mobile's Responses to Staff's 2nd Data Request
- 09/26/12 - Docket Closed
- 03/21/17 - Budget PrePay, Inc., dba Budget Mobile's Letter dated February 15, 2017, regarding It Will no Longer be Reselling the Services of T-Mobile, as Budget no Longer Maintains a Service Agreement with this Under Lying Carrier
- 03/21/17 - Budget PrePay, Inc., dba Budget Mobile's Letter dated March 7, 2017, regarding the Service Agreement Between Budget Mobile and T-Mobile Will Continue and Termination of Wireless Service Will Not Occur on March 15, 2017
- 05/01/17 - Docket Reclosed