TC12-065 - In the Matter of the Joint Application of the OrbitCom, Inc., Knology of the Plains, Inc. and Knology of the Black Hills, LLC for Waiver of
ARSD §§ 20:10:29:10, 20:10:29:12 and 20:10:29:16
ARSD §§ 20:10:29:10, 20:10:29:12 and 20:10:29:16
Date Filed: 05/29/12 ♦ Amended Intervention Deadline: 06/18/12 ♦
Docket Closed: 08/22/12
Docket Closed: 08/22/12
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 06/07/12 to 06/13/12 (Amended TC12-065)
Weekly Filing 05/31/12 to 06/06/12 (Amended TC12-065)
Weekly Filing 05/24/12 to 05/30/12
July 3, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
June 19, 2012, Addendum to Agenda to Commission Meeting
June 19, 2012, Agenda to Commission Meeting
July 3, 2012, Commission Meeting
June 19, 2012, Commission Meeting
- Order Granting Interventions and Waiver/Suspension Requests (Midcontinent, AT&T and Sprint)
- 05/29/12 - OrbitCom, Inc., Knology of the Plains, Inc. and Knology of the Black Hills, LLC's Letter regarding Waiver of ARSD §§ 20:10:29:10, 20:10:29:12 and 20:10:29:16
- 06/04/12 - MidContinent Communications' Letter regarding Petition to Intervene and to Join in the Application for Waiver
- 06/13/12 - Petition for Intervention by AT&T Communications of the Midwest, Inc. and Certificate of Service
- 06/18/12 - Sprint Communication Company, LP's Letter regarding Petition to Intervene
- 08/22/12 - Docket Closed