TC11-010 - In the Matter of the Filing by Aventure Communication Technology, LLC dba Aventure Communications for Approval of its Switched Access Services Tariff No 3
Date Filed:03/18/11 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 04/08/11 ♦ Docket Closed: 11/10/11
Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filings 03/17/11 to 03/23/11
November 8, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
October 25, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
April 19, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of November 8, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of October 25, 2011, Commission Meeting
Transcript of October 25, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of April 19, 2011, Commission Meeting
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Amended Procedural Schedule
- Order Granting Application to Withdraw Tariff
- Order Granting Intervention and Suspending Tariff for 120 Days (Qwest Communications Company, Midcontinent Communications, Sprint Communications Company, L.P. , AT&T Communications of the Midwest Inc., MCI Communications dba Verizon Business Services and Cellco Partnership)
- Order for and Notice of Procedural Schedule and Hearing
- Amended Procedural Schedule
- Order regarding Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Compel
- 03/18/11 - Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.dba Aventure Communications' Letter regarding Revised Access Tariff
- 03/31/11 - Qwest Communications Company's Letter regarding Motion and Certificate of Service
- 04/04/11 - Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s Letter regarding Response to Joint Petition of AT&T, Qwest,
Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon to Reject or, in the Alternative, Suspend and Investigate
Aventure's FCC Tariff No. 3, Transmittal No. 4
- Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s Response to Joint Petition of AT&T, Qwest, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon to Reject or, in the Alternative, Suspend and Investigate Aventure's FCC Tariff No. 3, Transmittal No. 4 and Certificate of Service
- FCC Public Notice - Protested Tariff Transmittal Action Taken
- Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s Resistance to Motion to Intervene and Request to Open an Investigation and Suspend Tariff During the Investigation and Certificate of Service
- 04/07/11 - Midcontinent Communications' Petition to Intervene
- 04/07/11 - Sprint's Letter regarding Petition to Intervene
- 04/08/11 - AT&T's Petition for Intervention and Request to Suspend Tariff and Investigate and Certificate of Service
- 04/08/11 - Verizon's Motion to Intervene and Requests to Open an Investigation and Suspend Tariff During the Investigation and Certificate of Service
- 05/13/11 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Stipulation for Waiver
- 06/21/11 - AT&T's Motion For Summary Judgment to Declare Aventure's Revised Access Tariff to be Unlawful and Certificate of Service
- 07/13/11 - Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s Letter regarding Amended Page 7 to South Dakota Tariff No. 3 – Competitive Access Provider Services Tariff
- 07/14/11 - Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s Letter regarding Amendment to Replacement Access Tariff
- Resistance to AT&T's Motion for Summary Judgment and Certificate of Service
- Petition of AT&T Corp. to Reject Transmittal No.5 to Aventure's Tariff FCC No.3 and Certificate of Service
- Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C. Competitive Access Provider Services Tariff
- Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C. Access Services Tariff
- Exhibit BC-3 confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit BC-4 confidential (not available to the public)
- Exhibit BC-9 confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/14/11 - Verizon's Response in Support of AT&T's Motion for Summary Judgment and Certificate of Service
- 07/15/11 - Staff's letter regarding docket procedure
- 07/18/11 - Aventure Communication Technology, L.L.C.'s letter regarding amendment to Replacement Access Tariff
- 09/07/11 - AT&T's Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment to Declare Aventure's Revised Access Tariff to be Unlawful and Certificate of Service
- 09/07/11 - Motion to Compel Discovery Responses from Aventure Communication Technology, LLC and Certificate of Service
- 09/14/11 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Motions Schedule
- 09/29/11 - Aventure's Resistance to AT&T's Motion to Compel Discovery Responses
- 10/07/11 - Aventure's Resistance to AT&T's Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment and Certificate of Service
- 10/12/11 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Commission Staff Reply to AT&T Motion for Summary Judgment
- 10/14/11 - Verizon's Response in Support of AT&T's Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment and Certificate of Service
- 10/14/11 - Qwest's Letter regarding Brief in Support of AT&T's Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment to Declare Aventure's Revised Access Tariff to be Unlawful
- 10/14/11 - Sprint's Memorandum in Support of AT&T's Motion to Compel Discovery from Aventure and Certificate of Service
- 10/17/11 - Sprint's Memorandum in Support AT&T's Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment and Certificate of Service
- 10/21/11 - AT&T's Reply Brief in Support of its Renewed Motion for Summary Judgment to Declare Aventure's Revised Access Tariff to be Unlawful and Certificate of Service
- 10/25/11 - Qwest Exhibit A
- 10/26/11 - Aventure's Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Carey Roesel and Certificate of Service
- 10/26/11 - Aventure's Pre-Hearing Exhibit List and Certificate of Service
- 10/26/11 - Aventure's Pre-filed Direct Testimony of Jim McKenna and Certificate of Service
- 10/27/11 - Application to Withdraw Tariff and Certificate of Service
- 11/10/11 - Docket Closed