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TC07-117 - In the Matter of the Petition for Midcontinent Communications for Approval of its Switched Access Rates.

Date Filed: 10/31/07 ♦ Intervention Date: 11/16/07 ♦ Docket Closed: 08/01/11

Refer to Docket: RM05-002 & TC10-014

Service List

Weekly Filing:
Weekly Filing 10/25/07 to 10/31/07

July 26, 2011, Agenda to Commission Meeting
March 10, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting

February 24, 2009, Agenda to Commission Meeting

December 16, 2008, Ad Hoc Agenda to Commission Meeting

July 29, 2008 Agenda to Commission Meeting

Minutes of July 26, 2011, Commission Meeting
Minutes of February 24, 2009, Commission Meeting
Minutes of December 16, 2008, Ad Hoc Commission Meeting

    Transcript of Proceedings, December 16, 2008 (Not Available to the Public)
Minutes of July 29, 2008, Commission Meeting

ORDER FOR AND NOTICE OF HEARING August 5, 2008, starting at 8:30 a.m.


Open Docket: