GW17-001 - In the Matter of the Grain Buyer License of H & I Grain of Hetland, Inc.
Date Filed: 06/19/17 ♦ Intervention Date: n/a ♦
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/22/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/24/17
Date of Notice of Filing: 06/22/17 ♦ Docket Closed: 07/24/17
July 21, 2017, Agenda of Commission Meeting
June 23, 2017, Agenda of Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
Minutes of July 21, 2017, Commission Meeting
Minutes of June 23, 2017, Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
- 06/23/17 - Order Suspending Grain Buyer License; Order Initiating Audit; Order to Post and Publish Notice of Suspension
- 07/24/17 - Order Revoking Grain Buyer License; Order Declining to Seek Receivership; Order to Open Docket to Address the Disbursement of Bond Proceeds
- 06/19/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Petition to Immediately Suspend Grain Buyer License Pursuant to SDCL 49-45-16
- 06/20/17 - PUC Staff's Letter regarding Additional Notices of Intent
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Dorothy Bryant)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Chad and Katherine Murphy)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Donna Ogren)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Frank Virchow)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Dale Virchow)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Jeff Albrecht)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Brad Albrecht)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Jon Albrecht)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Greg Albrecht)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (John Albrecht)
- 06/21/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to North American Specialty Ins. Co. regarding Notice to Surety
- 06/23/17 - PUC Staff's Notice of Scale House Posting
- 06/23/17 - Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Jeff Gruenhagen)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Trav Bratland)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Jerry Gruenhagen)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (David McDonald)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Daniel Rommereim)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Roger Walls)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Virgil Walls)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Rick Warne)
- 06/26/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to The Arlington Sun
- 06/26/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to De Smet News
- 06/26/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to Farm Forum
- 06/26/17 - PUC Staff's Letter to Lake Preston Times
- 06/28/17 - Notices of Intent
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Arlie Ellingson)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Chad Lee)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Kyle Lee)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Lee Serfling)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Ed Wilkinson)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Erin Wilkinson)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Devon Wolkow)
- 07/07/17 - Notices of Intent
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Randy Ogren)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Jim Gaard)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Darrel Reuer)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Kurt Christensen)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Gary Akkerman)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Chad and Rhonda Wosje)
- 07/07/17 - Lake Preston Times' Affidavit of Publication
- 07/07/17 - Staff's Request to Revoke Grain Buyer's License
- Attachment Confidential (not available to the public)
- Certificate of Service
- 07/10/17 - Farm Forum's Affidavit of Publication
- 07/10/17 - Staff's Letter regarding Receivership
- H & I Grain's FY16 Balance Sheet and Income Statement Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/10/17 - Notices of Intent
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (John Fuhr)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (LeRoy Erickson)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Brian Erickson)
- Notice of Intent to Sue on Bond (Coughlin Farms)
- 07/11/17 - Staff's Letter Providing Additional Information
- Staff's Letter Providing Additional Information Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/13/17 - North American Specialty Insurance Company's Letter regarding Bond #2201295
- 07/18/17 - Arlington Sun's Affidavit of Publication
- 07/19/17 - De Smet News' Affidavit of Publication
- 07/19/17 - Subpoena Duces Tecum (Danielle Mikkelson - Vilhauer Raml & Snyder P.C.)
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Letter regarding Financial Statements and Security Documents
- Financial Statements (August 31 , 2015 and 2014) Confidential (not available to the public)
- Great Western Bank's Security Documents Confidential (not available to the public)
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Letter to De Smet News regarding Notice of Revocation
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Letter to The Arlington Sun regarding Notice of Revocation
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Letter to Farm Forum regarding Notice of Revocation
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Letter to Lake Preston Times regarding Notice of Revocation
- 07/21/17 - PUC's Notice to Customers of H & I Grain of Hetland Inc.
- 07/24/17 - Docket Closed
- 07/31/17 - PUC Staff's Letter Updated Calculations regarding H & I Grain's Customer Losses
- 08/08/17 - Lake Preston Times' Affidavit of Publication
- 08/09/17 - The De Smet News' Affidavit of Publication
- 08/14/17 - Farm Forum's Affidavit of Publication
- 09/05/17 - Arlington Sun's Affidavit of Publication (7/6/17)
09/05/17 - Arlington Sun's Affidavit of Publication (7/27/17)- 09/11/17 - Farm Forum's Affidavit of Publication (08/4/17)
- 10/02/17 - Arlington Sun's Affidavit of Publication (7/27/17 & 8/3/17) - Replaces Affidavit filed on 9/5/17