EL11-006 - In the Matter of the Complaint by Oak Tree Energy LLC against NorthWestern Energy for refusing to enter into a Purchase Power Agreement
Exhibits - Hearing December 5-6, 2012
Oak Tree- Exhibit 1
(Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart)
- Tab 1 (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 1)
- Tab 2 (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 2)
- Tab 3 (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 3)
- Tab 4 (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 4)
- Tab 5 Confidential (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 5)
- Tab 6 Confidential (Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart Exhibit 6)
- Exhibit 2 Confidential (Rebuttal Testimony of J. Richard Lauckhart)
- Exhibit 3 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens)
- Tab 1 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 1)
- Tab 2 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 2)
- Tab 3 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 3)
- Tab 4 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 4)
- Tab 5 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 5)
- Tab 6 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 6)
- Tab 7 Confidential (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 7) (not available to the public)
- Tab 8 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 8)
- Tab 9 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 9)
- Tab 10 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 10)
- Tab 11 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 11)
- Tab 12 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 12)
- Tab 13 (Rebuttal Testimony of Michael Makens Exhibit 13)
- Exhibit 4 Confidential (NorthWestern Board Meeting Agenda of April 26, 2011) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 5 Confidential (NorthWestern Board Meeting Minutes of April 26, 2011) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 6 Confidential (NorthWestern Board Meeting Minutes of May 20-21, 2008) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 7 Confidential (NorthWestern Board Meeting Agenda of May 20, 2008) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 8 Confidential (South Dakota Peaking Project) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 1 (Bleau LaFave's Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits 1-4)
- Exhibit 2 (Bleau LaFave's Responsive Testimony)
- Exhibit 3 (Richard J. Green's Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits 1-2)
- Exhibit 4 (Dennis L. Wagner's Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony)
- Exhibit 5 (Dennis L. Wagner's Responsive Testimony)
- Exhibit 6 (Steven E. Lewis' Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits 1-9)
- Exhibit 6 Confidential (Exhibit 10 of Steven E. Lewis' Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony) (not available to the public)
- Exhibit 7 (Steven E. Lewis' Responsive Testimony)
- Exhibit 8 (Pamela A. Bonrud's Prefiled and Direct and Rebuttal Testimony)
- Exhibit 9 Confidential (Titan I Wind Project Power Purchase Agreement and Exhibits A-G (Pages NWE 001341-001550) (not available to the public)