Commission Dockets | previous page
EL07-011- In the Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company forĀ Approval of its Proposed Energy Efficiency Partnership Plan for 2008.
Date Filed: 03/29/07 ♦ Intervention Deadline: 05/04/07 ♦Docket Closed: 07/28/08
Weekly Filing
Weekly Filing 03/29/07 to 04/04/07
May 20, 2008, Agenda to Commission Meeting
March 26, 2008, Ad Hoc Agenda to Commission Meeting
March 11, 2008, Agenda to Commission Meeting
Minutes of May 20, 2008, Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 26, 2008, Ad Hoc Commission Meeting
Minutes of March 11, 2008, Commission Meeting
Open Docket Closed Docket
- 03/29/07 - Letter and Proposed Plan
- 11/29/07 - Letter from Tony Simons
- 03/03/08 - Staff Memorandum
- 03/07/08 - Otter Tail's Response to Staff Memorandum
- 03/31/08 - Letter to Patricia Van Gerpen from Karen E. Cremer
- 05/08/08 - Letter and Proposed Energy Efficiency Plan
- 05/19/08 - Staff Memorandum
- 08/25/08 - Letter and Tariff Sheets