Commission Dockets | previous page
APPLICATION OF Black Hills Power, Inc. for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates
- Letter of Transmittal (Section 1)
- Present Rate Schedule for SD (Section 2)
- Proposed Rate Schedule (Section 2)
- Comparison of Revenue (Section 3)
- Section 4
- Work Papers (Section 5)
- Testimony Linden R. Evans
- Testimony Kyle D. White
- Testimony Jacqueline A. Sargent
- Testimony Thomas M. Ohlmacher
- Testimony Michael J. Fredrich
- Testimony Christopher J. Kilpatrick
- Testimony Mark T. Thies
- Testimony Perry S. Krush
- Testimony Larry W. Loos
- Testimony Garner M. Anderson
- Testimony William E. Avera
- Testimony Donald J. Martinez