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Pipeline Safety Webinars

The PUC Pipeline Safety Program hosts webinars on a number of topics throughout the year. Call the PUC at (605) 773-3201 to inquire further about these and other available training opportunities.

2013 Webinars

July 9, 2013 - An Overview of Picarro's State of the Art Natural Gas Leak Detection Technology: Presenter Chris Vale - Leak Detection Program Manager, Picarro Inc.

• Science
• Real World Application
• Results1 hour 48 min.

May 14, 2013 - Common Ground Alliance Best Practices, Presenters:  Don Heyer, Mark Newman and Erika Lee – Common Ground Alliance

• Overview of Committee
• Process Flow
• What's new in version 10.0
• Trenchless Best Practices
• Resources 27min.

Feb. 13, 2013 - Pipeline Classification Webinar, Nathan Solem Presenter

• PHMSA Pipe Classification Protocol
• 192.3 Definitions
• Definition Application from Federal Interpretations
• Case Studies 1-10
• Declaratory Ruling PS11-001
• Takeaways
• 2 or More Large Volume Customers
• Classification for Siting vs. Pipeline Safety
• Case Studies 11-24 35 min.

Jan. 17, 2013 - DOT Urine Collection and Breath Alcohol Testing, Presenter Mary Zanter, Pipeline Safety Engineer

Abstract: DOT Urine Collection and Breath Alcohol Testing, Presenter Mary Zanter, Pipeline Safety Engineer
• The Role of the Collection Facilities
• Why is this testing important?
• Key Steps for Breath Alcohol Test
• Key Steps for Urine Collection
• Problems Found in Audits
• Questions? 38 min.

2012 Webinars

Nov. 13, 2012 - An Overview of the South Dakota Transmission Pipeline Siting Statutes and Administrative Rules (please note this file takes a little awhile to buffer)

Abstract: John Smith, SDPUC General Counsel discusses the South Dakota transmission pipeline siting statutes and administrative rules:
• Overview of statutes
• Overview of administrative rules
• Environmental issues
• Easements
• Permit conditions 52 min.

August 14, 2012 - Control Room Management

This webinar features Karen Butler, PHMSA Central Region Operations Supervisor and one of the key people involved in developing the control room management regulations talking about:
• Why would I care about control room management regulations?
• What is a control room and what is not?
• What have inspections been finding?
• Where can I find information about the regulation? 51 min.

July 10, 2012 - Pipeline Emergency Responder Coordination

Part 1 of this webinar presents best practices from operators in:
• Communicating required information to emergency responders under pipeline public awareness regulations (49 CFR 192.616)0
• Communicating required information to emergency responders under pipeline emergency plan requirements (49 CFR 192.615)

Part 2 of this webinar presents information on coordinating emergency responders during incidents and covers:
• What is the operator’s role at an incident?
• What is the incident commander’s role?
• How does the incident command system work?
• What is the National Incident command system? 1 hour 56 min.

June 8, 2012 - Solicitation of Operator Input for Proposed Changes for Pipeline Penalty Calculations

This webinar was a solicitation of operator input for proposed changes to the pipeline penalty calculation worksheet needed as a result of a tenfold increase in the absolute penalty level statute. 31 min.

March 20, 2012 - Overview of the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty and Job Creation Act of 2011

Ben Fred from PHMSA's Office of Chief Counsel explains the changes brought by new federal legislation. 37 min.

Feb. 14, 2012 - Pipeline Inspection Issues
Nathan Solem, pipeline safety program manager for the South Dakota PUC covers topics such as the most frequent inspection issues, inspection preparation and the do's and don'ts of an inspection. 25 min.

2011 Webinar

Sept. 27, 2011 - Effective Public Awareness
South Dakota PUC Pipeline Safety Program Manager Nathan Solem offers a recap of a PHMSA presentation from the CGA Excavation Safety Conference & Expo in March 2011 and reviews frequently asked questions to help pipeline operators develop and administer an effective public awareness program. 51 min.