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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting
June 10, 2010, at 1:00 p.m.
Room 413, Capitol Building, Pierre, South Dakota, AND
Room 155, Technology Center, Mitchell Technical Institute, 1800 E. Spruce, St.
Mitchell, South Dakota


Chairman Dusty Johnson called the meeting to order.  Present at the Pierre location were: Commission Counsel Rolayne Ailts Wiest; Commission Advisor Greg Rislov; Staff Attorney Karen Cremer; Staff Analysts Jon Thurber, Dave Jacobson, Terri LaBrie Baker, Tim Binder and Bob Knadle; Finance Officer Cindy Kemnitz; Administrative Secretary Demaris Axthelm; and Chuck Schroyer of Schmidt, Schroyer, Moreno, Lee & Bachand, representing Black Hills Industrial Intervenors. 

Present at the Mitchell location were: Chairman Dusty Johnson; Commission Counsel John Smith; Todd Brink and Kyle White representing Black Hills Power; Lee Magnuson of Lynn, Jackson, Shultz & Lebrun PC, representing Black Hills Power; and Andrew Moratzka of Mackall Crounse & Moore, representing Black Hills Industrial Intervenors.

Joining the meeting by telephone were: Vice-Chairman Steve Kolbeck; Commissioner Gary Hanson; Sam Khoroosi of Khoroosi Law Office, representing Residential Consumer Coalition; Dave Peterson of Chesapeake Consulting, Staff Consultant; George Evans of Slater Consulting, Staff Consultant; Randall Falkenberg, representing Black Hills Industrial Intervenors; and Glynda Rahn and Chris Kilpatrick, representing Black Hills Power.


1.     EL09-018 - In the Matter of the Application of Black Hills Power, Inc. for Authority to Increase its Electric Rates. (Staff Analyst: Bob Knadle, Dave Jacobson, Terri LaBrie Baker, Jon Thurber, Tim Binder, Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer)

      The parties met to discuss contract amendments for both Slater Consulting and Chesapeake Consultants; and to discuss the Joint Motion for Settlement Stipulation between Black Hills Power and Black Hills Industrial Intervenors. The Commission requested Mr. Kyle White, Black Hills Power, to submit an affidavit supporting the information provided at the Ad Hoc Commission Meeting. A transcript of these proceedings can be found at:

      Commissioner Hanson moved to approve the contract amendments for Chesapeake Consultants in the amount of $90,228.00. Motion passed 3-0.

      Chairman Johnson moved to approval the contract amendments for Slater Consulting in the amount of $25,453.00. Motion passed 3-0.

      Vice-Chairman Kolbeck moved to approve the Joint Motion for Approval of Settlement Stipulation between Black Hills Power and Black Hills Industrial Intervenors. Motion passed 3-0.

There being no further business, at the hour of 2:03 pm, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting adjourned. The next regularly Commission meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2010.


/S/Stephanie Harmon        
Stephanie Harmon
Administrative Secretary
July 6, 2010