Commission Minutes | previous page
South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting
Wednesday, March 3, 1999; 4:00 P.M.
State Capitol Building, Room 468
Pierre, South Dakota
Chairman Jim Burg called the meeting to order. Present were Commissioner Pam Nelson, Commissioner Laska Schoenfelder, Executive Director Bill Bullard, General Counsel Rolayne Ailts Wiest, Commission Advisor Greg Rislov, Utility Analysts Bob Knadle, Dave Jacobson and Michele Farris, Staff Attorneys Karen Cremer and Camron Hoseck, Consumer Representative Leni Healy and Administrative Secretary Shirleen Fugitt.
Joining the meeting by phone were Todd Lundy and Tom Welk, U S West Communications; Mary Lohnes, Midco Communications; and Letty Friesen, AT&T.
Chairman Burg moved that the Commission approve the Interconnection Agreement as requested by the parties. Notwithstanding the issuance of the recent U S. Supreme Court decision, the parties are requesting that the Interconnection Agreement be approved as filed without modification. Chairman Burg further moved that the Commission make no findings on whether the Interconnection Agreement accurately reflects the Commission's arbitrated decisions since the parties were free to further negotiate and decide upon mutually agreeable terms and conditions that differed from the Commission's arbitrated decisions. Commissioner Nelson seconded and Commissioner Schoenfelder concurred. Motion passed 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned.
Shirleen Fugitt
Administrative Secretary