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Master Metering and Individual Metering Requirements

ARSD 20:10:26:03 requires that individual gas metering or electric metering, or both, shall be required under certain circumstances for all gas and electric utilities under the commission’s jurisdiction.

ARSD 20:10:26:04 provides for specific instances when individual metering is not required and no variance need be requested for mater metering.

If a developer or other prospective customer believes a project qualifies for an exception under ARSD 20:10:26:04(6), the process for determination of the exception with the commission can be found in docket AA14-002 using the order in that docket found here: AA14-002 Order Establishing Procedure for Consideration of Notices of Exception (6) from Master Metering Prohibition

If a variance request is needed, ARSD 20:10:26:05 through 08 provide for the process for requesting a variance to the individual metering requirement. The request must be electronically filed with commission and include the required information set forth in ARSD 20:10:26:05.

A full list of Master Metering Variance Rules can be found at ARSD 20:10:26 (Master Metering Variance Rules)