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The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission meeting scheduled for TUESDAY May 21, 2024, has been canceled.


  1. The PUC office will be closed Monday, May 27, 2024, in observance of Memorial Day.

  2. A public input meeting for docket EL24-015 - In the Matter of the Application by Otter Tail Power Company and Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency for a Facility Permit for a 345-kV Transmission Facility and Associated Facilities in Grant County, South Dakota will be held Wednesday, May 29, 2024, beginning at 5:30 p.m. CDT at the Big Stone American Legion, Big Stone City, South Dakota.

  3. The next regular commission meeting will be Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. CDT in Room 413 at the State Capitol Building, Pierre, South Dakota.

      4.   Commission meetings are scheduled for June 17 and July 2, 2024.