South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting
July 29, 2020, at 1:00 P.M. CDT
Room 413, Capitol Building
Pierre, South Dakota
NOTE: Docket participants who wish to join this meeting by conference call should contact the Commission at 605-773-3201 by 5:00 p.m. CDT on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, to reserve a phone line. Lines are limited and assigned on a first come, first served basis, subject to possible reassignment to accommodate persons who must appear in a proceeding. Ultimately, if you wish to participate in docket discussion at the Commission Meeting and a line is not available, you may have to appear in person.
NOTE: To listen to the Commission Meeting live please go to the PUC’s website www.puc.sd.gov and click on the LIVE link on the home page. The Commission requests persons who will only be listening to proceedings and not actively appearing in a case listen via the webcast to free phone lines for those who have to appear. The Commission meetings are archived on the PUC’s website under the Commission Actions tab. Click on “Commission Meeting Archives,” to access the recordings.
NOTE: Notice is further given to persons with disabilities that this Commission meeting is being held in a physically accessible place. If you have special needs, please notify the Commission and we will make all necessary arrangements.
1. EL18-003 In the Matter of the Application by Dakota Range I, LLC and Dakota Range II, LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy Facility in Grant County and Codington County, South Dakota, for the Dakota Range Wind Project (Staff Analysts: Darren Kearney, Jon Thurber; Staff Attorney: Amanda Reiss)
On January 24, 2018, the Commission received an Application for a Facility Permit for a wind energy facility from Dakota Range I, LLC, and Dakota Range II, LLC. An evidentiary hearing was held June 12-14, 2018. On July 23, 2018, the Commission issued its Final Decision and Order Granting Permit to Construct Wind Energy Facility. On January 6, 2020, Northern States Power Company (NSP) filed a Motion for Approval of Transfer of Permit which the Commission granted on March 9, 2020. Condition 36 of the permit requires the permit holder to provide a public liaison officer, approved by the Commission prior to commencement of construction. On July 22, 2020, NSP filed a letter regarding its proposed public liaison officer.
TODAY, shall the Commission approve Northern States Power’s proposal for a public liaison officer? OR, how shall the Commission proceed?
Public Comment
Individuals who wish to make public comments to the commission may do so in person during this time. All who offer public comment are requested to sign in at the commission meeting. Time limits for comments may be determined at the discretion of the chairman.
/s/Leah Mohr .
Leah Mohr
Deputy Executive Director
July 23, 2020