South Dakota Public Utilities Commission Meeting
July 10, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. CDT
Room 414, Capitol Building
Pierre, South Dakota
NOTE: If you wish to join this meeting by conference call, please contact the Commission at 605-773-3201 by 10:00 a.m. CDT on Tuesday, July 10, 2018. Lines are limited and are given out on a first come, first served basis, subject to possible reassignment to accommodate persons who must appear in a proceeding. Ultimately, if you wish to participate in the Commission Meeting and a line is not available you may have to appear in person.
NOTE: To listen to the Commission Meeting live please go to the PUC’s website www.puc.sd.gov and click on the LIVE link on the home page. The Commission requests persons who will only be listening to proceedings and not actively appearing in a case listen via the webcast to free phone lines for those who have to appear. The Commission meetings are archived on the PUC’s website under the Commission Actions tab, Click on “Commission Meeting Archives,” to access the recordings.
NOTE: Notice is further given to persons with disabilities that this Commission meeting is being held in a physically accessible place. If you have special needs, please notify the Commission and we will make all necessary arrangements.
1. EL18-003 In the Matter of the Application by Dakota Range I, LLC and Dakota Range II, LLC for a Permit of a Wind Energy Facility in Grant County and Codington County, South Dakota, for the Dakota Range Wind Project (Staff Analysts: Darren Kearney, Jon Thurber; Staff Attorneys: Kristen Edwards, Amanda Reiss)
On January 24, 2018, the Commission received an Application for a Facility Permit for a wind energy facility (Application) from Dakota Range I, LLC, and Dakota Range II, LLC (together Dakota Range or Applicant). Applicant proposes to construct a wind energy facility to be located in Grant County and Codington County, South Dakota, known as the Dakota Range Wind Project (Project). The Project would be situated within an approximately 44,500-acre project area, 10 miles northeast of Watertown, South Dakota (Project Area). The total installed capacity of the Project would not exceed 302.4MW nameplate capacity. The proposed Project includes up to 72 wind turbine generators, access roads to turbines and associated facilities, underground 34.5-kilovolt (kV) electrical collector lines connecting the turbines to the collection substation, underground fiber-optic cable for turbine communications co-located with the collector lines, a 34.5-kV to 345-kV collection substation, up to five permanent meteorological towers, and an operations and maintenance facility. The Project would interconnect to the high-voltage transmission grid via the Big Stone South to Ellendale 345-kV transmission line which crosses the Project Area. The Project is expected to be completed in 2021. Applicant estimates the total construction cost to be $380 million. On April 6, 2018, the Commission issued an Order Granting Party Status and Establishing Procedural Schedule. An evidentiary hearing was held on June 12 through June 14, 2018. On June 18, 2018, the Commission issued an Order Setting Post-Hearing Briefing Schedule and Decision Date.
TODAY, shall the Commission grant, deny, or grant with conditions, a permit for the construction of a wind energy facility to Dakota Range pursuant to SDCL 49-41B-25? OR, how shall the Commission proceed?
/s/Cindy Kemnitz .
Cindy Kemnitz
Finance Manager
PUC Email
July 3, 2018