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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period June 9 through June 15, 2022

These dockets can be found on the PUC website,


EL22-014 - In the Matter of the Filing by Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., a Subsidiary of MDU Resources Group Inc., for Approval to Revise Residential Electric Dual Fuel Space Heating Service Rate 53

Staff Analyst: Eric Paulson
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/15/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

EL22-015 - In the Matter of the Joint Request for an Electric Service Territory Boundary Change between Northern States Power Company dba Xcel Energy and Southeastern Electric Cooperative Inc.

Staff Analyst: Darren Kearney
Staff Attorney: Kristen Edwards
Date Filed: 06/15/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22


TC22-014 - In the Matter of the Filing of MCImetro Access Transmission Services LLC dba Verizon Access Transmission Services for Approval of Revisions to Its Access Services Tariff No. 2

Staff Analyst: Joseph Rezac
Staff Attorney: Amanda Reiss
Date Filed: 06/09/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

TC22-015 - In the Matter of the Request of Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Areas: Armour-391640, Golden West Telecom-391659, Kadoka-391667, Sioux Valley-391677, Union-391684, Vivian-391686)

Staff Analyst: Joseph Rezac
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/13/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

TC22-016 - In the Matter of the Request of James Valley Cooperative Telephone Company for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 391664)

Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Commission Attorney: Karen E. Cremer
Date Filed: 06/15/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

TC22-017 - In the Matter of the Request of James Valley Wireless, LLC for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Area: 399014)

Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Commission Attorney: Karen E. Cremer
Date Filed: 06/15/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

TC22-018 - In the Matter of the Request of Northern Valley Communications, LLC for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support (Study Areas: 399017 and 396340)

Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Commission Attorney: Adam de Hueck
Date Filed: 06/15/22
Intervention Date: 07/01/22

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