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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period November 14, 2013, through November 20, 2013

Copies of these items can be found on the PUC website at


EL13-033     In the Matter of the Filing by NorthWestern Corporation, dba NorthWestern Energy for Approval of a Contract with Deviations

Staff Analyst:  Robin Meyerink
Staff Attorney:  Karen Cremer
Date Filed:  11/14/13
Intervention Date:  12/06/13

EL13-035     In the Matter of the Request for Approval of an Electric Service Territory Boundary Agreement between Bon Homme Yankton Electric Association, Inc. and Clay-Union Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Staff Analyst:  Jason Simmons
Staff Attorney:  Kristen Edwards
Date Filed:  11/15/13
Intervention Date:   12/06/13

EL13-036     In the Matter of the Application of Black Hills Power, Inc. for Approval of Deferred Accounting for Costs Incurred Due to Winter Storm Atlas Damage and to Transfer the Remaining Plant Balance for the Soon to be Decommissioned Neil Simpson I, Osage, and Ben French Plants to a Regulatory Asset

Staff Analysts:  Brittany Mehlhaff/ Patrick Steffensen
Staff Attorney:  Karen Cremer
Date Filed:  11/15/13
Intervention Date:   12/06/13


OC13-030     In the Matter of the Complaint Filed by Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., Rapid City, South Dakota, Against Heavy Constructors, Inc., Rapid City, South Dakota, for an Incident Occurring on October 23, 2013, at 2125 Jackson Blvd., Rapid City, S.D.

One Call Executive Director:  Larry Janes
Staff Attorney:  Kristen Edwards
Date Filed:  11/19/13
Answer Deadline:  12/10/13

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