South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period May 12, 2011, through May 18, 2011
EL11-010 In the Matter of the Filing by Otter Tail Power Company for Approval of Tariff Revisions
On May 12, 2011, the Commission received an application by Otter Tail Power Company for approval to revise Section 16.00, Sheet No. 4. This revised sheet is the second revision to Sheet No. 4 of Otter Tail's summary list of contracts with deviations. The municipal service agreement between Otter Tail and the City of Ward, S.D., referenced on the current Summary List of Contracts with Deviations has expired and there is a new agreement for municipal services as of May 1, 2011. Electric service provided by Otter Tail to the City of Ward is at Commission approved tariff rates and therefore a contract with deviations no longer exists with the City of Ward. The contract has been removed from the list as shown on the attached Section 16.00, Second Revised Sheet No. 4 Canceling First Revised Sheet No. 4.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Ryan Soye
Date Filed: 05/12/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
On May 13, 2011, the Commission received an application from Jefferson Telephone Company requesting the Commission to issue a certification to the FCC and USAC indicating it is in compliance with 47 U.S.C., Section 254(e) and should receive all federal universal service support determined for distribution to the Company in 2012.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 05/13/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
TC11-022 In the Matter of the Filing of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions for an Amended Certificate of Authority
On May 17, 2011, the Commission received a petition by Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions requesting an amendment to its certificate of authority (COA). In TC07-090, ICSolutions was granted a COA subject to the continuous maintenance of a letter of credit. ICSolutions is requesting that it be permitted to amend its COA such that it will have an Indemnity Bond in the amount of $25,000 in lieu of an irrevocable letter of credit and requesting an effective date of June 1, 2011.
Staff Analyst: Dave Jacobson
Staff Attorney: Karen Cremer
Date Filed: 05/17/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
TC11-023 In the Matter of the Request of Alliance Communications Cooperative, Inc. for Certification Regarding Its Use of Federal Universal Service Support
On May 17, 2011, the Commission received an application from Alliance Communications Cooperative, Inc. requesting the Commission to issue a certification to the FCC and USAC indicating it is in compliance with 47 U.S.C., Section 254(e) and should receive all federal universal service support determined for distribution to the Company in 2012.
Staff Analyst: Bobbi Bourk
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 05/17/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
On May 17, 2011, the Commission received an application from Hills Telephone Company requesting the Commission to issue a certification to the FCC and USAC indicating it is in compliance with 47 U.S.C., Section 254(e) and should receive all federal universal service support determined for distribution to the Company in 2012.
Staff Analyst: Brittany Mehlhaff
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 05/17/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
On May 17, 2011, the Commission received an application from Splitrock Properties Inc. requesting the Commission to issue a certification to the FCC and USAC indicating it is in compliance with 47 U.S.C., Section 254(e) and should receive all federal universal service support determined for distribution to the Company in 2012.
Staff Analyst: Bobbi Bourk
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 05/17/11
Intervention Deadline: 06/03/11
TC11-026 In the Matter of the Approval of the Amendment to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and XO Communications Services, Inc.
On May 17, 2011, the Commission received a filing for approval of the amendment to the interconnection agreement of adding terms and conditions relating to xDSL Capable Loops between Qwest Corporation and XO Communications Services, Inc. for the state of South Dakota. Any party wishing to comment may do so by filing written comments with the Commission and the parties to the Agreement no later than June 6, 2011. Parties to the Agreement may file written responses to the comments no later than twenty days after the service of the initial comments.
Staff Attorney: Kara Semmler
Date Filed: 05/17/11
Initial Comments Due: 06/06/11
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